Saturday, January 18, 2025 Last Update: 10:24 AM ET
Dayton, OH
"Have New Ball Park - Marco Baseball Grounds Only Negro Park in Ohio. - Dayton, Ohio. - Dayton colored people are showing up wonderfully in the line of new enterprises. The newts feature that is now in evidence is the Marco baseball club, which organization is composed of semi-professional colored ball players gathered from all parts of the state, and who formerly constituted the Ohio State Afro-American League. The new Marco baseball grounds are located within about three squares of Dahomey Park, the only Negro park in Ohio, and consists of five acres on South Hackett Avenue, near the Soldiers' Home. Much interest is being manifested by the colored people in the baseball park and the pleasure park. The colored people realize that Dahomey Park, in connection with Marco Baseball Park, will be a success, and will fill a long-felt want. Thousands of persons who visit the pleasure resort will find easy access to the baseball grounds, as it is only two minutes from Dahomey Park station on the White Line. Architect Harris, of the Dayton Lumber Company, has charge of the builging of the grandstand and bleachers, and has a force of men at work. The seating capacity of the grandstand will be five hundred, and there is no limit to the bleachers. In conversation with J.A. McFarland, general manager of the team, information was gleaned that the club was in need of only two players, and from the tone of McFarland it is certain that all applicants will undergo a severe workout," and it is only a question of time when the Marco team will be advertised as the team that made Dayton colored people famous. The first game scheduled is with a club from New Orleans, and will mark the opening of the ball park and Dahomey Park. The officers of the Marco baseball team are M.C. Moore, president; Harry Gardener, secretary; Jeff Roberts, treasurer, and J.A. McFarland, general manager. The organization will be incorporated next week for $10,000. Such features as the pleasure park and the ball park for colored people are sure to elevate the Negro race."
Dayton, OH
"The Marcos played the Unions of Hamilton, Ohio, Sunday. They have scheduled games with the Cuban Giants and the St. Louis, Missouri Black Sox. The following is the lineup of the Dayton team: G. Twyman, 1st base; Lyles, left field; J. Ashby, right field; Allen, 2nd base; J. Carr, center field; R. Dale, 3rd base; Jones, catcher; Thompson, shortstop and Captain; Sloan, pitcher. They desire to meet any classy team in the country. Address M.C. Moore, 14 South Market Street, Dayton, Ohio."
Dayton, OH
"One-hit game - that's Sloane's (not Salome) of the Marcos, record so far."
"Eight Hundred People Witnessed Opening Game - Marco Baseball Park of Dayton, Ohio, Only Colored Park in Buckeye State - M.C. Moore, Financier. - Dayton, Ohio. - One of the greatest race features that promises success from its initial opening is the Negro baseball park here, known as Marco Park, the first colored ball park ever opened in the State of Ohio, and one of the few owned and operated by Negro Capital and management. Honorable M.C. Moore, proprietor of Dahomey Park, the colored pleasure park of this city, is the financier of this feature, together with his wife, Mrs. Marion Smart Moore, and they have endeavored to establish something of a national feature among colored people. In this movement they showed great wisdom, at the same time recognizing ability in the selection of Jake McFarland, better known as the Grand Old Man, as general manager of the baseball park, while Mrs. Marion Smart Moore is manager of Dahomey Park. It was estimated that over eight hundred people witnessed the defeat of the Miami Giants, of Troy, Ohio, who opened the season with the local team. Score 6 to 0 in favor of Marco. The officers of Marco ball team are: M.C. Moore, president; Jeff Roberts, treasurer; Harry Gardner, secretary; Jake McFarland, general manager; Francis Poston, advertising manager."