1909 Chicago Giants
Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.
March 27, 1909
Omaha, NE
"The Chicago Giants have organized for the 1909 season, and are ready to arrange games with all first-class teams throughout the United States. The team is composed of the following all-star performers: Miller, Clark and Brown, pitchers; Haywood and Jones, catchers; Rogers, first base; Lee, second base; Crawford, third base; Talbert, left field; Mitchell, center field; Leach, right field; and Slaughter, shortstop. The following are the officers: S. Smith, president; H.M. Johnson, secretary, and William Brown, treasurer. A.W. Stewart, manager, 2931 State Street, desires to correspond with the managers of some of the fast teams of the country."
July 17, 1909
Indianapolis, IN
"Four A.B.C.s are making good with Chicago Giants. They are: Shawler, Washington, Young, and Hutchinson."
Indianapolis, IN
"Jim Shaler, formerly of the A.B.C.s, is captain of the Chicago giants. They recently taxed Sterling's all-star team (white) for two games by scores of 5 to 4 and 11 to 0."