Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Last Update: 2:09 PM ET
Louisville, KY
"Louisville Giants Open Season with Atkins - Now Owned by a Stock Company - Have Own Park - Will Open Spring Practice April 1. - Louisville, Kentucky - Special - The Louisville Giants Club announces that they have formed a stock company for the season of 1909, and they will have a stronger team than last season, with the success of securing some few players that are well known throughout the country. Some of the old faces will be seen on the field when the open the season with one of the strongest white teams in Indiana, known as the Atkins baseball team, on the 28th of April The Giants have also secured the best amateur baseball grounds in Louisville, which is known as the Old League Park. It is located at Twenty-eighth and Broadway streets. The stockholders are arranging to make the park a success and will rent it for picnics or any other pleasure that the public may desire. For information you may see Clark Jefferson, park commissioner, Home phone 6060. Manager Lancaster says that he will have one of the strongest teams on the road this season. Headquarters are at Tom Cole's saloon, Tenth and Walnut streets. Thomas Young, president of the company, states that this will be one of the greatest ball seasons of history, and that the club is open to meet all comers for 1909 in baseball. The company is composed of Thomas Young, president; Alfred Hamilton, vice-president; Clarence Coleman, secretary; Alfred Brown, treasurer; Clark Jefferson, park commissioner; Ed Lancaster, manager; Charlie Williams and Andrew Cambrage. The Giants' new players will report April 1 for practice."
Louisville, KY
"Shenny Primm will catch for the Louisville Giants."
"Roland Griffin, brother of Leonard Griffin, of the Louisville Giants, is anticipating organizing a baseball team among the localities. Roland, when in shape, is one of the best infielders in the city, and ought to get together a pretty good bunch of tossers."
"Ed Lancaster, manager of the Louisville Giants, promises to put one of the fastest teams south of the Ohio on the diamond this season. The following will be seen in the Giants' uniform when they open their season: John Pugh, formerly of the Cuban Giants, shortstop; Dallas Carter, third base; B. James Emery, right field; Nomie Walters, left field; Bert Woods, center field; James Shawler, first base; George Brown, second base; Herman Hale, Leonard Griffin (captain) and Willie Williams, pitchers; Shenny Primm and Clarence Coleman, catchers, and Eddie Pierce, utility."
Louisville, KY
"The Louisville Giants are expected to play in this city (Chicago) during the season."
Louisville, KY
"Louisville Giants Play. - Open Season Tomorrow Afternoon - Have a Lot of New Material. - Louisville, Kentucky. - Special. - The Louisville Giants expect to maintain the record this season that they held last year as being the champions of the South. They play their first game of the season tomorrow. Manager Lancaster has secured the following new players: James Emery, from Louisville, right field; Bert Wood, from Danville, Illinois, center field; Ronie Walton, from Memphis, Tennessee, left field; Dallas Carter, from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, third base; John Puegh, from Memphis, Tennessee, shortstop; George Brown, from Paducah, Kentucky, second base; Edward James, from Houston, Texas, first base; Willie Williams, from Cairo, Illinois, pitcher; Hale, from Paducah, Kentucky, pitcher; Tom Means, from Indianapolis, Indiana, pitcher; Clarence Coleman, catcher and Captain; James Shawler, first base, and Claude Sheets, Catcher."
Louisville, KY
"Determined to be Champions of the South - Ed Lancaster, Manager of the Louisville, Kentucky Giants, Opens Season with Champions of Indiana Semi-Professionals. - Louisville, Kentucky - Manager Ed Lancaster, of the Louisville Giants, states that his warriors are in perfect shape, and that he is willing to put them up against any team in the country. So determined is he to maintain the championship of the South that he says "it is next to impossible to lose that honor." The Giants played their first games of the season with the Atkins Saw Works team of Indianapolis. The following was the lineup: Giants - Pugh, Shortstop; Woods, center field; Walton, left field; Williams, right field; Carter, 3rd base; Brown, 2nd base; James, 1st base; Sleet or Coleman, catcher; Hales, Croxton or Hall, pitcher. Atkins - Churchill, short stop; Meyers, center field; Murphy, left field; Mitchwll, right field; Doyle, 3rd base; