1920 Detroit Stars

A Calendar, Including Newspaper Clippings, of the 1920 Detroit Stars

1920 Detroit Stars Games

Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.

January 3, 1920

Chicago, IL
"Pitfalls of Baseball - Written Exclusively for the Chicago Defender by Andrew ('Rube') Foster, Manager of the Famous American Giants Baseball Team - In again taking up this subject I am going to touch on the disadvantage clubs have had to encounter to keep the game in front of the people. Some have had good intentions, meant well, many times hoping against hope that some unforseen miracle would happen to enlighten them on their way; that unforseen hand has no appeared. When it does come you will find that few Colored men will be interested in the clubs. When you scan the list of the past and present owners of Colored Clubs, you will find among them, men who are not due any success, with a few exceptions. To be successful in anything, one must pattern after systems and methods of men who have made success in the same line of busines. This you cannot put into the heads of those that want to promote the game. A practice among the various club owners has been to take men from different clubs, many times after they have drawn money from the club they are leaving. It has gotten so bad managers do not trust players, nor do the players trust the managers. It's folly for one to teach a player to jump and not pay the manager he leaves and expect that same player to be honest with him. When some one persuades the same man to leave him, disgusted, he will wire you, 'If you pay such a club, I will not play for you.' This stopped it for a while, but each club adopted the habit of taking each other's men until they have so complicated things they do not play each other. - Organized Baseball Great Pattern - In organized baseball each club secures men from different clubs. It must be an agreement between the club owners that a player is the property of the club who retains his services until released. There is no ball club in the country that can secure his services. Even the big leagues do not tamper with different clubs' players. With all the money invested in their clubs, they have deemed it necessary to form some agreement to work by protecting each other's rights. Yet our club owners laugh at such protection and have year after year done just the opposite. - Players Do Not Want Organization - I have talked with several players and they asked me, did I not think organization would hurt their chances as to salaries. When the club owners get together they will pay what they please; we do not want organizations. I said if you ever expect to really make any money out of baseball it will be done through organization. There are several players playing ball that get more to play one season than the salary list of any three Colored clubs at the present time. They play under organization. Has it hut them? Do you realize that if protection was given men there would be money put into baseball, parks would be built, that it would offer inducements to players to try and develop, knowing there was some future attached to their profession. - Assets of Our Clubs - The time has passed when you can camouflage the public. The public has been wised up to many things. Now it's up to the men who want to continue to give the people something besides bunk. There are not four Colored Clubs North that could not go out of the business today and lose nothing but the uniforms they had last season; yet they will parade around and tell you they own a ball club. Clubs like the A.B.C.s, Detroit, Kansas City, Royal Giants, and Cuban Stars have never had a dime invested beyond their uniforms and advance money. It is natural for them, with the expense of only salaries, to be in a position to do much damage to the clubs that are burdened with heavy overhead expense. Admitting that the clubs are important to the success of both parties, one would not expect the club with the heavy expense to compete with the clubs with apparently no expense; yet they must do more, and have. - Ball Parks Necessary - It is very necessary that we have parks to play in. Without them there would be no incentive for one to choose baseball as a profession. Yet these parks must not be burdened too heavy as when they go baseball North will pass along, as the building restrictions are such and real estate so high that you could not expect Colored owners to promote such an expensive plant just to be giving employment to a profession when it must be at a loss. Yet, you cannot get the men to come together and try to cement some plans for the betterment of the game. - Organization is Sure to Come - We cannot get along without organization. Neither will we have sufficient parks to play in to warrant paying greater salaries than we are at present unless we organize. There are thousands of dollars ready for such an organization. The money will naturally be supported better than the American Association, whose salary limit is $5,000 per month. Then will come the cry that it's a shame that all this money goes into the hands of the whites. Yet we will be the ones at fault. They can easily triple the present salaries and make money, as they will systemize it, build sufficient parks and give employment to many hundred Colored players. There is no hope to even maintain the standard that we have reached. Rentals of all parks have gone up. At any minute the leases of present parks can be terminated. Many Colored men with money have begged to get into the game, but they want it patterned after the way leagues are conducted. - Last Attempt to Get Owners Together - This will be the last time I will ever try and interest Colored club owners to get together on some working basis, I have so often been refused the necessary capital, not desiring to give to others the chance of monopolizing Colored baseball, but they are not going to continue, to wait on me with their money. They can do so and leave me where I am. I have made the effort, it's now up to the ones that expect to permanently figure in baseball to get together."

January 10, 1920

Chicago, IL
"Pete Hill Writes On Detroit Stars - To the Sporting Editor: - The Detroit Stars are fast getting in line for the coming season. Several of the men have already signed, and the rest are expected in line at any time. Several new men will be seen in the Stars' line-up this season, and Pete says that the Stars will have even a better team than last season, when they won the series from every team they met with the exception of the American Giants, who beat them out by the close margin of one game, it being Hill's first year in the roll of manager and even greater things are expected of him the coming season, for he is a pretty wise old bird, having played under the old master, Rube Foster, for over 18 years. He has signed up a big left hander, from Texas who is said to have as much stuff as Donaldson did in his best days and a third baseman from the same state by the name of Hill, and it is said that Hills can play ball. Pete says he is going to try and beat Babe Ruth's record for home runs this season. He only fell one short last season. Pete is wintering in Detroit and says he will make this his future home. Owner Tenny Blount is a very busy man these days, and says he expects to have the seating capacity enlared. Resprectfully yours, Pete Hill, Manager Detroit Stars, Detroit, Michigan."

Chicago, IL
"Pitfalls of Baseball - Written Exclusively for the Chicago Defender by Andrew ('Rube') Foster, Manager of the Famous American Giants Baseball Team - In one of my previous articles I asked that the owners of clubs write for the plan of an organization or working agreement between the various clubs. In this plan we were to have a regular Western Circuit, composed of Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Detroit, St. Louis, Kansas City, the Eastern circuit to be composed of Pittsburg, Cleveland, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, both to be two separate organizations, the same as National and American Leagues, the winner of each circuit to meet the winner in a world's championship series. This would have been the salvation of baseball. But to date I have received but one letter that would be interesting, that letter came from Washington. - Fans Due Consideration - It would have been in keeping with the times for such a circuit as named above to do something concrete as a stepping stone to success; that would warrant the continuance of the patronage that they have enjoyed, based solely on their loyalty to the Race. This cannot be kept at the present stand; there is something the people want, that their patronage demands, something that would make them appreciate their children entering a profession that would equal the earning capacity of any other profession, and that thing can be done only as the 128 leagues operated by the whites, that have measured their efforts with permanent success, so much so that a graduate from Yale, Princeton and many large medical schools and colleges of law have laid aside their college professions to become ball players, merely because it paid them better to do so. We can do the same thing, but only in patterning after the system of success used by them. A better circuit could not be arraned than the one outlined, even if we only got the support of Colored people. The smallest Colored Population in either city is 50,000, running to 150,000. They would rally around any progressive move, the same as they have rallied around us, knowing we were doing nothing, with hopes for our advance from the old system of parading under false pretenses. - Nothing Invested in Baseball - I have made baseball a study. My ready knowledge of the things accomplished by the different clubs made it possible for me to write these articles. Did you know that Hilldale, Royal Giants, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Detroit, Chicago Giants, Dayton and hundreds of other ball clubs, wonderful investments as owners of clubs, have no assets that you can realized fifty dollars as a load; that the Lincoln Giants, St. Louis and Chicago were the only places with assets; that the assets of the American Giants cost an expenditure of more money than all the Colored parks combined; that it was built new from the ground at a cost greater than the combined cost of all the Negro parks? I want to speak some cold, hard facts to the men that refused to cooperate with such a move, knowing that they have permanently erased their chances to permanently figure in baseball, and very soon you will see these progressive owners of bunk baying their way to see baseball played by Colored clubs. Cost of ball parks and the advanced price of real estate in all large cities have doubled in price; the cost of materials, workers and everything necessary to operate a ball park or club has advanced 50 per cent. This will require many thousand dollars to even build a park. If such money could be secured, the building restrictions are such that in none of the large cities could a permit be secured. First you have to get consent to build from the property owners that surround the ground. As no Colored person owns any place, around any available space (north), this permit can only be had through the whites. Thus they are eliminated by circumstances. Even were such conditions eliminated, the amount of money necessary to operate a club, you would only find a man escaped from the insane asylum that would put money into such a proposition, not knowing where they were to get off. I have fought against delivering Colored baseball into the control of whites, thinking that with a show of patronage from the fans we would get together. The get-together efford has been a failure. In justice to myself and the many players that will eventually benefit by ownership with system money and parks, admitting that I cannot prevent it much longer, as in the past, I had better see that the snow does not stay in my yard after these many hard years of effort."

January 17, 1920

Chicago, IL
"Rube Foster Wants 'Get Together' Meet of All Baseball Owners. - 'Andy' says Organized Effort Is Our Only Salvation Magnates of the West Should Meet Owners of the East, Pick an Aribtration Board and From This Agreement Draw Up a Working Agreement for All to Abide By. - By Charles D. Marshall. - Organized baseball is on and Andrew Rube Foster is at the helm. Or, we might say that this great captain of the national game has started the ball to rolling to which I think the forming of a Colored baseball league may be the outcome. In an article published in a Chicago paper recently, Mr. Foster had the following to say: I am going to make the effort to arrange to have all the owners in the East to meet all the owners in the West, either at Chicago or New York, at a certain date, pick an arbitration board from experienced men of business, and from the agreement draw a working agreement for all of us to abide by, the signers of such an agreement to deposit $500 in good faith that they will live up to such an agreement. It is not a proposition to exchange players. Each club will be allowed to retain their players, but cement a partnership in working for the organized good of baseball. Conducted on the same identical plan as both big leagues and all minor leagues, even the semi-pro leagues, the outcome would be the East would be the same as National League, the West as American League, the winner of the majority of games in the East to meet the Western winners in a real world's championship. This will pave the way for such champion team eventually to play the winner among the whites. This is no more than possible. "Only in uniform strength is there permanent success. I invite all owners to write for information on this proposition. It is open to all." - Andy's Plan a Most Plausible One. - So far as the baseball fan is concerned, the above plan seems a most plausible one, for in my rounds I have discovered that nearly every lover of baseball, player and magnate is very enthusiastic over this brilliant idea of having organized baseball among the colored clubs, both East and West. There is no doubt of the fact that a new and greater interest will be taken in baseball. A guaranteed protection of money must be assured to the new owners of clubs these days, and some sort of a get-together must be brought about at once. Magnates are not going to take the risk on clubs and parks where there is no assets, as they have in the past. It is my opinion that a Western circuit or league of ball will shortly be formed comprising Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Detroit, St. Louis and Kansas City, and an Eastern circuit to be composed of Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, both to be two separate organizations, the same as a National and American League, the winner of each circuit to meet the winner in a world's championship series. If such a step is taken the salvation of baseball is assured. As I have always said, such a move will be the real stepping stone to success. There is no doubting the fact that nearly every colored ball park in the cities mentioned enjoy a large patronage each season, but the question is, will they continue if something is not done to strengthen the present interest? I say it will not stand unless organized baseball is put into action. So, when a great leader like Rube Foster offers to share his knowledge and costly experience for the betterment of each and every owner of baseball clubs, I think that there should be an enthusiastic rally to the support of the idea and have a meeting and make every possible effort to get organized ball on the go by the summer of 1920. - C.I. Taylor's Return to Great Game an Event. The return to the baseball world of C.I. Taylor, owner and manager of the famous Indianapolis A.B.C.'s next season, as announced by the scribes may do much toward the assurance of organized baseball during the season of 1920, as Taylor has long been known as a power and a great guidance in the national game. But some one has put the rumor on the rounds about the hot stove league that Taylor is much-opposed to organized ball, and others who claim to be on the inside track say that Taylor is always out for anything that is for the good of the sport. Being personally acquainted with the stellar magnate, I feel safe in saying that Taylor is always in favor of the thing that's fair and especially clean in sport, if it will tend to make the game progressive. But the return of C.I. to the diamonds will no doubt cause many a fan to become overjoyed and team with delight and expectation of a rousing season of baseball. You know when Taylor gets into the game, he always makes it interesting for Foster and the whole country, and everybody enjoys a real season of real baseball. There will be some hot battling between Detroit, Chicago and Indianapolis, for Taylor will certainly give Pete Hill and Mr. Foster much to worry about."

Chicago, IL
"Pitfalls of Baseball - Written Exclusively for the Chicago Defender by Andrew ('Rube') Foster, Manager of the Famous American Giants Baseball Team - In my previous articles I have dealt with many things that to my way of thinking have hindered our progress; to all of this there can be no crime, without a reason for such, and in this article I will try and explain what has shown the caliber of men who want to bask in the limelight as progressive leaders of clubs. Lack of Cooperation a Disgrace - In the West we manager often disagree, yet we eventually come to an agreement, forgetting the differences where they affect the welfare fo the game, each time before any great wrong is done, that we will cooperate and stand by any plan agreed on, is a moral certainty, with our Eastern owners it is different. Can you imagine the benefits to be derived from such, to be such a hard task, those familiar with our troubles wonder why we cannot agree. No chain is stronger than its weakest link. Knowing this, I made efforts long before the articles were written, to try and get Nat C. Strong, Eastern booking agent, controlling all the available parks, to play in New York; to let's all meet together, East and West, formulate an agreement for better working conditions, salaries to remain, each club to retain its present players. He answered back, he wanted something done, but the men who are at present identified with the Eastern clubs are an IMPOSSIBILITY, that there were several owners, managers and players they would never do business with again. - Why such a Disagreement? This disagreement dates back to the existence of Colored clubs; it is deeply rooted; there will be no peace until the men now connected give way to different owners. The players question is the root of all the trouble. Managers have gone after the playing season and taken the main men of each other's club; these players oftimes owed the past owner money; naturally this broadened the feelings of the owners. Results, they would not play against each other. Even the Western clubs have done the same to Eastern clubs, yet they do not tamper with the Western players of Western clubs. This has got to such a condition that the leading clubs East do not meet, nor will the Western clubs meet any of the Eastern clubs. If you have taken your club East, win many games, the owner try to take the men away from you, bring about dissatisfaction between you and your men; so much so you avoid going there. - What Getting Together Would Mean - Had the Eastern men accepted the proposal, the bitter feelings that exist would have been eliminated, a working agreement respecting each other's right, a chance to see all the clubs meet, the securing of places fit to play, then the launching of a league. But they refused such, desiring to fight each other. Now it's the survival of the fittest. You kill my dog, I will kill your cat. One would not think such IGNORANCE existed in the MODERN AGE. - Ball Players vs. Owners - Ball players have had no respect for their word, contracts or moral obligations, yet they are not nearly as much to blame as the different owners of clubs. These owners baited the men away from the different clubs, telling them it's money that you want, you had better get it while getting is good. He raises the salary, and the player jumps. About one in every hundred pays the money back voluntarily. The players think better salaries should be paid, often saying: 'Well, if you played so and so you would have made money to pay more, or pay what you promised.' They do not realize that their actions in disrupting another club is the prime factor in not getting what they should, as one never knows how long he will have a club."

February 6, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Baseball Magnate to Attend National Meeting - Detroit, Michigan, February 6. - Tenny Blount, manager of the Detroit Stars, whose team rolled up the biggest victories of any semi-pro team in the country, will attend the National League meeting, which will meet at Kansas City February 13 and 14. Although Mr. Blount has been man (illegible) his success has been phenomenal and his experiences will count for much in the formation of the new baseball league."

Kansas City, MO
"Plan to Entertain League - Kansas City, Missouri, February 6 - Felix Payne, Clarence Houston and Attorney Calloway are planning to entertain the National Baseball League delegation which meets here February 13 and 14. A smoker and an auto drive is on the program."

"Southern Baseball Cancelled - New York, February 6. - Baseball, which has always been such a tremendous attraction at the Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida, was eliminated this season. The players who were to trim for the annual series were much disappointed when at the last moment the contracts were broken."

"Kansas City Selected for Meeting of Baseball Magnates - Baseball fans all over the country will watch with interest next week the meeting of the National Baseball League, which is meet at Kansas City, Missouri, February 13 and 14. A call has been issued and following directors of baseball clubs of the West will be present: Andrew "Rube" Foster, American Giants; C.I. Taylor, A.B.C.'s, Indianapolis, Indiana; John Matthews, Dayton Marcos, Dayton, Ohio; John (Tenny) Blount, Detroit Stars, Detroit, Michigan; J.L. Wilkinson, Kansas City; A. Mills, St. Louis, Missouri; Joe Green, Chicago Giants. Mr. Foster will also represent the Cuban Stars, having the proxy of Mr. Tinti Molina. Purpose of the Meeting - For a number of years the Chicago Defender has urged that the owners of the various baseball clubs of standing get together and formulate plans for a national league. The idea has had the endorsement of Andrew "Rube" Foster and no one has worked more faithful than the Chicago 'chief' to make the meeting possible. A tentative schedule will be drawn, a protective aggreement is signed, a working basis fair to each club will be originated. Not only will managers be present, but others interested in baseball and its success will have an opportunity to address the meeting at its open sessions. Cement Foundations for League - This meeting will likely develop the foundation for a league. With representation from Detroit, Dayton, St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago and Indianapolis it is thought that there is nothing to daunt the promoters. Such a league was not possible for this season, as not enough of the managers have long enough leases on their parks. Sports Writers to be Present. - Dave Wyatt, Indianapolis Ledger; Charles Marshall, Indianapolis Freeman, and Cary B. Lewis, Chicago Defender, will be present to represent their respective papers. Writers on the St. Louis and Kansas City papers will be present and act as hosts for the visitors. Felix Payne, one of the big fans of the West, will entertain the 'boys' from the Windy City. The managers of the clubs declare that no money will be spared this season to give the fans the best clubs in the history of their organization."

