1909 French Lick Plutos

A Calendar, Including Newspaper Clippings, of the 1909 French Lick Plutos

1909 French Lick Plutos

Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.

April 3, 1909

French Lick, IN
"The Plutos, a colored baseball team, played the Indianapolis team at French Lick, Indiana, last week. The latter is in training there."

May 1, 1909

French Lick, IN
"Sol Pittman, of French Lick, Indiana, has organized a baseball team which will be known as the Plutos. He has a fast aggregation, and intends to build one of the finest baseball parks in the State controlled by colored people. Headed by Rube Washington, the team expects to carry off honors when the season ends. John Chenault, former captain of the Indianapolis A.B.C.s, with Johnny behind the willow stick, home plate will be well taken care of. Manager Pittman has put much faith in Washington and Chenault to give French Lick a deserved place in baseball circles. Thomas Taggart, ex-mayor of Indianapolis, and a well-known politician, is assisting the team. The Plutos are open to engagements with fast teams. Address John Chenault, Box 92, French Lick, Indiana."

May 15, 1909

French Lick, IN
"Harris, of the Plutos, so far, is the star of the season. He pitched a no-hit game against the Louisville Giants."

"Plutos Ready for Games. - French Lick Team Composed of a Fast Aggregation of Ball Players. - French Lick, Indiana, Special. - The Plutos are ready for the talent. Their new park in French Lick is nearing completion. Everything will be new - park fence, grand stand and all. Among the lineup are to be found the following experienced athletes: Harry Washington (the Rube), late of the A.B.C.s, manager and star pitcher; Harris (the pride of the valley), pitcher; John Chenault (secretary of the club and once with the A.B.C.s), catcher; Skemp (old-timer), first base; Alex. Smith (late of Pittsburg Giants), second base; Sneed (the throwing wonder from Indianapolis), right field; Opee (the wonderful third baseman), third base; Scarbough (of Wace, Texas), first base; Joe boyle (of Waco, Texas), left field; Jack Dempsey (of Chicago), center field, and the only Negro umpire who has ever called a game in organized baseball, Jack Hogan, of Detroit, Michigan."

May 29, 1909

French Lick, IN
"No, we haven't heard from your team yet, says Rube Washington, of the Plutos, of French Lick, Indiana."

French Lick, IN
"Plutos Snatched Two From Red Sox - French Lick Team Blank Rivals in Saturday's Game by a Score of 11 to 0 - Sunday's Game 6 to 5. - French Lick, Indiana. - The Plutos are putting up a fine article of ball. Their latest opponents were the Red Sox, who were beaten in two games last Saturday and Sunday. - Saturday's game was featured by the hitting of Sneed, who hit for four singles and all round work of the Plutos."

May 30, 1909

French Lick, IN
"Plutos vs Red Sox 6 to 5."

May 31, 1909

French Lick, IN
"Monday's game was called off on account of rain. Plutos would like to hear from all first-class teams desiring games. Addess John Chevault, Box 92."

June 12, 1909

French Lick, IN
"A Week With Plutos. - French Lick, Indiana. - Owensboro, Kentucky, could only find the Plutos for the bull's eye. Owensboro 0, Plutos 8; Owensboro 1, Plutos 9."

"Nashville lost two games to Plutos. - Nashville 6, Plutos 4; Nashville 2, Plutos 6; Nashville 2, Plutos 11."

June 18, 1909

West Baden, IN
"Sprudels Best Plutos. - West Baden, Indiana. - For the sixth straight time the West Baden Sprudels defeated the French Lick Plutos last Friday by a score of 11 to 8. Batteries - Sprudels, Brown and Pierce."

July 3, 1909

West Baden, IN
"John Chenault, of the Plutos, sends regards to the boys."

July 10, 1909

Indianapolis, IN
"Why don't the West Baden and the French Lick teams give us a game in the Hoosier metropolis?"