1909 Brooklyn Royal Giants

A Calendar, Including Newspaper Clippings, of the 1909 Brooklyn Royal Giants

1909 Brooklyn Royal Giants

Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.

February 27, 1909

Brooklyn, NY
"Fast Teams Want Booking. - The Brooklyn Royal Giants (colored champions season 1908) of Brooklyn, N.Y.; the Philadelphia Giants (colored champions seasons 19017-06-07) the famous Cuban Giants, the oldest colored organization in the United States, and the wonderful Cuban Stars of Havana, Cuba, the pick of the crack Cuban players from the National League of Cuba, are at present laying out their routes and arranging their schedules for the coming season and will be in your vicinity at different periods during the year. Should you desire to book any of these high-class attractions, apply immediately for dates and terms to Nat. C. Strong, World Bldg., New York City. Long distance telephones 3407 or 2475 Beekman."