February 13, 1920

Kansas City, MO
"Baseball Magnates Hold Conference - Sporting Editor of Defender Elected Secretary - Kansas City, Missouri, February 13. - Representatives of the baseball teams of the West arrived here today and went into session at the Y.M.C.A. with the following baseball baseball magnates present: J.T. Blount, Detroit, Michigan, Detroit Stars; W.A. Kelly, Washington, DC organized baseball of the national capital; L.S. Cobb, secretary of the St. Louis Giants baseball team; John Matthews, Dayton Marcos, Dayton, Ohio; Joe Green, Chicago Giants, Chicago, Illinois; C.I. Taylor, Indianapolis A.B.C.s, Indianapolis, Indiana; Elwood C. Knox of the Indianapolis Freeman, Indianapolis, Indiana; Andrew 'Rube' Foster, American Giants, Chicago, Illinois; Charles Marshall, Indianapolis Ledger, Indianapolis, Indiana; J.L. Wilkinson, this city, and Cary B. Lewis, sporting editor of the Chicago Defender. - Temporary Officers Elected - On motion of 'Tenny' Blount, Detroit, Michigan, Mr. Foster was nominated and elected temporary President. Cary B. Lewis of the Defender was elected secretary. The aim and object of the meeting was discussed and the plan for a circuit for the season of 1921 came up for consideration. Every manager was very enthusiastic and said he would carry the same enthusiasm back to his home town. The outlook for 1921, they claim, would be the greatest history of baseball. - Foster Springs Big Surprise - One of the big surprises of the first day's meeting was when 'Rube' Foster uncovered the fact that he had a charter, incorporated, for a National Negro Baseball League. When 'Rube' displayed the charter the 'magnates' were dumbfounded. The league is incorporated in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Maryland. Then, Mr. Foster and Mr. Blount discussed tentative plans for the circuit of 1921. Dr. Howard Smith met the delegations at the depot. A smoker and dinner has been arranged. The second day's meeting will be held tomorrow. The visitors are stopping at the 'Y.'"

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Ready for Next Season - Detroit, Michigan, February 13. - Michigan's semi-pro champions are fast getting in line for next season. SEveral of the players have already signed and contracts have been sent to the others. Pete Hill, Bruce Petway, Jose Mendez, Frank Warfield, Edgar Wesley and Joe Hewitt are some of the stars already in line. Pete Hill will manage the team again next season and greater things may be expected of him, as Owner Hunt has spared no expense to strengthen the weak spots. Several new faces will be seen in the lineup. The Stars have signed a bi left-hander from Texas who is said to have more stuff than John Donaldson did in his best days; also a third baseman from the same state who comes highly recommended, finds a pitcher that was a sensation in the East last year will be seen in the lineup. Two outfielders from the South will also get a tryout this Spring. - Remarkable Record - The record of the Stars last year, their first season, was a remarkable one, winning the first fifteen games played. They met all of the strongest teams, East and West, including Hilldale of Philadelphia, Bacharach Giants of Atlantic City, American Giants, Cuban Stars, Dayton Marcos, Maxwell Wyandottes, Chicago Giants, and last only one series during the entire season, the American Giants winning the odd game from them. - The Season Standing - The season standing between the two teams was: Detroit Stars 6 games won, American Giants 7, The stars played 80 games, won 62, lost 13. The future of Colored baseball in Detroit is exceedingly bright. The team is owned and controlled by Tenny Blount, one of the most popular and best liked sporting men in the country. Mr. Blount is well known from coast to coast having been manager of the famous Keystone Hotel and Buffet of Chicago when it was the most popular Colored sporting resort in the country. The department of the patrons of Mack Park, the home of the Stars, will compare favorably with any park in the country. The players were all experienced, gentlemanly, and well-behaved on and off the field, and Detroit, and in fact all of Michigan, should feel proud of their semi-pro champions."

February 20, 1920

Kansas City, MO
"Baseball Men Write League Constitution - Western Circuit Organized; to Become Effective April 1, 1921 - Kansas City, Missouri, February 20. - A Western Circuit National Baseball League of the United States, was organized here last week in the rooms of the Community Center. Newspaper men and sports writers became the arbitrators for the baseball magnates. It was the first time in the history of a baseball meeting that there was exhibited so much harm(illegible) and good spirit. Andrew 'Rube' Foster was chosen as the temporary chairman and secretary. He stated the aim and purpose of the gathering and then said he would leave it to the newspaper men at the meeting to decide all questions, select players for the various teams and write the bylaws and constitution for the league. No sooner had he said this than C.I Taylor of the Indianapolis A.B.C.s assented, also 'Tenny' Blount of the Detroit Stars. - The Player Question - The player question was the first to come up for consideration. It is a well-known fact that some of the managers have been dickering with each others players which has caused a great deal of confusion during the past years. This was thrashed out and all agreed that the newspaper men should embody this question in the laws and constitution of the league. In the best judgement of the newspaper men all the players for the league were selected. - Writers of the Consititution - The writers of the consitituion and bylaws of the new league were Dave Wyatt, Indianapolis Ledger; Elwood C. Knox, Indianapolis Freeman; Cary B. Lewis, Chicago Defender, and Attorney Elisha Scott of Topeka, Kansas. These men were up all Friday night and part of Saturday morning, framing the 'baseball bill of rights' to guide the destiny of the future league. At noon Friday it was brought before the conference. The preamble was read and adopted. The constitution was ready by articles and sections. Correction after correction was made and finally it was approved by Attorney Elisha Scott. The consitution was signed by Andrew Foster, American Giants, Chicago; C.I. Taylor, A.B.C.s, Indianapolis, Indiana; 'Tenny' Blount, Detroit Stars, Detroit, Michigan; Chicago Giants Joe Green, Chicago; J.L. Wilkinson, Kansas City Monarchs, Kansas City, Missouri; Lorenzo Cobb, St. Louis Giants, St. Louis, Missouri. Each manager paid his $500 fee to bind them to the league and constitution. - Will Operate Next Season - The Western Circuit, National Baseball League, will not operate until next season. This meeting is the bundation for next year. The circuit will not officially operate until each city has a park, either leased or owned and this will undoubtedly be by April 1, 1921. Those who had no lease this year claimed they would have one next season. Mr. Mattews of the Dayton Marcos, who was ill with the 'flu,' sent a special delivery letter stating that he would be in perfect harmony with whatever was done at the meeting. He sent his per ratio to pay for the expense of the newspaper men who acted as arbitrators. Several road teams had representatives and paid their part of the fee to play in the circuit as per schedule. Nat C. Strong of the Nat C. Strong Amusement Company, New York City, sent a letter stating that he was ready to do anything that would promote the best interests of baseball all over the country. After the Western Circuit is put into operation successfully Mr. Foster will then call a meeting of the organization of a national Baseball League, taking in every large baseball city in the EAst. - Newspaper Men Select Players - The newspaper men had the day at the meeting. No manager had aught to say about players. They were selected on account of their RELATIVE STRENGTH to each team. The newspaper men will form an arbitration board to settle all disputes and act as publicity agents for games. The following players were selected for the teams in 1921: Detroit Stars - Pete Hill, Bruce Petway, Frank Warfield, Edgar Wesley, Joe Hewitt, Mack Eggleston, LeRoy Roberts, Henderson E. Boyd, Bill Holland, Richard Whitworth, Jimmie Lyons, Johnson Hill, Lefty Hill. - Kansas City, John Donaldson, Jose Mendez, Frank 'Bluekoi' Blattner, Jackson, Walter Muir, Rube Currie, Vicente Rodriguez, Bartolo Portuondo, Sam Crawford, Wilbur 'Bullet' Rogan, W. Harris, Bernardo Baro. - St. Louis Giants, Tullie McAdoo, Dan Kennard, Charles Brooks, Charles Scott, William Drake, Lunie Danage, Felix Wallace, Charles Blackwell, Eddie Holt, John Finner, Lee Hill. - American Giants, George Dixon, Jim Brown, Leroy Grant, Elwood 'Bingo' DeMoss, Robert Williams, Dave Malacher, John E. Reese, Thomas Johnson, Thomas Williams, Richard 'Dick' Lundy, Cristobal Torriente, Edward 'Judy' Gans. - Chicago Giants, Lawrence Simpson, Walter Ball, Lemuel McDougal, Edward Jones, John Beckwith, William Greene, Thurman Jennings, Frank Jefferies, Horace Jenkins, Joe Green, Clarence Winston, Tom Clark. - C.I. Taylor's A.B.C.s - James 'Jim' Jeffries, 'Steel Arm' Johnny Taylor, Morten Clark, Russell Powell, Herlen Raglen, William Webster, Oscar Charleston, Ed Rile, Mitchell Murray, William 'Dizzy' Dismukes, Decatur Johnson."

February 21, 1920

Kansas City, MO
"Negro Base Ball League Assured. - The Peace Dove Soared Over Camp of the Organizers and Harmony Prevailed. - (By Dave Wyatt.) - Kansas City, Missouri - The much heralded Negro Base Ball League was launched into actual being when a three-day deliberation by the high statesites of the diamond pasttime ended one of the most successful and (illegigle) gatherings ever witnessed among our people; most especially so when the interests involved, sacrifices made, financial considerations and many other features, any one of which is enough to cast one into deep depression, is taken into account. The initial efforts, prior to the real formation of a league, was a grand success. In order not to misguide our followers, it can safely be said that the league is not as yet in existence. The parent body of the organization was put into activity at the Kansas City session, from it will spring the real league. The clubs that are members of this tentative organization and that were represented at the meeting were: Chicago Giants - Joe Green; Detroit Start - Tenny Blount; Indianapolis A.B.C.'s - C.I. Taylor; St. Louis Giants - Charlie Mills; Dayton Marcos - J. Matthews; Gilkerson's Union Giants - Attorney Scott; Kansas City Monarchs - J.L. Wilkinson; American Giants - Andrew Foster; Cuban Stars - A. Molina. These clubs are the foundation upon which the league will be built. This present association of clubs is known as the Western Circuit of Negro National Base Ball League. Affiliated with this circuit are clubs extending from Omaha, Nebrask a to and including Nat C. Strong's New York Base Ball enterprises. Fans, who are fortunate to be in the cities which form this circuit will, beyond the shadow of a doubt, witness the grandest exhibition of the national pasttime among our people that has been observed since the Negro took this form of athletic endeavor. The old rule of things as heretofore existed, ahs been waived aside. Each and every manager was forced to give up valuable players, when who, if placed upon the base ball market would bring thousands of dollars. These valuable assets were given up without the exchange of a penny and all for the good of this organization. The idea was to have all clubs composing this circuit to be just as evenly balanced in playing strength as could be. Fro the lineups comprising the various clubs it will be seen that the idea has been carried out to the complete satisfaction of all the owners and manager and no doubt exists over the manner in which this new turn of affairs will be viewed by the fan public who support the game. The biggest sensation ever experianced in the history of baseball was hurled into the opening meeting the first day. Andrew "Rube" Foster, who perhaps has more at stake than any fifty men in baseball that could be named, hurled a huge boom into the magnate's camp, when he arose and declared, "Gentlemen, the assets of the baseball club which I represent is more than all the Negro baseball clubs in existence, still if it pleases you all, I am willing to throw all these assets upon the mercy of the decision of this body of newspapermen who are present." The news writers then were unanimously chosen to settle all questions arising disputes over players, disposition of players and many other vexatious problems. The news men present were Elwood Knox, Indiana Freeman; Dave Wyatt, Indiana Ledger; Carry Lewis, Chicago Defender; A.D. Williams, Indiana Ledger."

February 28, 1920

Indianapolis, IN
"Way is Clearing For Baseball to Enjoy Its Greatest Boom - Game's Fate is UP to Magnates, Aided, of Course, by the Fans. - (By Dave Wyatt.) - That was certainly a mighty fine pre-lenten affair that the baseball magnates handed to the fans. One month ago it looked as though peace in baseball would be as hard to bring about as for the League of Nations pact to do any good. The plans of the factions were kept so well guarded that it was not until just three weeks ago that things began to come ot a head. That was when the western club owners and the Nat C. Strong enterprises held their initial confab, and later all the moguls of the middle-west held their historical love feast as the guest of Kansas City's foundation for peace before and at the banquet is shown by the fact it required only three session of peace conferences, one at Detroit, one at Chicago, and one at Kansas City, before the peace pact was signed and the storm wave was wiped out of existence It must be recognized by this time that the recalcitrant ones surrendered and that the vicory belongs to organized ball. After all, the fans will care little about who got licked and who did the licking. The thing is, baseball is once more in for an uplift. Now the time has arrived when the good old national game should get back to its feet with a rush. The baseball skies as well as the financial skies have cleared. If the people really want baseball as much as circumstances would indicate, they should soon notify the magnates after the playing season starts in 1920. Prosperity has put the dollar into circulation, and the plain fan has all share of the dollars. If he stays away from the box office in 1920 it will be because he has lost his love for the game, and not becaus ehe is unable to qualify for a ticket of admission by putting down the price. The situation is put to order for the club owner and the players. They are in for a new deal. How they cut the cards will play a big part in the future development of the game. There will doubtless be some bickering and heart burnings over certain star players. It probably will not be until the actual opening of the season that it will be known what clubs will get the cream of the playing talent. In any case, the acquiring of these stars and probable trades among the cubs should stir the interest of the fans during the remainder of the winter and put them on edge for the opening of the now league race and the fight for the international championship. The fans wanted new faces in some cities and they are going to get them, both as regards magnates and players. Will the magnates and the players, however, profit by experiences of the past? They will undoubtedly endeavor to so shape their affairs that another attempt to float another warfare will not be made for years. In the meantime, the A.B.C.'s can be expected to play the same smooth article of ball that they reeled off in 1916. A large part of Taylor's work will be to instill into the minds of his men that the team has not irreparably shot to pieces by the absence of some of the once familiar faces. The American Giants, too, will have missing links. The title holders got some great pitching last year and they are likely to get lots more of it this season, even if Dick Whitworth will not be there to electrify and even if "Beans" Williams sticks in the East. Dave Brown is just about ready to step up and take his regular turn in the box. Detroit looks good to me. Whitworth is bound to win as many games for Detroit, and he will have an able box assistant in Roberts, the eastern crack. St. Louis will be dangerous at times, though that team lacks the punch that the others have. Many of the fans pick Kansas City for first honors. If the Kaws don't win out, they should be close. The Chicago Giants ought to give fierce battle. The way they showed up during the 1919 campaign causes them to be conceded as a formidable foe for all. Dayton is expected to have a team of youngsters that will make all sit up and take notice. In all, 1920 should be a grand and glorious season."

"National Negro Baseball League is Formed - Western Managers Meeting at Kansas City a Great Success. - (By Charles D. Marshall.) - Wouldn't the late Frank Leland rejoice were he alive today and informed ofhte fact that a real, live Negro base ball league had been formed by colored base ball magnates of the West. This noted base ball man (once owner of the famous Leland Giants of Chicago) had for year labored hard to induce colored owners and managers to come together and play organized ball, but to no avail. He died with the proposition far from becoming a reality. But today the plan almost a surety for when the umpire shouts "play ball" May 1, 1920 it will be under a new heading for eight clubs of the West and that will be organized ball. That will mean much to thousands of colored fans as well as hundreds of ball players all over the country. Just what they have been arguing about for the past 15 to 20 years is at last to be a realization. It was bound to happen when such strong men as Rube Foster, C.I. Taylor, John T. Blount, Charles A. Mills, J.L. Wilkerson, John Matthews, Carey B. Lewis and Elwood C. Knox, got behind the movement and made effort to see it through. Rube Foster slipped the cog and selected the place and time to hold the meeting and out came these noble stalwarts and like magic a league was formed, officers elected, and in other words the ball started rolling by these live leaders of the great game. Of course it is nto be understood that their work is not really started but an attempt has been made and the best part of it is they have come together with an understanding. Now they are to get busy and make rules and regulation that each must abide by for the protection of all. A franchise for each club is to be made; the salary basis and limits are to be considered for the player as well as the umpires. A playing schedule is to be made and park admission prices should be made for the protection of the poor fan, with the understanding that the public is paying for professional major league palying and not outlaw or semi-professional pastime. No better selection could have been made than Andrew "Rube" Foster for president of the league for this wily old master of the great game is best suited for guiding the organization safely past all of the pit falls and loop holes that it is certain to encounter in base ball. Mr. Foster and the rest will have much to do to get everything in readiness for real organized ball playing by May 1, 1920. But it can be done very easily if every official will give it their earnest attention. A commission should be selected to prepare rules and regulations that should be enforced. But of all things, let this be one race organization of clean ruling with officials of no selfish motives or unfairness to hand out, to one another. Give the players a square deal and in turn let the player be square and fair. Make it possible that every player in the league be given a salary according to his worth and by that let us eliminate the "tramp ball tosser." Colored baseball will always have good financial support from both races, and even better when clean, professional games are played. Give us more men like C.I. Taylor, Tenny Blount, Foster and J.L. Wilkinson who urge the playing of clean ball."

