1909 Minneapolis Keystones
Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.
March 13, 1909
Minneapolis, MN
"MINNEAPOLIS KEYSTONES. - Manager Mitchell, of the Keystones, seems to have a pretty good bunch."
March 20, 1909
Minneapolis, MN
"Manager Mitchell of the Minneapolis Keystones, has such players as Dad Roberts, Binga, Campbell, Johnson, Jessup, Graham, and Hopkins, with several Texas stars to pick from. As usual, the Eastern teams big fair to remain the same, and such familiar faces as Buckner, Sol White, McClellan, Holland, Monroe, Big Clarence Williams and others will be seen on the circuits this season."
May 1, 1909
Minneapolis, MN
"Waxahachie Notes. - Milroy McCuln, the noted third baseman of the White Rock Sluggers, and who played last season with Walker's Dallas Giants of the Texas Colored League, has gone to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to accept an engagement with the Minneapolis Keystones, a fast aggregation of ball tossers of that section. We wish you success, Millie, old boy."
May 22, 1909
Minneapolis, MN
"The Keystone Colored Baseball Club opened the season at Minneapolis by shutting out the strong Faribault team, Saturday, May 22 and Sunday, May 23. In the first game Jessup let them down with one hit, and in the second game Jackson let them down with five hits, the game going eleven innings."
May 23, 1909
Minneapolis, MN
"Minneaplis Keystones vs Faribault, Minnesota team."
August 1, 1909
St. Paul, MN
"Gophers Win the Last Game. - St. Paul, Minnesota. - The Gophers and Keystones played the third and last of their three game series in St. Paul at Lexington Park Sunday, August 1, before a large crowd. The Gophers won, 8 to 3, knocking Jessup out of the box in the seventh inning. Johnny Davis, of the Gophers, was knocked out in the fourth. Captain Wallace, the third baseman, went in the box for two innings and did fine work. When McMurray, the catcher, was hurt, Lundon was sent in to pitch and Wallace went behind the bat, showing that he can pitch and catch as well as play third base."
June 5, 1909
Hibbing, MN
"The Keystones, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, played the Hibbing, Minnesota club Saturday and Sunday, June 5 and 6, at League Park, winning the first game by the score of 2 to 1, and losing the second game by the score of 3 to 2. The Keystones have a very strong team this season, with such well-known stars as Campbell and Green, catchers; Jessup, Jackson and Sanford, pitchers. Davis, shortstop; McCune, third base; Barton, left field; Hopkins, center field, and Willis Jones, right field. Under the watchful eye of Captain Willis Jones they are playing fast and snappy ball, and showing some very clever team work."
June 6, 1909
Hibbing, MN
"The Keystones, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, played the Hibbing, Minnesota club Saturday and Sunday, June 5 and 6, at League Park, winning the first game by the score of 2 to 1, and losing the second game by the score of 3 to 2. "
June 12, 1909
Merril, WI
"The Keystones play the Merrill, Wisconsin club Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13, at League Park."
Minneapolis, MN
"Three long games with small scores: Colored Keystones - Faribault, fifteen innings, score 0 to 0; Union Giants - Hyde Park, sixteen innings, 1 to 0; Leland Giants-West Baden, twelve innings, 1 to 0."
June 12, 1909
Merril, WI
"The Keystones play the Merrill, Wisconsin club Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13, at League Park."