Monday, October 7, 2024 Last Update: 5:17 PM ET
Omaha, NE
"Edward F. Leahy, formerly of the Philadelphia baseball club, died last week in Cincinnati, Ohio."
Indianapolis, IN
"Indianapolis lost its first exhibition game to Philadelphia by a score of 4 to 3, but won the second, 4 to 1."
Detroit, MI
"Philadelphia Giants Subdue Leland Giants - Easterners Lose First Game, but Win Second and Third - Foster's Loss Felt by the Chicagoans. - Special to the Freeman. - Detroit, Michigan. - The crack Philadelphia Giants are on a Western trip, where so far they have made good. On Monday of last week they met the Leland Giants of Chicago in this city, during the Elks convention, and lost 3 to 1, after a great struggle, the Philadelphians going to pieces in the sixth inning and allowing the Windy City boys to score three runs, after Ray Wilson, the captain and first baseman, had to retire from the game with a badly wrenched foot, which will keep him out of the game for several weeks."
Detroit, MI
"On Tuesday the Philadelphians found the Lelands easy picking, and Hayman let them down with four hits."
Detroit, MI
"Heyman was so pleased with his success of Tuesday that he asked to be allowed to take em again on Wednesday, and this time he gave them one more hit, but a worse beating, the score being 9 to 1 in favor of the Quaker city lads. A triple play by Lloyd, Francis and James and a home run with the bases full by James were the features of this game. Norman, of the Lelands, was driven out of the box in the second inning."
Indianapolis, IN
"Who holds the title, the Gophers or the Philadelphia Giants?"
Indianapolis, IN
"The Kansas City, Kansas Giants now claim the world's colored baseball championship since they defeated the Leland Giants. The Philadelphia Giants claim it, and the St. Paul Gophers claim it. Who's who? The St. Paul Gophers have the strongest claim. They beat the Lelands in a five-game championship series the last of July. The other two teams defeated the Chicago aggregations after they had surrendered the title."