Kansas City, MO
"Coming Baseball Season - Since the proposed baseball league out West, headed by Rube Foster, Tenny Blount, and others, which got under way recently, and who held a session at Kansas City, all the baseball bugs out this way have awakened from their slumber and are making preparations for the biggest season in the history of baseball. John Henry Lloyed has falled in line with the Royal Giants, while Santop, the well-known catcher of last leason is below the Mason and Dixon line digging up material to present to New Yorkers. Guy Empey sends us word that he more than likely will have a Race team this season, while Brooklyn will have several representative teams. Joe Williams has shown himself on the horizon and predicts a great season for himself.

"Baseball Writers and Managers are Royally Entertained - The baseball managers and newspaper men were royally entertained. The officers of the Community Center, where the league met, were very courteous. They wanted for nothing to make the meeting a success. On Friday night, J.L. Wilkinson, manager of the Kansas City Monarchs, entertained with a ten-course dinner at the DeLuxe cafe. Saturday night, Q.J. Gilmore, exalted ruler of the Elks, and the Elks of the city gave a banquet and smoker at the De Luxe cafe. Among the speakers were C.I. Taylor, 'Rube' Foster, Cary B. Lewis, 'Tenny' Blount, Dave Wyatt, Lorenzo Cobb, C.D. Williams, Dr. Howard Smith, Undertaker Watkins, Q.J. Gilmore, Attorney Elisha Scott, J.L. Wilkerson and others. Sunday, Mrs. Felix Payne entertained the visiting gentlemen. Mr. Payne, who is at Detroit, Michigan, with an automobile invention, telegraphed Mr. Snell to act as host for him. Mrs. Payne served a delicious dinner. Felix Payne Jr assisted in the service. Later in the evening, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Smith served dinner for 'Rube' Foster, 'Tenny' Blount, Dave Wyatt, and Elwood C. Knox. Mr. Foster remained over a few days to talk baseball matters over with the manager of this city."

March 12, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Will Report Last of March - Detroit, Michigan, March 12. - The Detroit Stars, owned by Tenny Blount, with Pete Hill as manager, will report for orders March 29 for a try-out. Over 25 ball players will be on the ground to work for positions. Mr. Blount returned recently from Kansas City, Missouri, where he placed his team as a member of the Western Circuit National Baseball League. The outlook is very bright for a great season in this city. The Stars last season were one of the most talked of teams in the United States. They played to 16,666 paid admissions. Among the old favorites will be Pete Hill, Bruce Petway, Edgar Wesley, Joe Hewitt, Frank Warfield and Mack Eggleston, the latter having been secured from the Dayton Marcos. Dick Whitworth, the big ace of the American Giants, will be seen with the Stars. Roberts, the eastern crack, and Bill Holland, a young pitcher of great promise, will assist the pitching staff. The outfield will have Jimmie Lyons, Lefty Hill, Boyd and Pete Hill. Bert Barton has been re-elected secretary of the team."

March 24, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars are Ordered to Report - Detroit, Michigan, March 24. - Fans here are getting ready to give a big sendoff to the Detroit Stars who will open here at an early date. Players ordered to report: Catcher Bruce Petway and Mack Eggleston (Dayton Marcos); infielders Edgar Wesley, Frank Warfield, Joe Hewitt, and Fred Hutchinson (Bacharachs); Outfielders, Jimmie Lyons (St. Louis Giants), Pete Hill (Captain and Manger), Charley 'Lefty' Hill (Dayton Marcos), Boyd (Kansas City); pitchers Dick Whitworth (American Giants), Bill Holland, Andy Cooper, Simpson, are sure to be retained. - Thirty One players in Training - The additional players who will try for positions on the Stars, are pitchers, catchers and infielders. Willis J.D. Hill, Bell, Parrish, Deseille, Taylor, Medlock, Worthy, Grant, Bishop, Puckett, Walker, Long, Pruett, Thomas and Mosely. These players are from all over the country; many come with great reputation. Those who are not good enough for the Stars cannot be kept owing to the player limit and will be traded to the other clubs in the circuit."

March 26, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Barton With Stars Again. - Detroit, Michigan, March 26. - Bert Barton has resigned as manager of the Star Logan Company, to resume the secretarial duties of the Detroit Stars. Mr. Barton made a great success in the business. He served the team with much satisfaction and Mr. Tenny Blount will be pleased to have him again this season."

March 27, 1920

Detroit, MI
"EDGAR WESLEY - Sensational First-Sacker of the Detroit Stars. - Just how Edgar Wesley got away from the American Giants is a mystery that has never as yet been solved. Right now Edgar Wesley is a corking good first baseman and coming strong faster every day. He has an intense liking for his job, is a live, hustling mortal and is determined to make himself as good a player as his physical gifts will allow. "Wesley takes a mighty swing at the ball," said Pete Hill last sumer, "and is a natural batter or I never saw one. He's ver ambitious and a hard worker and will improve fast. Just watch him the next season." A popular feature to this young Detroit player's career up to date is his faculty for upsetting the existing "dope" on his playing ability. He was rated as merely a fair youngster with Foster's crew, despite his inclinations toward heavy hitting during his first year "up." He was played alternately at first base, the outfield and the bench, and the Windy City folks didn't seem to know or to regard him as much of a future prospect at any position. However, he was thrown in with a bunch of players who represented last season's great Detroit Stars. As the majority of those players are scattered in diverse directions for the coming season, Owner Blount, commenting upon the same, says: "I realize the club- to many of the fans - may seem to be in a pretty bad way, but I intend to rebuild and make a start with young players like Wesley and take a chance on them making good."

Indianapolis, IN
"Chairman Foster's View on Grave Subjects - The Big Chief On Umpires and Players Not Quite in Accord with Effectual systems in Vogue of Disciplining Unruly Players - By Dave Wyatt. - The following extract is from an interview with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Western Circuit of the Proposed Negro National League. - As this, the coming season, will perhaps mark an epoch in the government of Colored Baseball, the public no doubt will be greatly interested in knowing what system will prevail in the handling of all that important subject, umpire controversy. I am a firm believer in preserving the utmost good order on the ball field. I am strict disciplinarian, but far from a martinet. The only person who can preserve order on a ball field is the umpire, and in matters of discretion and judgement, where he is not specifically guided by rule, he should be supreme. I do not wish to be understood as meaning that an umpire should be a law unto himself; that his manner should be dictatorial, his attitude arrogant and his entire demeanor evince a self-satisfied air that would brook no argument or intercession. Right the contrary, I think an umpire should be pacific but firm, positive but polite, quick but unshowy, strict but reasonble. I have seen arguments on the field where I considered the umpire at fault. "A mild answer turneth away wrath." In my judgement, many a scene on the diamond could be prevented by a little - Discretion and Deliberation - on the part of the umpire, who frequently uses his authority in an arbitrary manner. One of my principal alms will be to instill into the umpires a spirit of peace and discretion. You ask me whether I believe in at once disciplining the player, immediately on receipt of umpire's statement of the facts in the case. I could answer that question with one word, but I am going to adduce some reason to show why I am opposed to the general practice employed in meeting out punichsment to players for offenses committed on the ball field. In the first place, I was a ball player myself and naturally believe in them as a class. As a rule they are reasonable, honorable, clean-living class of men, and this thought should be considered in all dealings with them. In the second place, one of the Cardinal Principles of Justice is that ever man should have an opportunity to be heard, to present his side of the case. If the player is guilty of the charges submitted by the umpire and has no reasonable defense, the end of justice and the morale of discipline can be served just as well by suspending the player some days after the violation has occurred, and all the evidence received and investigated, as by immediate suspension following the report of the umpire. Then there is another view of the question, namely, that the club owner is really the one who suffers most by a player's suspension. If we fine the player, true he may loose a small sum as a result of his infraction of the rules, and his salary goes on while he is out of the game. But his absence weakens the team and in the long run the club is the real sufferer. Therefore, if the effect of discipline can be preserved and at the same time the interest of the owner conserved, there is no reason why such cases should not be considered in the most lenient attitude possible, and by all means obtain the facts in the case from both sides before the player is punished by suspension."

Indianapolis, IN
"Will Colored Umpires Be Given a Tryout? - Will Colored Umpires Be Given a Tryout in Organized Ball. - Baseball Authorities Say They Will, But It Is To Be a Real Go - Who Knows? - (By Charles D. Marshall) - Several days ago a communication came to me from an enthusiasic fan who wanted to know "Whether Colored Umpires would be given a tryout this season over the Western circuit of the Negro National Baseball League." Of course I got busy and tried to find out from the powers that be in organized ball but as yet have been unable to get enlightened further than to say that they will be given a trial and that much came from an uncertain party. But to answer the question from my point of view I should think that, without a doubt colored umpires should be given a trial. Of course we know that some players as well as some managers and fans alike feel that the white umpire's decision carries more weight and generally comes closer to the right decision than the colored official. In most cases just because he is white. On the other hand the white umpire can be easily bluffed into deciding in favor of the losing side than can our own brother. Often the case is that a white umpire is secured who will easily decide in favor of the club who is paying him for his services. To my mind I have always felt that the white umpire looked much out of place in a game of ball played by two colored clubs. It may be that the white umpire has a better knowledge of the latest rules in baseball and that he is not easily shaken up by a broiling crowd of hot headed fans in calling a strike, but there are any number of students of the game in our race who would make good umpires. The commission of the Negro National Baseball League should make it a rule to employ nothing but colored umpires throughout the Western circuit, as we have any number of efficient men for the position. We must establish confidence in our men if we are to have organized ball. In either the major or minor leagues, they have not found room for us, no even as mascots. Why can't we manage and play the game ourselves without the aid of the other race, for certainly we know how."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars - Detroit Stars, Owner Tenny Blount believes the talent he has gathered is much better than the (illegile) think of it and manager Pete Hill, after looking over the list of athletes, said he is well satisfied, except at one point, the third base position. Hill says he could use a high class performer at the hot corner, and steps will be taken at once to get an athlete of pep, with a steel arm and un-erring aim. In the outfield Pete Hill and Jimmie Lyons are players of established fame, so both are expected to maintain a high average in both the field and at bat. Dick Whitworth, Roberts and Bill Holland appear to be the best looking prospects in the circuit, while Bruce Petway and Mack Eggleston, the latter from Dayton, Ohio, are a pair of wind-pad artists that cannot possibly be excelled for the coming season."

March 29, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Ordered to Report March 29th. - Special to the Freeman. - Detroit, Michigan, March 23. - Interest as never shown here before is plainly evident in the many inquiries of hundreds of fans, asking when will the Stars open. With ideal weather and hundreds of people on the streets and no place to go, baseball has been a God send to thousands who work week days, and with many more thousands here than last season, the Stars are sure to enjoy the greatest prosperity in the West. The following players were ordered to report: Bruce Petway and Mack Eggleston, catchers; Edgar Wesley, Frank Warfield, Joe Hewitt, Fred Hutchinson, (Bacharachs), infielders; Jimmie Lyons (St. Louis), Pete Hill (manager and captain), Charlie "Lefty" Hill (Dayton), Boyd (Kansas City), Outfielders; Frank Whitworth, Bill Holland, Andy Cooper, Lawrence Simpson, Pitchers, who are sure to be retained. There are thirty-one players on the Star's training list. The additional as follows who will try for positions on the Stars, are pitchers, catchers, infielders, Willis, J.D. Hill, Parrish, Deseille, Taylor, Medlock, Leroy Grant, Bishop, Puckett, Walker, Fred Long, Pruitt, Thomas and Mosely. These players are from all over the country. Many come with great reputations. Those who are not good enough for the Stars, or cannot be kept, owing to the player limit, will be traded to other clubs in the circuit. Never before ahs so much money been spent as will be spent by the Western men in developing players for the league. The owners have realized that the supply must equal the demand."

April 3, 1920

Chicago, IL
"Whitworth Goes - Richard Whitworth, pitching ace of the American Giants, said good-bye to his many Chicago friends last Sunday, when he left for Detroit, Michigan, where he will play the coming season as a member of the Detroit Stars. There is no denying the fact that Whitworth is today one of the greatest pitchers in the game, he has met and defeated all the crack clubs of both races, beating such twirlers as Cyclone Joe Williams, Cannon Ball Dick Redding, Juan Padron, Phil Cockrell, Tom Williams and others of that high type. When Rube Foster handed the great player his transportation it was plainly evident that the latter realized what a loss to his team was taking place, but in his usual good natured way said: "I hope that you have even better success in Detroit than you have had with me." Whit, as we call him, was idolized by the fans and it is certainly that when the Stars play here this summer he will be given a royal welcome by his legion of friends."

April 9, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars - Detroit, Michigan, April 9. - Great preparations are being made for the opening game here and the fans are elated over the new team that will represent Detroit this season. The Stars have done their spring training at home and the weather has been ideal for such, and Manager Pete Hill is all smiles as he has uncovered some very promising youngsters that will be in the Stars' lineup. The pitching staff will have four young pitchers and two of them are expected to make a great reputations in the new circuit. Lefty Andy Cooper, a big southpaw from Texas, looks better than Pat Dougherty did in his best day and Bill Holland of Indianapolis is another very promising youngster and great things are expected of him and with Bruce Petway and Mack Eggleston on the receiving end they should be winners from the start. Edgar Wesley, Frank Warfield, Joe Hewitt and Hutchinson will take care of the inner garden and they look to be the class of the new circuit. The outfield, with Jimmy Lyons, Pete Hill, Boyd and Charley Hill, will be well taken care of. The fans have ordered box seats weeks ago and intend to give the Stars a rousing sendoff. The attendance will be even greater than last year when standing room was at a premium. There will be a parade before the game, headed by a band of twenty pieces and the Royal Rooters Club in machines will escort the Stars to Mack park. The mayor has been asked to pitch the first ball. Game called at 3:15. All fans with machines are welcome to join the parade which will leave the Biltmore Hotel at 1 o'clock sharp."

April 11, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Baseball Game Set for Sunday - Detroit Stars and Denby Motors Open Season With Elaborate Ceremony. - Detroit's baseball season will formally be ushered in at Mack Park Sunday afternoon, when the Detroit Stars and Denby Motor teams will clash in the opening game. Preceding the contest itself, appropriate opening day ceremonies will take place, including a parade of ball players, colored Elks and other organizations, headed by Fingel's band. The line of march will be from St. Antoine and Gratiot Avenues to the ball park, Mack and Lemay. The first ball will be pitched by W.P. Kemp, of the Detroit Leader, and O.H. Banks will receive. The Detroit Stars have a new outfield and battery staff. Manager Teddy Blount having injected younger blood into his team. He has signed players from as far West as Kansas City and as far South as Texas in an effort to make his 1920 club the best in the land. Last year the Stars won the state championship and this year he is after a national title. The pitchers for Sunday's game will be picked from Frank Whitworth, formerly of the American Giants; Andy "Lefty" Cooper, Texas Black Giants, Thompson, Rochester, and Holland, who was with the A.B.C.'s of Indianapolis. The Denby batterymen will be selected from Weaver, LaBonde, or St. Clair, the latter a former Three-Eye leaguer. The game will start at 3:15. Following are the rosters of the clubs: Detroit Stars - Whitworth, Holland, Cooper, Thompson and Ealker, pitchers. Petway and Eggleston, catchers. Pete Hill, Jimmy Lyons, Boyd C. Hill and Moore, outfielders. Wesley, 1b, Warfield, 2b, Hewitt, ss, Hutchinson, 3b. Denby Motors: Johnson, Catcher. Hawkins, 1b; Rowland, 2b; Pfeffly, 3b; Traxler, ss; McCallum, cf; Bautchback, lf; Balengio, rf; LaBond, St. Clair and Weaver pitchers. Most all of these players have seen league service or have been in fast semi-pro company."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars In An Easy Victory - Open Semi-Pro Season Here by Trimming Denby Motors. - Detroit 'Semi-pro' baseball season was mustered in for 1920 at Mack park, Sunday, the Detroit Stars taking on the newly organized Denby Motor Truck team. The Stars handing their guests a neat lacing to the tune of 12 to 0. A remarkably large crowd was on hand considering the frigid condition of the weather. The Denby pitchers were taken for thirteen lusty blows, 6 of which were doubles. Several new faces appeared in the Stars lineup. Ted Blount's new pitchers, Cooper, Holland, Moore and Walker all worked one or more innings and although these boys were working under wraps, still the exposition could do nothing with the assortment that was handed up."

Detroit, MI
* Same article from the Detroit Free Press, reprinted in the Indianapolis Freeman.

