Saturday, January 18, 2025 Last Update: 7:46 PM ET
Houston, TX
"The Black Bronchos, of San Antonio, Texas, defeated the Black Buffaloes in their recent game."
Houston, TX
"Houston Notes. - The famous Leland Giants, of Chicago, will cross bats with the Black Buffaloes of this city three days, beginning with tomorrow afternoon. The Buffaloes have promised to give the famous tossers a good sound baseball thrashing as they have never gotten before. The Giants have not been underestimated, but the localities believe themselves the Windy City's superiors."
Houston, TX
"The Leland Giants, of Chicago, defeated the Black Buffaloes in three consecutive games. The fans are crazy for the return of the Windy city team next year. They won much favorable comment as the result of their good playing and fine sportsmanship. - The Buffaloes have gone in training to meet the Dallas Giants. They expect to get even with the Dallas team for the severe thrashing the Rube Fosterites gave them."
"Four thousand people attended the games played between the local boys and the Leland Giants. - Nobles umpired the games played between the home boys and the Leland Giants, the scores were in favor of the latter 5 to 1, 8 to 5, and 6 to 0."