Sunday, January 19, 2025 Last Update: 11:50 AM ET
Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.s Win and Lose. - Rain Prevents Third Game with the New York Cuban Giants. - The Cuban Giants were defeated in the first game of a series of three games that had been scheduled to be played with the A.B.C.s. The score was 7 to 3. Talbott pitched a splendid article of ball, allowing the visitors four scattered hits. The best the Giants could do was to score in the second and fifth innings. Both teams played fast ball."
Indianapolis, IN
"Friday's game went to the New Yorkers with ease, by a score of 9 to 2. Higbee pitched for the local boys."
Indianapolis, IN
"Primm, formerly of the A.B.C.s, is playing good ball behind the bat for the Cuban Giants, but somehow Primm's not hitting. Get a better eye, old boy."
"Wet grounds prevented the Saturday game from being played."
Atlantic City, NJ
"Lightning Kills Ball Player. - Second Baseman of Cuban Giants Victim of Bolt During Practice. - Special to the Freeman. - Atlantic City, New Jersey. - In full view of nearly one thousand persons, William Bedford, colored, of Cairo, Illinois, second baseman of the Cuban Giants' baseball team, was instantly killed by lightning Friday afternoon at Inlet Park during practice before the game with Atlantic City. The bolt struck the ground close to the ball player and ran through the spikes of his shoes and into his body. The spectators in the stand felt the force of the shock and were thrown into a panic. None of them was injured."