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Win - Initial Event is a Walkaway for Blount's Boys - A huge throng of enthusiastic fans braved the chilly atmosphere that encompassed Mack Park Sunday and incidentally witnessed the first baseball killing of the season. Owner Tenny Blount, and Captain Pete Hill have gatehred an unusually strong collection of players for the campaign now near at hand, if the show of the gang last Sunday is a sample of the athletic goods that they will display all season. The new men, Jimmie Lyons, Pete Hill and Boyd, appear to be right up to the class of any outfielders that are likely to show at Mack Park this season, while the new pitchers, especially Bill Holland, are destined to hold their own in any kind of company. Mack Eggleston, the new man behind the bat, has already secured a safe place within the hearts of the fans, and as he is an outfielder as well as a catcher, the Stars undoubtedly have landed a man of much value. The Stars wielded the old willow in a manner to indicate that they would repeat on last season's batting stride. In the game Sunday they acquired 13 blows, six of them going for doubles, and with the boys pulling up, they scored a dozen runs. Edgar Wesley is starting out in a manner as to make believe that he is going to give Captain Hill a run for the heavy batting honors this season, while Joe Hewitt is coming fast and may give them all a run for the bat prestige. Andy Cooper, the Texas recruit, shows excellent form, and Eugene Moore and Walker are making a favorable impression."

April 18, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars To Play Again - State Champions to Meet All-Star Aggregation on Mack Park Diamond. - Manager Teddy Blount seriously is thinking of billing his future games at Mack park as exhibitions of slugging, featuring the Detroit Stars as the bat propellers. This idea he gained after watching his dark-hued pastimers lambast the ball in the opening game last Sunday. They gave ample evidence of the fact that they are some clubbers, whose batting averages for the season will rival those of the major league leading swattists. The stars play the second game of the season Sunday at Mack park, 3:15 pm, opposing a team styling itself the Delray All-Stars. It is a picked up aggregation which includes about the same players as the one which paraded as the Denby Motors last week. While it is not to be expected that the pick-ups will trim the state champions, the game provides some good practice for the harders ones to succeed it and no doubt will give the fans plenty of excitement, for the colored players are good entertainers and their hitting, base running, fielding, and all-around play always is worth watching. Holland, formerly of the A.B.C.s; Cooper, from Texas Black Giants: Thompson or Walker, both veterans, will hurl for the Detroit Stars, with Eggleston or Bruce Petway receiving. LaBond, Weaver and some other hurler will work for the opposition."

"Capacity Crowd Sees Stars Win - Mack Parkes Beat Local Semi-Pros 7 to 2. - Nice weather Sunday brought out a record crowd at Mack park, the Detroit Stars winning, 7 to 2 from a team of all-stars purporting to be from Delray, but in reality one of the strongest shop teams of this city. Ground rules were necessary on account of the overflow crowd. Schultz and Miller, formerly of the Toledo A.A. team, was the battery that opposed the colored boys. The former hit, freely at times, although the whole he pitched a very creditable game, striking out three men in the sixth inning. Timely hitting and lightning baserunning by Warfield, Hewitt, Lyons and Moore brought in the runs that gave the colored champs the verdict. Holland, former A.B.C. twirler worked the first five innings for the stars and allowed only one hit. The All Stars scored twice off Cooper, who worked the last four innings getting to the lefthander for five hits. Two of these, by Dacey and Farnley were doubles. Moore made a beautiful catch in the ninth inning, robbing LaBond of a home run. Hewitt's batting featured."

Detroit, MI
* Same Article, posted in the Indianapolis Freeman

Detroit, MI
"Sunday, April 18, the Stars will play the Delray All Stars, one of the fastest teams in the state."

April 23, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Trim Delrays - Overflow Crowd Sees the Victory of Blount's Boys - Detroit, Michigan, April 23. - Ground rules were necessary in order to look out for the huge throng that wintessed the win of the Detroit Stars over the Delrays of this city last Sunday. The visitors showed up at Mack Park with an array of diamond talent gathered from the best clubs that here abound; they also invaded the American Association for talent in their anxiety to bat the kayo on the local champs. Shultz and M..er, two former big leaguers, relayed through the nine innings, the former doing the most effective work; but the stick work and base running of the dark boys proved a serious handicap to the white stars, and in turn Bill Holland, the new acquisition to the local pitching staff, hurled a class of ball that was unhittable, the leaguers being able to scratch but one hit off his delivery. Andy Cooper, the recruit southpaw, limbered up for four innings, and during the time he was trying to get his stuff under control, the whites touched him for five bingles, which netted them two runs. Frank Warfield starred at bat and on the base paths, while Joe Hewitt, Edgar Wesley and Eugene Moore displayed noticeable good form. All together, the Stars displayed form to warrant the belief that they are going to make it midly interesting for the various teams that head this way the present season."

April 24, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Tenny Blount Here - Tenny Blount, owner of the Detroit Stars, hit the old Stroll just before big 'Rube' blazed the trail for the East. Tenny's coming here on the even of the departure of the local base ball boss for Philly is mighty significant, as it is generally known to the Michigan owner has encountered much difficulty in the past few months with flopping ball players, and some of the flops are sojourning right to the spot that 'Reuben' intends to invade."

April 25, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Top Score of Northways, 7-5 - Heavy Hitting Wins Good Game for Blount's Crew. - In the best game played at Mack park this season, Ted Blount's Detroit Stars defeated the Northway Motor ball team 7 to 5. The motor boys fought hard all during the game, but were unable to offset the heavy artillery work of Warfield, Lyons, Wesley, Moore and C. Hill. Lyons and Wesley shading their team mates by putting the ball over the fence for home runs. Rynearson, who started on the mound for the Northways, was taken for one run in the first stanza and three in the fourth. Consecutive hits by Hammberschmidt, Rynearson and Conzett, the latter getting a double, two base on balls and Ort's double had given the Lawton Avenue team two runs in the previous inning. Power relieved Rynearson to start the sixth and the colored stars immediately scored three runs. C.Hill doubled, Roberts worked Powers for a pass and both scored on Warfield's hit. Hewitt squeezed Warfield home. Northway sent one more run over in the seventh. Fair weather brought out a crowd that completely filled the stands."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Indianapolis Freeman

Detroit, MI
"Mack Park, Detroit, Michigan, Sunday April 25, Northway Motor Company vs. Detroit Stars, Games Called at 3:00 p.m."

May 1, 1920

Indianapolis, IN
"The Detroit Stars will be strong on lefthanders this year. they have Andy Cooper, a Texas find and a college boy from the East and, and are bringing some pitcher, according to Dave Malarcher, from New Orleans. Bill Holland looks to be the class of the newcomers unless Herlen Raglan of the A's, Jack Marshall, or big Taylor, Foster's pitchers, forge to the front. Rube Currie is expected to shine on this circuit and there are others."

May 2, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Kuhagen Faces Detroit Stars - Bill Will Find Tough going at Mack Park Sunday. Sunday's baseball game at Mack park brings together the Cowpers All-Stars and the Detroit Stars with two twirlers working that should make the argument (illegible) Bill Kuhagen, an old league campaigner in Michigan and Canada will work for the Cowpers if he is right and Cooper, the left-hander from Texas, will be on the mound for the Stars. If Kuhagen can accomplish the downfall of the STars he will have won considerable prestige. Their slugging has not been stayed by any club this season and Bill will find the task confronting him a difficult one to successfully perform. On the other hand the Stars' pitchers have not been taken for many base hits, the Northways taking the palm for total number last week. Manager Kline of the Cowpers has announced his lineup for Sunday's game as follows: Kuhagen, Foster or Tenner, pitcher. St. Auburn or Rabideau, catcher; Schultz, 1b; Nichols, 2b; A. Dugray, 3b; Malle, ss; Welsh, lf; Bugray, Garbler, Cobb and Kenny, outfielders. The colored boys will line up the same as last week and the game starts at 3 pm."

"Stars Win Fourth Straight Victory - Cowpers Put Up Good Argument, But Lose by 6 to 3 - Detroit Stars knocked off the Cowpers at Mack park Sunday before a large crowd, 6 to 3. Both teams put up a corking good game, the Stars winning the game by mixing hits with Tamler's wildness in the fifth innin, five runs resulting. Cooper, the colored champ's star left-hander, also was wild, but kept the west siders from hitting with men on bases. Tanner held the Stars to five hits, which is very creditable considering the fact that Ted Blount's team boasts seven regulars batting over.350. Captain Pete Hill sent in two runs in the fifth with a beautiful drive to deep center. Jimmy Lyons led the attack for both teams with three hits. L. Dugray has the honor of being the first player of the visiting teams to deliver a home run at Mack park this season, the Cowper outfielder polling the ball out of the park in the sixth inning. Hewitt and Andy Cooper were the fielding stars. Joe Bill starting two double palys and making a circus catch in the first inning while running on the ground.

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Indianapolis Freeman

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

Detroit, MI
"Mack Park, Detroit, Michigan. - Sunday, May 2 - Cowper's All Stars vs. Detroit Stars."

Chicago, IL
"Teams Are Well Framed - Many Players Signed by Clubs will be Strangers to Fans on Western Circuit - By Dave Wyatt - Sunday, May 2, is the opening date of the new circuit, and if the organization gets off to a good start, under fair skies, with good crowds in evidence, and if there is anything in beginning right the season should be all the most optimistic have predicted, so far as material success goes. As to the other end of it - how the teams will run on the diamond - the seventh sons of the seventh sons have been on the job all spring doping out the winner, and it is generally conceded that Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, Dayton, the Cubans and chicago Giants will win the gonfalon - it all depends where the home of the prophet is that you touch for the inside dope. Each of the clubs in the new circuit has some particular department in which it looks strong and yet no club stands out with a head and shoulders advantage over the other clubs that would threaten a runaway race. Kansas city is the only club in which the dopester cannot put his hand right on one department and point out exceptional strength. But Kansas City is working under a strange manager, whose methods are not generally known, and he has assembled a few players from the far West whose work is not familiar on the circuit, also a few Cubans, so it is hardly logical to attempt any judgement on the Kansas City club at this time. - Some Strong Features - Foster is strong on pitchers and infielders, and his outfield looks good. Detroit is strong in its infield combination. The Cubans are strong on pitchers and on hitting strength, but if they lose and Portuondo the Islanders have no longer what looked like the best club in the circuit. St. Louis should work into one of the best hitting clubs in the circuit, and the pitching staff looks strong. The A.B.C.s are out in front in its superiority in outfield material and the infield will rank close behind the American Giants. Through the conditions that prevailed at the time of the formation of the circuit nobody outside of Chicago is willing to give the Giants a tumble, but a little thing like that never worries the big chief. That bird was wise in his day and generation and never does any kicking before or during the season. If the team fails to cop he has no alibis to concoct, and if the boys romp home he can sit back with a wise look. Rube Foster has a whole raft of Roks in his camp and he retains quite a number of aspiring youngsters for further inspection. Bobby Williams, Bill Riggins, and Singer are battling for a place in the infield; two of them are sprinters and the latter has a 10 second record in the 100 yards. Williams has been with the team for a couple of seasons and the other two are grand prospects, but it appears that Captain Bingo DeMoss will have to select from the trio, about two, for young Ewing, the catcher, is looming up mighty strong, both as a receiver and hitter; he is also a grand thrower and ambitious. If Jim Brown flashes enough form to warrant his being placed in the outfield or on the infield, with the most likely looking youngster's retention, the Giants will be amply safeguarded against the injury to regulars and at the same time will be able to put a real team on the field at all stages. While the season is extremely young, some idea can be obtained of the number of finds. Detroiters are raving over Boyd, Hill and Mack Eggleston, youngsters who seem to be able to do everything. Chicago bugs opine that Jack Marshall is one of the best righthanders who ever made his temporary home at Schorling Park - and there have been a great group of North-Paws there. Indianapolis enthusiasts declare that Tick Houston is the best second baseman they have ever seen since the days of Bingo DeMoss. St. Louis fans cannot help but feel proud of their kid left-hander, Luther. Considering everything, the crop of 1920 youngsters is one of the best we have had in a long time."

May 8, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Strong - A short swing around the circuit brings out the opinion from the close followers of the form of the various clubs that the team that Blount has gathered for the present season seems to have an edge that is going to make them the class of the league. Bruce Petway is catching and throwing this spring in the form that made him famous some years ago, and the veteran Pete Hill is capering like a youth just breaking in. In Edgar Wesley the Stars have a grand young player; his abiliity to hit and ambition to become one of the really great players of the game appears to be near a point of realization. Tenny Blount has one of the best fielding, hitting, and run getting outfields on the circuit; his infield is all that could be desired, especially in these days of remodeling of the inner works that is going on in the ranks of all clubs. The Stars are going to have a mighty strong pitching staff, being supplied with classy left hand heavers and in possession of right hand flingers that measure up to the best in class. The Stars so far this season have taken all competitors into camp, and they are right on edge for their opening tilt of the league, which will be staged Saturday and Sunday, May 15 an 16, with a five-game series against the famous Cuban Stars of Havana, Cuba. Just to keep up to their present great form, the Stars play the strong Jackson Independents, a club that has acquired a world of prestige around the semi-pro fields of Michigan."

May 9, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Independents to Play Detroit Nine - Local Team Faces Stars, Crack Colored Club, at Mack Park. - Facing the strongest semi-professional team in Michigan, the Jackson Independents will play the Detroit Stars at Mack Park, Detroit Sunday afternoon. The Detroit team is composed entirely of colored players and runs as the fastest colored team in the country. They won the state championship last year defeating the strong Maxwell, Northway Motor and River Rouge teams. This year they have won from the Northways and Cowper's All Stars. Manager Ted Blount will start either Thompson or Holland, the latter a star of the Indianapolis team who was sold to the Detroit club.
Manager L. Jones of the Independents will start Cash, the former Three-Eye League pitcher against the stars. Ashby will do the receiving. The remainder of the team will be Hicks, 1b; Showers, 2b; Wetzell, ss; Laverty, 3b; Reaes, wissman and Gowdy, outfielders; and Kern, Lyons, and Hicks, substitutes."

Detroit, MI
"Independents are Defeated by Stars - Detroit Colored Club Makes Merry with Jackson Pitchers. - Hurled under an avalanche of hits after Cash, their pitching ace, was injured in the second inning when hit by a pitched ball, the Jackson Independents were mauled mercilessly by the Detroit Stars Sunday, the score being 23 to 0. Thompson and Cooper, pitching for the colored team, held the Jackson team to four hits. League, who relieved Cash, was no puzzle for the Stars and was taken for eighteen hits. Hewitt was the leading hitter with five hits in as many times at bat. Jimmie Lyons poled a triple and a homer and Wealey also made a circuit clout. Only one Jackson runner reached third base."

Detroit, MI
"Jackson Nine Tackles Stars - After winning four straight games from local teams the Detroit Stars will take on a state nine Sunday, the Jackson Independents having been booked for appearance at Mack park. Jackson always has boasted a fairly good independent nine and this season has a collection of pastimers that are expected to be prominent contenders for the state title. The aggregation already has won as many games as the Stars. Jackson's team will be the first from out of the city to face the Stars this season. Manager Blount has signed a new third baseman, trading Pitcher Walker to the Indianapolis A.B.C. club for Longware, who is rated a star at the position. Hewitt failed to show up last week and the need of a hot corner guardian has been the one weakness of the infield. The Cuban Stars have been booked for the first appearance of the season against the STars May 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19."

"Jackson Hurlers Are Mauled Hard - Cash is Hurt and Successors are Unable to Halt Stars. - Jaxon Independents of Jackson, Michigan were slaughtered by the Detroit Stars, Sunday at Mack Park, before a record crowd, 22 to 0. Cash, the mainstay of the Jackson pitching corps, was injured by a pitched ball in the second inning and forced to retire from the game. The Detroiters proceeded to maul his successors to all parts of the park and surrounding territory. Ted Blount's employees amassed a total of 21 hits during the afternoon.

Detroit, MI
* Same article from the Indianapolis Freeman

Detroit, MI
"Mack Park, Detroit, Michigan - Sunday, May 9 - City Leaguers vs. Detroit Stars - Games Called at 3 P.M."

Detroit, MI
"The Sunday Game - Jackson Independents of Jackson, Michigan, were slaughtered by the Detroit Stars, Sunday, at Mack Park, before a record crowd. Cash, the mainstay of the Jackson pitching corps, was injured by a pitched ball in the second inning and forced to retire from the game. The Detroiters proceeded to maul his successors to all parts of the park and surrounding territory. Ted Blount's employees amassed a total of 21 hits during the afternoon, several of which were extra basers. Joe Hewitt helped himself to five clean safeties out of five times at bat. Jimmie Lyons again shone five times at bat. Jimmie Lyons again shone brightly at bat, knocking out a triple and a homer, the latter being a drive to deep center, the ball staying in th park. Edgar Wesley added a four-baser to his string, knocking the ball far out of the park. The Detroit pitchers allowed but one of the the visitors to reach third base."

May 15, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Cuban Stars Will Face Local Team - Detroit All Stars Meet Strong Opposition Here Saturday. - Detroit Stars will face the biggest game on their schedule next Saturday afternoon when they go against the Cuban Stars at Mack park. The Cubans can be remembered as the team that stopped the locals last year after they had won 13 straight games. The Cubans will have the same lineup and hurlers on this invasion of Detroit. LaBlanc, Junco, Hernandez and Talosa, the four twirlers who have been responsible for the showing made by the Cubans, will accompany the team here Saturday. The probable starter has not been announced. Hubbard or Cooper may be on the mound for the locals and either is expected to give a good account of himself. The game will start at 3 o'clock."

"Cubans to Open Series Saturday - Islanders and Detroit Stars Clash at Mack Park. - Detroit Stars will open their campaign for the colored baseball championship in the game at Mack park, Saturday afternoon in which the Cuban Stars opposed them in the first of a five-game series. While the Detroit team has not been beaten this season, which also was the case when the Cubans appeared here a year ago to win the opening contest of the series, the opposition they are going to face against the Islanders is going to be considerably tougher than previously encountered. Cooper or Thompson will be the moundsman to open the local (illegible) will oppose. These games are the first of a home and home schedule with star clubs is the professional colored league to decide the national title. Other clubs in the circuit are the A.B.C.s of Indianapolis; American Giant, Chicago; Dayton Marcos, St. Louis Giants, Chicago Giants and Kansas City Monarchs. Home and home series of five games each will be played with all these clubs, the winner to be decided on the percentage plan the same as the major leagues, Saturday's game starts at 3 pm."

"Stars Take First From Cuban Team - Get to LeBlanc in Opening Round and Win 5 to 2. - Detroit Stars took the first of a five-game series from the Cuban Stars Saturday, 5 to 2. The locals gathered three runs in the first and were never overhauled. Warfield started with a double, advanced on Hewitt's out and later scored on a double steal with Lyons. Captain Pete Hill followed with a home run. After the first, it was a pitchers' battle. Thompson was found for only five hits, no two coming in one inning. Hernandez probably will work on the mound for the Cuban Stars Sunday and Holland will very likely be the locals' choice."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from Indianapolis Freeman - "Stars Take First From Cuban Team - Get to Jose Leblanc in Opening Round and Win 5 to 2. - Detroit, Michigan, Special. - Detroit Stars took the first of a five-game series from the Cuban Stars Saturday, 5 to 2. The locals gathered three runs in the first and were never outhauled. Frank Warfield started with a double, advanced on Joe Hewitt's out and later scored on a double steal with Jimmie Lyons. Captain Pete Hill followed with a home run. After the first, it was a pitchers' battle. Thompson was found for only five hits, no two coming in one inning."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from Chicago Defender

Detroit, MI
"Cuban Stars to Open Detroit Season. - Special to the Freeman: Detroit, Michigan, May 9. - Next Saturday, May 15, the Cuban Stars, (N.N. League), will open the season with the Detroit Stars and the baseball fans of Detroit are making great preparations to give Ted Blount's team a rousing send-off on Sunday the 16th. The leading citizens of Detroit have engaged box seats weeks ago and the Elks will turn out in a body. There will be a band and a big floral horse shoe will be presented to the Detroit Stars by the Royal Rooters Club and all records for attendance are expected to be broken."

Detroit, MI
"Circuit Opens at Detroit - The Cuban Stars will open the league circuit against the Detroit Stars, the first game starting Saturday, May 15, and going for a series of five games. What will perhaps be the biggest, blow-off ever given in behalf of an inaugural, so will be staged by the citizens and leading business men of Detroit. All of the hundreds of box seats have been engaged weeks in advance, and the Elks of Detroit will turn out in a body and make Sunday, May 16, a gala affair. The Royal Rooters' Club is going to boost the opening right over the top by presenting the home team with a huge floral offering in the form of a horseshoe that is expected to add materially to the good fortune that the Stars have already acquired through the winning of five staight games this season. The Stars are on a hitting rampage right now, and in their present form they are bound to make life miserable for all visiting teams. The games between the Stars and Cubans have already been finely drawn affairs, both teams fighting tooth and nail to the finish. The Cubans have just arrived from Havana, and by the time that they are booked to show at Detroit they will have become sufficiently acclimated for their best work. The new men with the Cubans are rounding into good form, having stuck weather more to their liking in the past week, so no doubt exists the Stars are going to be hard pressed for the honors in the coming series. Bill Holland, the flashy heaver of the Stars, no doubt, will be pitted against Jose Leblanc, the sensational Cuban pitcher, and Tenny Blount may send his crack Southpaw, Andy Cooper, against the new Cuban slab star, Jose Hernandez. At any rate, the fans are in for some mighty fierce baseball fighting when these two teams hook up, and the present series is expected to give a real line on just what team in the new circuit it would be wise fo the fans to swing with, as a sort of an idea exists that the team that can down the Islanders is the team that will come home with the new league's bacon.

May 16, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Crowd Sees Stars Beat Cubans, 7 to 2 - Detroit Team Wins 2nd Game of Series at Mack Park. - Detroit All Stars won the second game of the series from the Cubans at Mack park before one of the largest crowds ever in Mack park. Play was hampered several times, when it became necessary to move the fans from the field. With Holland in the box, the Stars had little trouble disposing of their rivals and should have earned a shut-out. Hernandez, the Cuban hurler, was hit hard and often."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, but in the Indianapolis Freeman."

Detroit, MI
"Big Crowd See Stars Battle - Mack Park Barely Escapes Destruction as 15,000 Push, Jostle and Rage to Gain Entrance; Situation Relieved by 2,000 Free Admissions - By Dave Wyatt - Detroit, Michigan, May 21. - Never in the baseball history of Detroit was there enacted a scene such as was staged here last Sunday when countless thousands of excited and enthusiastic devotees of baseball lined up on Mack avenue for blocks, surrounded the entrances to the park and nearly stampeded the officials and guards of the encosure in their eagerness to gain admittance. The game here Sunday revealed a most certain fact: Mack Park, as well as many of the other plants, are not sufficient in either seating or standing capacity to accomodate the eager throngs that want to witness the games betwen the various teams that swing around the new baseball circuit. The situation here escaped complete control of the officials when for hours the ebbing, charging mass of humanity begged, cajoled and did everything except riot in their quest for an entrance, and as a long resort hundreds bolted the long lines, mounted the fences, broke by the guards, disregarded the ticket takers, thereby gaining free admission. Every hole, corner and crack was filled and hundreds perched upon the top of the fence that encircles the arena very much like rows of sparrows. The crowd swarmed and invaded all parts within the players' lines and it was thought for a while that the game would have to be called off: as there was no place to play. when the umpire finally called "Play Ball!" there were fully as many people on the outside as were within. When it became known that the game had actually started pandemonium reighned upon the outside, and some, thinking the crowd was rioting, sent in a call; a motor policeman hurrying to the scene suffered a broken leg, while the officers who already were there had the time of their sweet lives trying to handle and control the buzzing assemblage. When order was finally restored a huge floral offering in the form of a baseball diamond was, by the hardest, ushered to the plate. The officials of the club, surrounded by the players of the two teams, encircled the floral design, while Dr. Jas. W. Ames, Detroit's leading physician, released an oratorical effort that would have did the floors of congress proud. Little can be said of the actual playing of the game, as the pastimers did not have a fair shake. As it was, Bill Holland, Tenny Blout's crack twirler, did the hurling honors for the home guard, while Hernandez, a new Cuban pitcher of class, carried the pitching burden of the Islanders. Of course, with the crowd right up to the first and third bases and two within 60 feet of the second baseman and shortstop in the outfield, real play was a thing forgotten. The two teams went along on fairly even terms for a spell, with whatever advantage there was, going to the home team. One thing the play did reveal is that the Detroit Stars is a team that can hit, field, run bases and think in a manner that is destined to prove an awful menace to all competitors this season. Tenny Blount's new men, especially Longware, Hoeland and Thompson, appear to place the Detroiters in the extremely fortunate class in their possession of classy material, while the old faces, Pete Hill, Bruce Petway, Joe Hewitt, Jimmie Lyons, Frand Warfield and Edgar Wesley, undoubtedly are putting up the best show of their career on the diamond. The Cubans were defeated, but they lost no prestige, as many believe the Islanders to be in a slump due to the cold and frosty temperature that they have encountered in their first week in the states. The Cubans have some new men who are destined to be heard from. Bill Drake, the new left-fielder, is one of Cuba's greatest lefthand hitters, and he is a fast and flashy fielder. Lopez at third is a wonder and Herrera at second works with that style and grace that pleases. Besides the new men now with the Cuban team other men are enroute to the states, so it is believed, judging from the style of play of those already here, that the Cubans are going to put up a grueling fight and the teams in the states will have to be on the job early and lest the Cubans cart the new league bunting to far away Havana."

May 17, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Cubans Trample Local Pastimers - Cooper Is Driven From the Mound; Stars Lose, 14-3. - Cuban Stars trounced the Detroit Stars in the third game of the series, 14 to 3. In a loosely played game. The series now stands two to one in favor of the locals. The visitors got to Cooper in the second, after two were down. Circuit drives by Hernanadez and Rio, after Cooper had walked three, netted five runs. Lyons finished the game for the locals, but fared little better. Walks and errors kept him continually in a hole. Valdez was touched up for eight safeties, but kept them well scattered. In the second, Captain Pete Hill, going after a hard hit ball, ran into the right field fence and suffered injuries that may keep him out of the game for some time. LeBlanc will probably be sent in for the Cubans Tuesday, while Thompson, for the locals, will try to duplicate his feat of last Saturday."

Detroit, MI
"Cubans on a Rampage. - Detroit, Michigan, Monday, May 17 - The Cuban Stars slaughtered the Stars in a loosely played game. Andy Cooper and Jimmie Lyons were wild as the March winds. Captain Pete Hill, going after a hard hit ball in the second, ran into the right field fence, suffering injuries that may keep him out of the game for some time."

Detroit, MI
"Cuban Stars Win Two - Detroit, Michigan, May 28. - LeBlanc will probably be sent in for the Cubans Tuesday, while Thompson, for the locals will try to duplicate his feat of last Saturday."

May 18, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Cuban Stars Even Mack Park Series - Visitors Pounce on Holland for 6 runs in Final Chapter. - Cuban Stars evened the series with the Stars at Mack park by winning Tuesday afternoon, 12 to 6. The deciding game will be staged at Mack park Wednesday. LeBlanc and Cooper will be the opposing twirlers."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

Detroit, MI
"Stars Lose to Cubans - Detroit, Michigan, Tuesday, 18th - The Cubans batted Gunboat Thompson and Bill Holland hard, winning in the 9th."

May 22, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Locals Drop Tilt to Magnets, 7 to 5 - Chicago Team Takes Opener of Series at Mack Park. - Detroit Stars lost to the Chicago Magnets in the first game of the series at Mack park Saturday afternoon, 7 to 5. Corey, of the visitors, and Thompson, of the locals, were hit freely, although the former had the better of the argument. Scanlon and Wesley, of the Chicago team, both obtained three hits off Thompson during the session. A double-header is scheduled to take place at Mack park, Sunday afternoon, when the Northway Motors and Chevrolet Motors will play the first contest, and Detroit Stars and Magnets meeting in the final game. Holland will be sent in for the Stars, while the visitors have chosen Joe Scanlon, former Brooklyn pitcher, to take up the mound duty."

Detroit, MI
"Saturday, May 22 - Chicago Magnets, Chicago League vs. Detroit Stars"

Detroit, MI
"Chicago Magnets, 7; Detroit Stars, 5. - Detroit, Michigan, May 22. - The Chicago Magnets defeated Pete Hill's Detroit Stars today, 7 to 5. A home run by Heckert and the batting of Scanlon featured."

May 23, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Stow It Away In First - Score All Their Runs in Opening Inning Against Magnets. - Detroit Stars came back strong in their second game against the Chicago Magnets at Mack park, Sunday afternoon and evened the series by winning 5 to 0. Holland, the local's star hurler, was invincible, striking out seven batters and allowing four hits. Detroit counted all of its five runs in the opening inning. Petway walked and Lyons singled to center field and on Jamieson's error he advanced to second, Petway taking third. Wesley, the third man up, walked, loading the corners. Hill struck out, but Eggleston doubled, clearing the bases. Longware also clouted a two base hit, scoring Eggleston. Riggins hit a liner to Shortstop McKittrick, whose wild peg to first base allowed the fifth and last score. From the first inning, the game was a pitchers' duel between Holland and Canion."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

Detroit, MI
"Sunday, May 23 - Chicago Magnets, Chicago League vs. Detroit Stars"

May 29, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Chicago Giants at Detroit - Joe Green's Chicago Giants go to Detroit and will open this Saturday, May 29, playing Sunday and Decoration Day, also Tuesday and Wednesday. Joe Green has finally added a couple of new pitchers, also a shortstop, who is said to be a real comer. The new find is a Chicago lad and he is a graduate of the prairies and high school baseball teams of the Windy city. Anderson is the lad's name and of those who have seen him work the best judges pronounce him a comer. Another player on the Giants that is attracting attention is White, the big soldier first baseman; this fellow is a clouter of the clean-up variety and of the player who saw him work many overseas games, all pronounce him to be one of the most dangerous hitters in the game. The Detroit fans are in for some real battling when Joe Green trots his revised line-up out to toe the scratch."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Smother Chicago Giants. - Detroit, Michigan - Joe Green's Chicago Giants were defeated Saturday and Sunday by Ted Blount's slugging Stars."

Detroit, MI
"Stars Kayo Chicago Giants - Detroit, Michigan, June 4. - Detroit Stars were in a hitting mood Saturday afternoon and, hammering out three homers among divers other hits of single and extra base proportions, defeated the Chicago Giants, runners up in the Colored Championship race, 11 to 4. John Taylor, who started for the Giants, offered curves just to the liking of his opponents, who pounded them to all corners of the lot, and before he was retired, after six innings of toil, 10 runs had been gathered by the Detroiters. Walter Ball worked the last three innings. In the meantime Bill Holland was holding the Chicagoans to five hits and four runs. Edgar Wesley poled out two of the circuit smashes and Jimmie Lyons was the producer of the other hit over the fence. The same teams play again Sunday at 3:15, with Gunboat Thompson working for the Stars, and Walter Ball or Smithson the visitor's choice."

May 30, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Pitcher's Battle is Expected Here - Ball and Thompson are Slated for Mound Duty. - Sunday's baseball attraction at Mack park is the second game of the series in which the Detroit Stars are playing the Chicago Giants. Thompson, the redoubtable curve ball pitcher of the local team's staff, has been saved by Manager Tenny Blount for the Sunday contest and it is expected that Walter Ball, star of the visiting club's mound corps, will work against him, which should mean a pitchers' battle that will be well worth watching. Those who witness the game will see one of the funniest clown coachers in baseball - a colored edition of Nick Altrock - in action. Joe Green, who manages the club, is a whole vaudeville show in himself. He keeps the crowd in convulsions throughout the contest. Memorial day the Stars and Giants will play two games, one in the morning at 10:30 and the other in the afternoon at 3:15."

"Stars Drive Ball Off Mound to Win - Chicago Giants Lose Second Game of Series to Locals. - Detroit Stars defeated the Chicago Giants the second time in two days, Sunday, 9 to 4. The game was exciting from start to finish. Ball, Chicago hurler, was batted from the box in the first inning. McDougall, who relieved him, held the heavy-hitting Detroiters from scoring again until the sixth inning. "Mac" weakened at this juncture. His support also faltered, the Stars scoring five times. "Jimmy" Lyons injected a timely hit that emptied the sacks. The Giants bunched all but one of their hits in the second inning, scoring four runs. McDougall drove out a home run. Riggins, the infielder, who has been substituting for Joe Hewitt, who was hurt two weeks ago, accepted 13 field chances without an error. Jenkins, Chicago's centerfielder, made a remarkable catch of Warfield's hard drive in the seventh inning. The Stars and Giants play two games Monday at Mack Park at 10:30 and 3:15."

Detroit, MI
Sunday's Game, Detroit 9, Chicago 4"

Detroit, MI
"Double Header - Detroit, Michigan, May 28. - Mack Park will be the scene of a double header baseball program Sunday afternoon when two clubs from Detroit oppose teams from Flint, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois, the first game starting at 1:15 o'clock. In the 3:15 o'clock conflict the Detroit Stars will meet the Chicago Magnets, one of the best clubs in the Chicago City League. The Chicagoans have saved their best hurler for Sunday's game, Condon or Joe Scanlon, formerly of Brooklyn, or Condon being slated to hurl. Condon has beaten the Cuban Stars, holding them scoreless, and has trimmed many other big clubs in and around chicago. He made the spring training trip with Brooklyn, but fell just short of major league caliber. DesJardins was signed with Cleveland Americans, but couldn't quite make the grade. Bill Holland or a new hurler whom Manager Tenny Blount has signed will work for the Stars."

May 31, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Win Series From Chicagoans - Split Even Memorial Day; Homer Only Score of 2nd. - Detroit Stars won the series with Chicago Giants three games to one by taking the afternoon game Memorial Day, Holland besting Taylor in a pitchers' battle, 1 to 0. Riggins scored Detroit's run in the eighth inning, driving the ball to right field fence for a home run. Holland kept the chicago hits scattered. The stellar work of the Stars' infield, especially that of Wesley at first base, spoiled any chance the visitors had of scoring. The morning game was a heavy hitting contest, Chicago winning, 9 to 7. Captain Pete Hill gave Brown and Green, two of his colt pitchers, a chance. Both were hit hard. Beckwith was the leading clubber for the visitors, his three-bagger being one of the longest hits seen at Mack park this season. Eggleston was the big offensive man for Detroit, driving out two doubles and a triple."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, appearing in the Indianapolis Freeman."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit, Michigan. - The Stars won the series from the Chicago Giants, splitting games on Memorial Day, the first by a score of 1 to 0, and the second which they lost, by a score of 7 to 9."

June 5, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Dayton Marcos to Meet Stars - Jim Taylor and his Dayton Marcos, prominent contenders for the colored baseball championship of 1920, will be the guests of Teddy Blount's Detroit Stars at Mack Park Saturday and Sunday. The Stars are going to have the hardest opposition of the season if advance notices of the Marcos prowess is exemplified by their playing as the Marcos already have defeated the American Giants of Chicago this season and, under the management of Taylor, look strong indeed. The team's roster includes a number of the best colored players in the business, including the following: Brown, 1b; Taylor, 2b; Cunningham, ss; Leary, 3b; Wingfield, Alexander, Thompson, and Britt, outfielders; Lane, Gray and Wilson, pitchers; Shelton and Miller, catchers. The Stars have acquired the services of Big Bill Gatewood, formerly of the St. Louis Giants, and he will hurl either the Saturday or Sunday game. He is one of the most famous colored pitchers in the game and his services should do much to strengthen the locals' mound staff."

"Stars Open Series With Dayton Team - Mack Park Will Be Scene of Game at 3:15 Saturday. - Dayton Marcos and Detroit Stars open a two-game series at Mack Park this afternoon, the series being one of those on which the colored championship for 1920 will be decided. The visitors have gained a real reputation this season and are the only aggregation to stop the American Giants, champions of 1919. Last season the Marcos were given a drubbing by the local pastimers, and, with a greatly strengthened team, they come back with the avowed intention of evening the count. Their pitching staff is a strong one, with Lane, Grey and Wilson, and the whole team is well balanced and ably managed by Jimmy Taylor, who played with the locals a while last season and is a second baseman. The Stars will use Holland, Gatewood, or Thompson on the mound with Petway or Eggleston receiving, and the game will start at 3:15."

"Dayton Marcos In Win From Stars. - Detroiters Pass Up Chances to Score, Lose 4 to 1. Dayton Marcos won a hard fought contest from the Detroit Stars at Mack park Saturday afternoon, 4 to 1. Timely hitting by the visitors and perfect throwing held the locals in check. Detroit passed up several chances to score, although being unable to hit. Butt of the Daytons held the Stars to three hits, two of which went to Lyons. in the sixth inning Alexander and Thompkins participated in a double steal, Alexander scoring."

Detroit, MI
"Mack Park, Detroit, Michigan - Saturday, June 5 and Sunday, June 6, 5 Game Series Dayton Marcos -vs- Detroit Stars."

Detroit, MI
"The Dayton Marcos, the only circuit gang able to down the American Giants, will try conclusions with Tenny Blount's Detroit Stars, starting Saturday, going through Sunday and for three more days. The Marcos have a team of college players. They are fast, can hit, have a fine staff of pitchers and are dangerous contenders for the new circuit honors of supremacy."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Lose One and Win One - Dayton, Ohio Marcos Give Tenny Blount's Outfit Plenty of Trouble - Detroit, Michigan, June 11. - The Dayton Marcos won a hard fought contest from the Detroit Stars at Mack Park Saturday afternoon, 4 to 1. Timely hitting by the visitors and perfect throwing held the locals in check. Detroit passed up several chances to score, although being unable to hit. George Britt of the Daytons held the Stars to three hits, two of which went to Jimmie Lyons. In the sixth inning, Koke Alexander and Thompkins participated in a double steal, Koke Alexander scoring. - Second Game - Timely hitting by Joe Hewett, Jimmie Lyons and Edgar Wesley of the Detroit Stars enabled them to even the series with the Dayton Marcos at Mack Park Sunday afternoon, taking the second game, 10 to 5. Isaac Lane of the visitors, after gaining a four-run lead in the first two innings allowed a single and a pass to Joe Hewitt and Jimmie Lyons, respectively. Edgar Wesley hit the third ball pitched for one of the longest homers ever seen at the park. Bruce Petway took a share of the batting honors in the same session, placing a perfect bunt down the third base line which allowed two runners to score. Brown and Pete Hill upheld the fielding honors, perfect throwing shutting off several attempted scores. Dayton will play the third game of the series at Mack Park Monday afternoon. The world's championship of Colored baseball teams is at stake, as both teams have won every series this season."

June 6, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Even Games With Dayton Team - Hitting Features 2nd Game of Marcos Series at Mack Park. - Timely hitting by Hewett, Lyons and Wesley of the Detroit Stars enabled them to even the series with the Dayton Marcos at Mack park Sunday afternoon, taking the second game, 10 to 5. Lane of the visitors, after gaining a four-run lead in the first two inings, allowed a single and a pass to Hewitt and Lyons, respectively. Wesley hit the third ball pitched for one of the longest homers ever seen at the park. Petway took a share of the batting honors in the same session, placing a perfect bunt down the third baseline which allowed two runners to score. Brown and Hill upheld the fielding honors, perfect throwing sutting off several attempted scores. Dayton will play the third game of the series at Mack park Monday afternoon. The world's championship of colored baseball teams is at stake, as both teams have won every series this season."

June 7, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Take Third Game From Marcos - Gatewood Pitches Great Ball to Defeat the Visitors. - Detroit Stars defeated the Dayton Marcos in a fast and errorless game Monday, making the games stand 2 to 1 in favor of the locals."

June 8, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Twelve Inning Game to Locals - Detroit Stars Take Lion's Share of Marcos Series. - Detroit Stars won a fast 12-inning contest from the Dayton Marcos at Mack park, Tuesday afternoon, 6 to 5. It also was the locals' third game in a series of four from the visitors. Gateway's triple, followed by a single from Warfield, tied the score in the ninth inning. In the final chapter, with two out, Longware singled and was sent around the circuit on safeties by Gatewood and Warfield, winning the game."

June 10, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit, Michigan - Detroit Stars won a fast 12-inning contest from the Dayton Marcos at Mack Park Thursday afternoon, 5 to 4. It was also the locals' third game in a series of four from the visitors. Bill Gatewood's triple, followed by a single from Frank Warfield, tied the score in the ninth inning. In the final chapter, with two out, Alonzo Longware singled and was sent around the circuit on safeties by Bill Gatewood and Frank Warfield, winning the game."

June 13, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Meet Cowpers - Detroit Stars will take on the Cowpers All-Stars in their game at Mack park Sunday afternoon, and this club will strengthen considerably for the occasion, it being rumored that a league pitcher is signed up to face the colored pastimers. Cowpers last Sunday defeated the St. Josephats 10 to 1 and last season put up a creditable battle against the Stars. Manager Klein is confident his team will make the Mack Parkers hustle to defeat them. Following the Cowpers' game, the Stars will go to Alma for two games, playing the Republics next week Wednesday and Thursday, after which the A.B.C.s of Indianapolis come here for a five-game series June 19 to 23. The Alma Republics play a return engagement in Detroit June 26 to 27."

"Sunday, June 13 Championship Series - Northway Motors vs. Detroit Stars at Detroit, Michigan - Games called at 3:00 p.m."

Detroit, MI
"Stars Win When Lyons and Wesley Hit Home Runs. - Detroit, Michigan (Special) - Tanner's wildness and drives over the fence by Jimmie Lyons in the eighth inning and by Edgar Wesley, with three on base in the tenth, gave the Detroit Stars a victory over the Cowpers at Mack Park, 3 to 2. Andy Cooper pitched shutout ball for the Stars until the eighth frame, when a hit batsman and three singles gave the west-siders two runs. The Stars had scored one run in the first, Jimmie Lyons's home run tied the game up. Tanner weakened in the extra inning and passed three batsmen, giving Edgar Wesley a chance. The Stars' first sacker hit the first ball pitched out of the lot and the game was over."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

June 17, 1920

Alma, MI
"Detroit All Stars Coming to this City - Famous Detroit Team Will be Here for Two Twilight Games This Coming Week. - The famous Detroit Colored Stars considered by many as the strongest colored aggregation in the world, will meet the Alma Republics here next week Thursday and Friday, June 17 and 18, on Republic Field in two games that will furnish the hottest test that the Truckmakers have ever had. The Detroit team has been well known with Michigan fans for some years as a fast aggregation, but during the past two or three years has been stronger than ever and has defeated nearly every team of importance that it has played and seldom has lost a series of baseball contests. It has just finished a series with the Toledo colored team for the colored championship of the world. In view of the strength of the Chicago All Stars, and other colored teams, the fact that the Detroit team has been able to stage such a series, shows that it ranks among the best. It has defeated practically every team that the Republics have met and defeated in the past year and a half, and will furnish a fine test for the strength of the Truckers this year. The Republics know that they have two real battles on their hands with the Detroiters and are making every effort to be in top shape for the two games, and will not concede that the Detroit All Stars can defeat them until the trick has been turned. Manager Olmstead is certain to send his best pitching talent against the Stars in the effort to stop the brilliant record that the Detroiters have been piling up. Hagerman is certain to be the pitching selection for one of these games and it is probable that Big Bob Sherlow will be chosen for mound duty in the other game. Alma will see twilight baseball in this series, as the midweek games with the Stars on Thursday and Friday are to be called at 5:00 p.m. At noon today it was stated that the Republic and Alma stores would close at 5:00 p.m. for these games. Games will be called at 5:20."

Alma, MI
"Hagerman Stops Detroit Stars - Alma Hurler Fans 14 and Blanks State Champs. - Special to the Free Press. - Alma, Michigan, June 17. - Too much Hagerman was the story of the first battle of the series between the Detroit Stars and Republic Trucks, the truck-makers taking the opening battle for the state title, 2 to 0. Hagerman was in wonderful form, allowing only five hits and striking out 14 men. Twice he kept the Stars away from the plate by striking out two men."

Alma, MI
"Split Even With Detroit Stars - Hagerman Won Brilliant Pitching Duel With Holland in the Opener. - Fielding Was a Feature - Rabbit Oakes Featured Contests with Wonderful Catches in Left Field. - An even split was the best for the Republics in its two games here Thursday and Friday with the Detroit All-Stars, these clashes marking the first of the series for the Michigan championship. The first game was a highly brilliant pitchers' battle between Hagerman and Holland, which the Alma hurler won 2 to 0. The second game saw the Detroiters pound Sherlow for a 5 to 2 victory. The heavy hitting Detroit clan was pie for Hagerman, who was going in fine shape. Fourteen of the All-Stars, including the heaviest hitters on the team, were struck out by Rip, who allowed only five bingles during the entire game. The star heaver did not extend himself except when it was necessary, and such cases found him invincible. Holland also pitched a fine brand of ball, allowing just seven hits and striking out eight men. Three of the hits came in the eighth inning when the Republics counted both of their runs. In the first inning the Stars got men on second and third with one down, but Hagerman turned them back by striking out Pete Hill and Wesley, their heaviest clouters. In the second a strike-out finished the inning after Longware had tripled with two men out. Two hits were bunched in the fourth by the Stars, but Hill was nailed stealing third, and the next two men were struck out. From then on until a rally was attempted in the ninth the Detroiters were not dangerous. In the ninth Hewitt walked and Lyons' single put him on third. Lyons stole second. With second and third occupied and none out the Republic's chances looked none too rosy, but Hagerman again struck out Pete Hill, Wesley grounded out and Gatewood, batting for C. Hill, was the fourteenth victim to fan. The Republics had several scoring chances, but could not break the ice until the eighth. Oakes reached second with one down in the first inning, but Chouinard and Loney could not connect for the needed hit. In the third two more men got on the sacks with one down, but the hit to score was not forthcoming. In the fifth, Oakes got around to third but was again left stranded. In the sixth Loney and LaFleur hit the sacks, but Desilets and McElligot struck out, ending the inning. In the big eighth Tooley started it with a triple. Chouinard doubled to right, scoring Tooley. Loney grounded out, as did LaFleur. Desilets singled to center and Loney romped home with the second run. McElligot singled, but was caught stealking."

June 18, 1920

Alma, MI
"Finish Series Friday - The home series with the Detroit All Stars will come to a close with Friday's battle at 5:20 on Republic Field, and the fans are almost certain to see a lively scrap between these two stellar nines. The dusky lads have one of the finest teams that has ever been brought to Alma, and it is certain that the field will see the largest crowd tomorrow that has ever witnessed a ball game here."

Alma, MI
"Stars Get Even With Republics - Gatewood Holds Alma in Check, Winning Game 5 to 2. - Special to the Free Press - Alma, Michigan, June 18. - Detroit Stars evened up the state title series with the Republics today by finding Sherlow at opportune times and winning 5 to 2. Twice the visitors were assisted in their scoring by errors."

Alma, MI
"Friday's Game. - In the Friday game Sherlow was almost in constant trouble, a boner and one error helping the visitors during the troublesome periods. At that had luck favored them a bit a different result could easily have come. The Stars scored first in the second inning. Pete Hill and Wesley singled to center. C. Hill was thrown out at first and Weseley started for third. With an easy play on Wesley or Pete Hill, LaFleur pulled a boner and held up the ball, both being safe. Riggins singled, scoring both men. Pilway flied out and Gatewood grounded out. In the fifth Riggins was safe on Loney's error. Pilway sacrificed, and Gatewood's hit scored Riggins. In the eighth, Lyons beat out a bunt with one down. Pete Hill walked, Wesley flied out, C. Hill doubled, scoring both. Pilway singled and C. Hill was nailed at the plate by Chouinard's throw-in from center. The Republics had plenty of scoring chances in this game but the hits could not be pulled when needed. The sacks were crowded with one down in the second inning, but Meidell struck out and Sherlow grounded out. In the fifth both runs were counted. McElligot singled to right. Meidell slashed one to right. Sherlow struck out. Oakes was safe on an error, and McElligot scored. Tooley singled and Meidell counted. Oakes was nailed at the plate on Chouinard's fielder's choice. In the ninth the Republics started a strong ralley that was nipped in the bud by a double play, after two men had hit safely, and the game was over."

June 19, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Open Series With Indianapolis - Second Place in Colored Baseball Circuit at Stake. - Detroit Stars and A.B.C.s of Indianapolis will open a five-game series at Mack park Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and this engagement promises to be the hardest fought diamond series of the season at the east side ball lot. The Indianapolis club is third in the Colored National Baseball association's championship race, while the Stars are second and the outcome of the series will decide which club is to occupy the runner-up berth. The Stars now are a half game behind the American Giants of Chicago. There are a number of star players on the visiting team's roster, including the Jeffries brothers, Taylor, Johnson and Charleston, rated a second Ty Cobb.

"Stars Show Off Before A.B.C.'s - Detroit Nine Wins Opening Game of Series, 8 to 4. - Detroit Stars defeated the Indianapolis A.B.C. club at Mack Park, Saturday afternoon 8 to 4. The visitors obtained their four runs in the fourth session on five hits, while the locals, assisted by errors charged to Day, scored in the second and seventh. The same teams play again Sunday."

Detroit, MI
"A.B.C.'s Lose to Detroit Stars Saturday and Sunday. - Detroit, Michigan Special - Tenny Blount's fast going stars kept up their winning gait by defeating the Indianapolis A.B.C.'s Saturday and Sunday. The heavy hitters of the hoosiers were unable to hit safely."

Detroit, MI
"A.B.C.'s Lose Game. - Detroit, Michigan, June 21. - The A.B.C.'s of Indianapolis dropped the first of a five-game series to the Detroit Stars here Sunday, 8 to 4."

June 20, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Take Short Game From A.B.C.'s - Local Pastimers Make It Two Straight Over Hoosiers. - Detroit Stars defeated Indianapolis A.B.C.s Sunday at Mack Park in a short game, 3 to 1. The contest was called on account of rain after 4 and a half innings of play. Detroit scored twice in the opening inning. Lyon's pretty drive to center bringing home Warfield, who had strolled. Lyons stole second and third and tallied on C. Hill's hit. Warfield tripled in the third and scored on Lyon's drive to right, on which Jeffries made a wonderful shoe string catch. Holland handed the visitors their only run in the second inning. With two out, Powell walked, advancd to second on a balk and s cored on McClain's hit to right. Wesley retired the side in the fifth, getting Johnson's line drive and doubling Day off first. Indianapolis plays the Stars at Mack park Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday."

Detroit, MI
"Sunday's Game. - The contest was called on account of rain, after 4 1/2 innings of play. Detroit scored twice in the opening inning. Jimmie Lyons' pretty drive to center brought home Frank Warfield, who had strolled. Jimmie Lyons stole second and third and tallied on Charlie Hill's hit. Frank Warfield tripled in the third and scored on Jimmie Lyons's hit to right, which Jim Jeffries got in a wonderful shoe-string catch. Bill Holland handed the visitors their only run in the second inning. With two out, Russell Powell walked, went to second on a balk and scored on Boots McClain's hit to right. Edgar Wesley retired the site in the fifth, getting Dicta Johnson's line drive and doubling Connie Day off first."

June 21, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Resume Play Tuesday - Detroit Stars and Indianapolis A.B.C.s did not play Monday due to the cold weather and wet conditions of the grounds but will renew hostilities in their series at Mack Park Tuesday, 3 p.m. Steel Arm Johnnie Taylor joined the Indianapolis club Monday and probably will pitch in one of the two remaining games to be played here. He is said to be a splendid moundsman and should strengthen the visitors in the pitching department. The Stars have the jump on their rivals, winning the first two games, and now are in a position where one victory in two of the other contests will give them the series. However, they are after a clean sweep and will use Holland and Gatewood in the final games. Lyons, the big edge on Charleston of the visitors in the series to date. He has made three hits in six times at bat, while the visitors star has gone hitless. Lyons had the satisfaction of fanning him twice when he pitched the last few innings of Saturday's game."

June 22, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Take Extra Inning Game, 8-7 - Tying Score in Ninth, Locals Go 2 More Sessions to Win. - Detroit Stars won an eleven inning game from the Indianapolis A.B.C. club at Mack Park, Tuesday afternoon, 8 to 7. The locals came from behind in the ninth, scoring four runs and Lyons peled cut a homer in the extra inning winning the contest. Dismukes allowed no hits for eight innings while Holland struck out 11 batters. The final game of the series will be played Wednesday afternoon."

June 23, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Have Big Edge - Indianapolis Pitchers Unable to Stop Local Sluggers. - Detroit Stars took the fourth straight game from the Indianapolis A.B.C.'s Wednesday, 12 to 5. The locals landed on all their opposing pitchers in the third frame for a total of seven runs. Gatewood, for the locals, had the Indianapolis boys at his mercy. After his team had a big lead he eased up considerably."

June 26, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Republics Play Detroit Stars - These Teams Resume State Title Series Saturday. - Alma Republics and Detroit Stars will renew their state title series at Mack Park Saturday afternoon when the truck-makers come to this city for two games, the second to be staged Sunday. In the first two contests at Alma the teams broke even, Alma shutting out the Detroiters in the first and losing the second. Alma promises to bring an even more formidable team than that which faced the champions before as Hunter, former Western leaguer, has since joined the team and is playing in the garden. Erhardt, a former Boston league hurler, also has been signed and probably will twirl one game with "Rip" Hagerman, who shut out the Stars last week, doing mound duty in the other."

"Alma and Stars Play Saturday - Third Game of Title Series Finds Teams Strengthened. - Both the Detroit Stars and Alma Republics will present strengthened lineups in the third game of their state title series, to be played at Mack Park Saturday afternoon. The Stars have Captain Pete Hill back in the game while the Republics have signed Erhardt, a former Boston Braves pitcher and more recently with the St Paul American Association club; Dunckel, former Saginaw first baseman, and Hunter, an outfielder from Des Moines in the Western league. Either "Rip" Hagerman, who is a former Cleveland Indian hurler and handed the Stars their only shutout of the season last week; or Erhardt will work the first game for the visitors while Holland or Gatewood will oppose. Alma's lineup for the game follows: Oaks, lf; Tooley, 2b; Choulnard, cf; Hunter or Desiletts, rf; Loney, 3b; Dunckle, 1b; McEligot, ss; Meidell, c; Hagerman, Erhardt, Sherlos and Foster, pitchers. Holland or Gatewood will pitch against Alma. Game starts at 3 p.m."

"Detroit Stars Lose to Almas - Hagerman Allows Two Hits to Locals, Winning 10 to 1. - Hagerman, of the Alma Republics, baffled the Detroit Stars in the third game of the series at Mack Park Saturday, and won the contest 10 to 1. The visiting hurler allowed only two hits to be taken off his delivery while his mates pounded seven off Gatewood and two from Holland. Both teams will again clash here Sunday, Sherlow being the twirler for the Almas while Gatewood or Holland will appear on the mound for the locals."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, published in the Indianapolis Freeman on July 3."

Alma, MI
"Rip Lands Two Good Battles - Republic's Crack Hurler Pitched Two Brilliant Games During Week. - Defeated Stars and Omaha - Three Hits All That Murphy Team Could Get, While Stars Got Just Two. - Hagerman almost reached the hall of baseball fame Saturday in his game against the Detroit Stars, having a no hit, no run game for the first eight innings of the contest, but in the ninth a lucky blob hit robbed him of the honor, and he was forced to content himself with a 10 to 1 victory. Sunday the Stars evened up the series with a 10 to 2 victory over the Truckers. Rip was in great form for the Saturday game, and for eight long innings the Stars were eating out of his hand, his deceiving delivery puzzling the strong Star batters until the final frame, when a blob to the outfield went for a hit. Chouinard thought that Tooley at second would take the ball, but it was slightly too far out for Tooley. Chouinard finally started for the ball and got it, but couldn't hold it. One man was down at the time. The next batter struck out, and the fourth singled. So had it not been for the lucky hit, which Chouinard might have landed Hagerman would have been given credit for a no hit, no run game. Hagerman struck out nine men. Thompson started for the State Champions, and was greeted with a bombardment of hits that sent him to the bench in the opening inning with four runs scored and none down. Gatewood, one of Foster's star pitchers, was then sent to the firing line and two more runs crossed the plate before the Stars succeeded in retiring the Truckers. Content with the six run lead the Republics just eased along through the next few innings, but in the seventh started another driving attack, in which Oakes featured, with a homer with men on the sacks. Four runs counted in this inning."

June 27, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Alma and Stars In Fourth Game - Sunday's Contest at Mack Park is Enticing One. - Detroit Stars and Alma Republics will play the fourth game of their state semi-pro title series at Mack Park Sunday afternoon and the baseball fans of this city are sure to see some real pastiming when these clubs, which play a brand of baseball near major league caliber, lock horns. The three previous games all have been hard fought affairs and the visiting team is proving about the toughest aggregation to best the locals have faced. At the present time, due to winning the four games from Indianapolis A.B.C.'s, the Stars are tied with Rube Foster's American Giants of Chicago for the lead in the colored championship race and this week will leave for a 10-day road trip to Indianapolis and Dayton to play the A.B.C.s and Marcos. The team now is much stronger than at any time this season with Gatewood booming along at a great rate and Captain Pete Hill back in the outfield. Alma brings a great team here, "Rip" Hagerman, former Clevelander, star of the hurling corps, and Erhardt, formerly with Boston Braves, as the pitching aces, and a well balanced lineup of former minor and major leaguers. These who desire to avoid standing in line for tickets at the gate can secure them in advance from the Walverane Barber Shop Sunday morning."

"Stars Get Even With Republics - Whale Alma Team 10 to 2 to Square Title Series. - Detroit Stars knocked Foster and Tanner out of the box and won Sunday's game from the Alma Republics by a score of 10 to 2, evening up the series. The visitors were unable to bunch hits off Holland, who pitched a strong game throughout. Foster was hit hard in the second inning, the Stars getting four hits in a row, and one run. Tanner, Detroit boy, started in the third for the Auto makers. He was taken for a brace of runs in the fourth inning and four more in the sixth, Sherlow relieved Tanner at this juncture. Two doubles and a single in the eighth added three more runs to the Stars score. Loney and McElligot played star games for Alma. Riggins, who subbed for Wesley at first base, was the Detroit fielding ace. One of the largest crowds of the year watched the contest."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, published in the Indianapolis Freeman on July 3."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, published in the Indianapolis Freeman on July 3."

Indianapolis, IN
"Look Here Fans - Standing of the Clubs of the Western Circuit of the Proposed Negro National Base Ball League. - These figures are based on a percentage of won and lost and are for all game splayed up to week of June 27th:

Chicago, IL
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

Alma, MI
"Sunday it was a crippled team that faced the Stars, as Rabbit Oakes, clever left fielder, was called to Cincinnati Saturday night by the death of his brother, and with the Detroiters pounding Foster, Tanner and Sherlow with ease, they evened up the series for the state championship, making the count two games each. The Stars won the Sunday game 10 to 2. Holland, the Ace of the Detroiters' pitching staff was on the mound, and was hit hard by the Republics, being taken for eight blows. He proved his worth several times during the game by tightening up when hits would have meant runs for the Republics. The game was an even up affair until the fourth, as both teams scored just one run in the third. In the fourth the stars landed on Tanner, who succeeded Foster in the third, collecting two run. In the sixth, Tanner yielded four more counters, and he was jerked, Sherlow going to the box. Sherlow got through the seventh in fine shape, but in the eighth was nicked for three runs, these coming on two doubles and a single. The crowd that saw the Sunday game at Mack Park was one of the largest crowds ever on the field, which gives a slight indication of the way that the Republic Trucks are regarded in the Michigan metropolis."

July 3, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Feature Game at Mack Park - Cowpers All-Stars will play the Detroit Creamery nine in one of the feature games in the city at Mack Park, Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Tanner, who held the stars in a ten-inning game here two weeks ago, will probably appear for the Cowpers, to even the series with the Milkmen. The hurler for the Creamery club most likely will be Smith. July 5, the All-Stars are scheduled to entertain the Dayton Marcos of Ohio at the Mack avenue stadium. Detroit Stars left Friday night for Indiana, where they are billed to play for 10 days. The schedule calls for a game at Muncie, Indiana Saturday, in Indianapolis, opposed by the A.B.C., Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and at Dayton Thursday, and Friday against the Marcos. They return home to play the Kansas City Monarchs five games, starting next week Saturday."

Muncie, IN
"A.B.C.'s Win From Detroit Stars at Muncie, Indiana - Muncie, Indiana - The A.B.C.'s of Indianapolis defeated the Detroit Stars of Detroit, Michigan Saturday, July 3 by the score of 3 to 1. Southpaw Jim Jeffries of the A.'s was in rare form. Gunboat Thompson pitched for the Stars."

July 4, 1920

Indianapolis, IN
"Detroit Stars and A.B.C.'s In a 50-50 Series, Both Teams Winning 2 Games - Washington Park, Indianapolis, Indiana - Tenny Blount's slugging Stars from Detroit, Michigan hit Ed Rile and Jim Jeffries hard, Sunday, and easily defeated the A.B.C.'s before a crowd of 6,000. Bill Holland, the Indianapolis boy and the Stars' pitching ace, held the locals to three blows. Oscar Charleston's fielding was a feature, while Joe Hewitt's work at short was of sensational order."

Indianapolis, IN
"Detroit Stars to Start Series With A.B.C.'s Sunday - The Detroit Stars and the A.B.C.'s will hook up in a series here at Washington Park. The teams will meet Sunday in a single contest, starting at 3 o'clock, while Monday two games will be staged, the first ones starting at 2 o'clock. A single contest will take place Tuesday. C.I. Taylor's speedy A's have a chance to go into second place in the standing of the Western Colored League. The Stars are at present in second position, but can drop back if the local colored club wins the series. Rube Foster's American Giants, of Chicago, who dropped two out of three contests played here, are leading the loop."

"Detroit Stars Win. - More than 6,000 people saw the Detroit Stars defeated the A.B.C.'s 9 to 2, at Washington Park Sunday. Bill Holland held the local batters to three hits while the Stars worked on Ed Rile and Jim Jeffries for fourteen."

July 5, 1920

Indianapolis, IN
"Divide Honors Monday. - Big Bill Gatewood pitched both games for the Detroit Stars, Monday, and the daring base running of left fielder George Shively, of the A.B.C.s kept him from winning both. The Stars hit Ed Rile and Jim Jeffries hard in the first and second innings, but Dicta Johnson held them safe afterwards. Smiling Dizzy Dismukes pitched good ball in the second game."

Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.'s Split Even In Double-Header - By a splendid ninth inning finish, the A.B.C.'s won the second game of the double-header with the Detroit Stars and gained an even split in the holiday affair at Washington Park Monday afternoon. The visitors won the first game 7 to 3 and the A.B.C.'s took the second 4 to 3 as a result of daring base running by George Shively, who beat out an infield hit in the ninth, stole second and third and came rambling home on a wild throw to third to catch him. Bill Gatewood, former pitcher for the A.B.C.'s, hurled splendid ball for the Detroit team, working all the way in both contests."

July 6, 1920

Indianapolis, IN
"Rain Stops Tuesday's Game - Tuesday's game between the A.B.C.'s and Detroit Stars was called off on account of rain. Each club has won two games. The Cuban Stars come Sunday for a double header."

July 10, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Monarchs Beaten in Slugging Bee - Long Distance Clouts Give Stars Opening Game, 8-5. - Detroit Stars defeated the Kansas City Monarchs today, 8 to 5, in a hard hitting contest. The visitors outhit the locals getting 12 hits for 20 bases, while the locals had 9 hits for 17 bases. Pete Hill, Wesley and Hurley McNair pounded the pill for circuit drives. In the eighth with the score a tie and second and third occupied, the Stars sent Bill Gatewood in as a pinch hitter. Jose Mendez purposely walked him, after which Eggleston, another pinch hitter, slammed the ball for a triple, scoring three men. Donaldson, formerly of the Stars, will twirl for the Monarchs Sunday, while Bill Gatewood, the big right hander, will work for the locals."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

July 11, 1920

Detroit, MI
"DONALDSON BEAT DETROIT STARS - The Negro Left Hander Allows 6 Hits, Monarchs Winning."
Detroit, MI
"Kansas City Team in Sunday's Game - Westerners Meet Detroit Stars on Mack Park Diamond. - With a mixed lineup of Cuban and colored baseball pastimers the Kansas City Monarchs present about the best team that has faced the Detroit Stars this season and the second game of the series Sunday is very likely to shatter attendance records at Mack Park, the Tigers being out of town. Both teams will send their star batterymen to the front in this contest, Bill Gatewood working for the home contingent and Donaldson, who beat the American Giants, for the visitors. Three star Cuban pastimers are included in the visiting teams roster, Jose Mendez, once famous pitcher, now playing the outfield, who is managing the club. Portuondo third baseman, and Rodriguez, who played with the Stars last season. Sam Crawford and John Donaldson, also former Detroit pitchers, will figure in the series and the hurling staff of the Kansans surely are a powerful one. The series is to last six games on successive days.

"Monarchs Even Up Series Here - Beat Detroit Stars in One-sided Game Before Big Crowd. - Detroit Stars lost a one-sided game to the Kansas City Monarchs 10 to 0 before a Sunday crowd of about 7,000 people. Donaldson, for the visitors, had his former teammates at his mercy, holding them to five scattered hits and striking out nine men. In the sixth the Monarchs gathered in six hits, including Hurley McNair's homer, for a total of five runs. Jose Mendez, for the visitors, and Thompson, for the locals, probably will face each other in Monday's game."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

July 12, 1920

Detroit, MI
"MONARCHS WON A CLOSE GAME. - Portuondo Battles...

Detroit, MI
"Stars Are Beaten By Monarchs, 5-4 - Every One of Kansas City Players Gets a Hit. - Detroit Stars dropped a close game to the Kansas City Monarchs today, 5 to 4, through errors which accounted for four of the visitors' five runs. Each of the Kansas City boys got into the hit column. Bartolo Portuondo getting three and sharing batting honors with Warfield, who also poked out three singles. Bill Gatewood will go to the mound for the Stars Tuesday, while Captain Jose Mendez, formerly with the locals, will work for the visitors."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars in Third Place - Detroit, Michigan - Special - The Kansas City Monarchs defeated the Detroit Stars, 5 to 4, in the third game, also 4 to 3 in the fourth, causing the Stars to drop to third place in the League, Saturday."

July 13, 1920

Detroit, MI
"The Monarchs Won a 4 to 3 Game. - Detroit, July 13. - The Detroit Stars dropped a close game to the Kansas City Monarchs today, 3 to 4. Rogan was the winning pitcher. Donaldson will hurl for the Kansas City team tomorrow."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Are Beaten Again - Kansas City Monarchs Take Locals Into Camp, 4 to 3. - Detroit Stars dropped a close game to the Kansas City Monarchs Tuesday afternoon at Mack Park, 4 to 2. The game was filled with sensational playing and seemingly one of the best of the season. Each team made nine hits, although the visitors had the better defence hitting. John Donaldson will hurl for the Kansas City nin Wednesday, while the stars are likely to start Bill Gatewood."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars in Third Place - Detroit, Michigan - Special - The Kansas City Monarchs defeated the Detroit Stars, 5 to 4, in the third game, also 4 to 3 in the fourth, causing the Stars to drop to third place in the League, Saturday."

July 15, 1920

Alma, MI
"Detroit All Stars - Title Series with Detroit Team to be Resumed Next Week. - The Detroit All Stars, last year state champs, will return to Alma on Thursday and Friday of next week to resume the state championship series with the Republics, two games being on the card for the next visit of the Detroiters to Alma. With the addition of Ehrhardt to the pitching staff the Republic team is in better shape for the coming games for the state title, and hopes are being entertained that Rip will not be the only pitcher to win a game from the speedy Detroit aggregation of diamond stars, which is one of the best colored teams in the country. Four games have been played in the series for the state title, each of the contending teams having taken two games. Hagerman has won both games that he has twirled against the Detroit team, and the fans are expecting that Rip will make it three straight. By taking both of the coming games, a seventh battle in Detroit, later in the season will not be necessary. The games for Thursday and Friday, July 15 and 16 are to be called promptly at 5:20. This will give the men in the factory plenty of time to get out to the field before the games start."

Alma, MI
"Hagerman Puts Work On Stars - Special to the Free Press. - Alma, Michigan, July 15. - Hagerman had the Detroit Stars completely at his mercy today in the fifth game of the series for the state title, the Republics breaking the tie with a 3 to 1 victory over the champs."

Alma, MI
"Hagerman Mowed Stars' Clubbers - Alma Hurler Complete Puzzle for Detroiters, Striking Out Fifteen Men. - Visitors Get Three Hits - Friday Game Saw Republics Defeated, As Gatewood Held Truckers in Check. - An even split in the fifth and sixth games still leaves the Republic Trucks and the Detroit All Stars with horns locked in the state title series, putting the honors of the state all up to the seventh game to be played in Detroit at a later date. Hagerman won a brilliant pitcher's battle on Thursday from Holland by a 3 to 1 score, but on Friday Gatewood held the Trucks safe, while Sherlow and Foster were pounded for an 8 to 1 victory. The Thursday game was a wonderful hurlers battle with Rip Hagerman having a big edge on Holland, although the teams were credited with three hits each. The blows taken by the Stars were all singles, while the three hits taken by the Alma clouters were a double, a triple, and a home run. The Stars came to Alma with a determination to cop off both games and the state honors by making it four out of six games. They loaded up with hitters, Brown and Harper of the Kansas City Monarchs, Torrienti of the American Giants of Chicago, the latter considered as the Ty Cobb of colored baseball. In spite of the importaion of these three fence busters, the Stars were helpless against Hagerman, who struck out fifteen men. Six of the strikeouts came against the big three that were brought in to pound Rip around the lot. A piece of baseball luck in the ninth inning, gave the Stars their run, and robbed Hagerman of a well-deserved shutout. Brown got a base on balls with two men down. He attempted to steal second and Boyle pegged to get him, and technically is credited with an error, as the ball went far into center field, because of the failure of the infield to cover second on the play. Brown kept right on or third and and scored, when Chouinard tripped and fell, while attempting to recover the ball. It was the only opportunity that a Detroiter passed second base. The Republics broke the ice in the fourth inning. Tooley doubled and was sacrificed to third by Hunter. Chouinard laid a bunt down to Weseley, who booted the ball, Tooley scoring. Dunckle flied to right and Hill doubled Chouinard off first. In the seventh the final runs counted. Hunter grounded out. Chouinard flied out. After having two strikes on him, Dunckle teased Holland into a base on balls. Loney got two strikes, and then lammed one through the infield and far into left for a home run, a poor return of the ball aiding him in making the circuit. Oakes tripled in the eighth but was stranded when Tooley struck out."

July 16, 1920

Alma, MI
"Stars on Friday - Final Home Game With State Champs to be Played Tomorrow. - The Detroit All Stars will finish their engagement in Alma with the Republic Trucks with Friday's game at Republic Field, which starts at 5:20. This game will be the sixth of the series for the state championship, each team having collected two games of the four played up to today. The Friday battle promises to be bitterly fought, as it will make it possible for the series to again be even Friday night, with each aggregation having three games to its credit, thus making a seventh and final game necessary. In such a case the seventh game would probably be a Sunday affair to be played in Detroit. It is expected that Republic Field will see another record in attendance for tomorrow's game, and it is probable that over 2,000 people will pass through the gate."

Alma, MI
"Star Trucker Series Evened. - Alma, Michigan, July 17. - (Special.) - The Detroit Stars evened up the series for the state title again Friday, winning, 8 to 1, driving Sherlow to cover in the fifth inning after he had been taken for eight hits and six runs. Foster, who succeeded him, pitched good ball. Gatewood was a puzzle for the Truckers until the ninth inning when three hits were counted in the single score."

Alma, MI
"Stars Even Series With Republics - Torrienti's Hitting Features Game at Alma; Score 8-1. - Special to the Free Press. - Alma, Michigan, July 16. - Detroit Stars evened it up with the Republic Trucks again today, winning (illegible) over Sherlow and Foster."

Alma, MI
"Alma, Michigan, July 23. - The Detroit Stars evened up the series for the championship of the state here when they won from the locals. The deciding game will be played in the near future. The place of the rubber game will be announced. Rip Hagerman had the Stars at his mercy in the first game here, winning by a score of 3-1. In the second game Big Bill Gatewood held the home team in leash, the Stars winning 8-1."

Alma, MI
"Friday's game at the start looked like another hurler's battle, as Sherlow and Gatewood were apparently in fine form when the first innings were underway. In the fourth, however, Sherlow was hit hard, and the Republic chances went a glimmering. Torrienti, the famous colored fence buster opened the fourth with a smash to right. Wesley laid a bunt down to Sherlow and all hands were safe. Brown was out on an attempted bunt on the third strike. Harper leaned against one for two bases, scoring Torrienti and Wesley. Riggins slapped on to left for two sacks, scoring Harper. Longware was safe on Loney's error, Riggins counting. Warfield singled to left and Longware cashed in the fifth run. Pete Hill grounded out, ending the inning, as Gatewood had previously struck out. Torrienti opened the fifth inning with a triple to left, and Sherlow sought the bench, Foster going to the mound. Wesley flied to McElligott. Brown singled to left, Torrienti scoring. Brown stole second and went to third, when the ball got away. He teased a peg to third out of Foster, and then shot for home, beating the throw from Loney to Meidell. In the sixth the final Star run hit the plate. Longware singled to right and stole second. He took third on Gatewood's infield out, and scored on Warfield's long fly to Chouinard in center. During the next three innings Foster kept the visitors puzzled, one lone hit being all that was taken from his delivery, this being a bunt that Brown beat out in the seventh. The Republics had a great scoring chance in the opening inning, but a wonderful play by Weseley at first killed the chances. With two down Hunter was hit. Chouinard singled to right. Dunckle got a base on balls, filling the sacks. Loney slammed a hot one to short, and Hesley dug into the ground, seemingly to get the throw from Riggins, which had Loney beaten by inches. From this time on until the ninth the Republics found Gatewood a complete puzzle. In the ninth Hunter pasted one to right for three sacks. Chouinard hit to right, and Hunter scored. Dunckle hit to third and bumped into a double play, that cleaned up the sacks. Loney singled. McElligot leaned against one for what apparently was a three base hit right over third sack, but Green, watching an attempted steal at second did not get a square look at it, and called it a foul. McElligot returned to the plate, but his best was a fly that ended the game."

July 17, 1920

Detroit, MI
"The Cuban Stars won from the Detroit Stars Saturday and Sunday.

Indianapolis, IN
"(Picture) Sensational Joe Hewitt, short stop of the Detroit Stars, and a big factor in Tenny Blount's band of Sluggers. - First Baseman Edgar Wesley, the big Texan of the Detroit Stars, noted for his long drives and strong defensive work."

July 18, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Cubans In Game Against Stars - Second Game of Series Billed for Play Sunday Afternoon. - Sunday afternoon at Mack Park the famous Cuban Stars and Detroit Stars play the second of their six game series, both teams being contenders for honors in the Colored National baseball league. The Islanders have a powerful aggregation at the present time - rated an even stronger one than when Jose Mendez and other famous players were members of the team. The pitching staff consists of LeBlanc, famous no-hit artist, Junco, Talosa and Guerro. On their previous visit here the Cubans split even with the Detroit team and there is no club that visits this city which is more popular than the Cubans. Manager Tenny Blount has strengthened his team for the series by securing the services of Harper, right fielder of the Kansas City Monarchs, and Scott, of the Lincoln Giants. Sunday's game stars at 3 p.m.

"Hernandez Holds Stars in Check - Cuban Pitcher is Too Much for Locals in 4-1 Game. - Superb pitching by Hernandez, who held the Detroit Stars at bay while the Cuban twirler's teammates batted Holland hard, gave the Islanders another victory Sunday at Mack Park, Score 4 to 1. Hernandez himself hit in three of the four runs, the other resulting from a very cleverly executed squeeze play. The Detroiters were shut out for eight innings. In the ninth frame Riggins doubled and scored on Bill Gatewood's hit to center. The fielding of both teams was perfect. The same teams play Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at the east side ball park."

Detroit, MI
* Same article, from the Chicago Defender

Detroit, MI
"The Cuban Stars won from the Detroit Stars Saturday and Sunday."

July 19, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Put Over Shutout Victory - Bill Gatewood Has Cubans at His Mercy All Route. - Detroit Stars shut out the Cuban Stars Monday, 8 to 0. Bill Gatewood was in rare form, holding his opponents to six scattered hits. In the fifth, after Wesley landed on the pill for a circuit drive with one on, LeBlanc went to pieces, allowing four singles in succession or another pair of runs. Valdez will pitch for the Cubans Tuesday, while Harper will probably make his debut on the mound for the locals."

July 20, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Cuban Stars Take Fourth Game 6-1 - Pitchers Effective, But Errors Give Victors Loose Game. - Detroit Stars dropped their fourth game to the Cuban Stars at Mack park Tuesday afternoon, 6 to 1. Both twirlers were in good form, although six errors by the locals accounted for the visitor's win. Captain Pete Hill's pair of sensational catches in right field was the feature."

July 21, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Overtime Victory Goes to Cubans - Hernandez Wins Own Game by Homer in Twelfth. - Cuban Stars won a 12-inning game from the Detroit Stars today 4 to 3. Hernandez won his own game in the twelfth by poking out a homer. Voldez will probably pitch for the visitors Thursday while Bill Gatewood very likely will work for the locals."

July 22, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars Take Last Contest of Series - McDonald Hurls Well Against Cubans, Winning 7 to 3. - Detroit Stars took the final game of the series with the Cuban Stars Thursday, 7 to 3, by bunching their hits in the first and third."

July 23, 1920

Chicago, IL
"League Standings, as of Friday, July 23."

July 24, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Stars to Play 2 Local Clubs - Detroit Stars will turn their attention to local teams again this weekend, meeting Cowpers All-Stars Saturday and the Alconas (formerly West Ends) Sunday. Both these clubs gave the Stars a warm arument in the first clash they had with the colored boys and the return engagements should have much of interest for the local semi-pro baseball fans. The Stars have been greatly strengthened during the past week by the addition of McDonald, pitcher from the New York Lincoln Giants; Stewart, an infielder from the 24th Infantry, Trumbe, outfielder from Peoria, and will be in much better shape for these two games than for some time. Coveleskie, former Detroit Tiger hurler, or Kudren, formerly in the Central League, will do the hurling for the Alconas in Sunday's game."

"Stars Slaughter Cowpers Outfit - State Champions Ride Roughshod Over Foes, 13-2. - Detroit Stars defeated the Cowper All Stars Saturday, 13 to 2 by pounding the Cowper pitchers in the first and third frames for a total of thirteen runs. Andy Cooper for the colored boys held his opponents to five hits and would have had a shutout but for loose playing on the part of his teammates."

Detroit, MI
"Cooper Tames the Cowpers - Detroit, Michigan, July 30. - Last Saturday the Detroit Stars just rode rough shod over their white opponents, pounding the Cowpers' pitchers for 13 runs in the first and third innings, while Andy Cooper, pitching for Tenny Blount's lads, held the Cowpers to two runs."

July 25, 1920

Detroit, MI
"'Covie' to Hurl Against Stars - Former Tiger Will Be On Mound For Alconas Sunday. - In the second game of Sunday's double-header baseball attraction at Mack Park the Detroit Stars will face a former Tiger pitcher, Harry Coveleskie, who three years ago was rated one of the best portsiders in the American League, and now is hurling for the Alconas. Harry still possesses much of his old-time cunning as a deceiver of batsmen and should make the Stars considerable trouble. It is against a good curve ball southpaw that the colored boys find the most trouble in connecting with the ball and Harry possesses these qualities. Covie will be backed by a strong supporting cast as the Alconas (formerly West Ends) have a strong lineup, including all former leaguers; Maille, Rabideau, Turner, Webb, Foster, Allen, Drinkert and McCloskey all have played in the Mint circuit. Dillon is a former Southern leaguer, Kudron pitched in the Central, Jitchingham in the Texas league, and Eibel and Carda in the Three I. The first game of the afternoon, which starts at 1 o'clock brings together the Alconas and Kercheval Commercials."

"Stars Shut Out Alcona Club, 5-0 - Bill Gatewood Hands Blanking to Local Nine; Coveleski Loses. - Detroit Stars, with Bill Gatewood on the mound, shut out the Alcona club at Mack Park, Sunday afternoon, 5 to 0. The state champions bunched their hits off Coveleski to win. Both teams fielded exceptionally well. Wesley and Eggleston doubled in the second inning and both scored on Riggin's triple. The latter accounted for two more runs in the sixth with a double. Bill Gatewood struck out nine batters, while the work of Rabideau for the losers, was a feature. The Stars will meet with the strongest opposition of the year here next Sunday when the Bacharach Giants, from the east, will invade Detroit."

Detroit, MI
"Detroit Stars Defeat Coveleski by Shutout - Detroit, Michigan, July 30. - The Detroit Stars, with Bill Gatewood on the mound, shut out the Alcona club at Mack Park Sunday afternoon 5 to 0. The state champions bunched their hits off Coveleski to win. Both teams fielded exceptionally well. Edgar Wesley and Mack Eggleston doubled in the second inning and both scored on Riggan's triple. The latter accounted for two more runs in the sixth with a double. Bill Gatewood struck out nine batters, while the work of Rabideau for the losers was a feature. The Stars will meet with the strongest opposition of the year here next Sunday when the Bacharach Giants from the East, will invade Detroit."

July 26, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Cubans vs. Detroit Stars Series - Detroit, Michigan, July 30. - The Detroit Stars won Monday's game from the Cuban Stars, lost Tuesday's 12 inning struggle and then proceeded to tuck Wednesday's game under their belt. In the first game Bill Gatewood opposed both Jose Leblanc and Faustino Valdes, Jose Leblanc going to pieces in the fifth inning after Edgar Wesley touched him for a circuit drive. Bill Gatewood tried to save Tuesday's game after the Islanders tied the count in the ninth frame, Bill Holland being yanked by Blount for a pinch hitter, but Jose Hernandez, the opposing twirler, clouted for a homer, which spelled defeat for the home club. Gifford McDonald hurled the Stars to victory in the final games of the series, 7 to 3."

July 31, 1920

Detroit, MI
"Star Hurlers In Baseball Series - Bacharach-Stars Series Opens at Mack Park Saturday. - Detroit baseball fans will have the opportunity to see two of the best colored baseball pitchers in the business in action here during the Bacharach Giants-Detroit Stars series which starts Saturday afternoon at Mack Park. 'Cannonball' Dick Redding and 'String Bean' Williams are the moundsmen, the former being remember while hurling for Rube Foster's American Giants and the latter as an A.B.C. twirler of recent years. These moundsmen figured in a 15-inning 2-2 tie at Navin Field in 1918. At that time Redding was on the American Giants' roster and Williams with the A.B.C.s. The Bacharachs have a strong team which last season won the colored championship of the East. This year they are figuring in the National colored baseball league series and are making their first trip West. Their lineup includes many well-known pastimers and is as follows: Dick Redding, Williams, Treadwell and Ryan, pitchers; Rojo, catcher; Pierce, 1st base; Barber, 2nd base; Marcell, 3rd base; Lundy, shortstop; Brown, Pugh and Means, outfielders. Saturday's game starts at 3."

Detroit, MI
"Stars Loses First to Eastern Club - Bacharachs Take 4-2 Contest From Locals - Detroit, Michigan. - Detroit Stars dropped the first of a six game series Saturday to the Bacharach Giants, of New York, 4 to 2. - Gifford McDonald started poorly for the locals, allowing five hits in the first two frames for a pair of runs, after which he was relieved by Bill Holland. The remainder of the game was a pitchers duel between Harold Treadwell and Bill Holland, each being well supported by his teammates. Joe Hewitt pulled a sensational catch in the seventh, going into the air after Dick Lundy's drive. Jesse Barber and Jimmie Lyons each made a perfect day at the bat, the former getting a pair of singles and a double, while Jimmie Lyons got a pair of each."

Detroit, MI
"Bacharachs Take 4 to 2 Game. - Detroit, Michigan, Saturday. - The Bacharach Giants of New York City took the first game of the series here with the Detroit Stars when they got to Gifford McDonald in the first three innings for one run each. Joe Hewitt pulled a sensational catch of Dick Lundy's drive in the 7th frame. Jesse Barber and Jimmie Lyons had a perfect day at the bat, the former getting two singles and a double and the latter two of each."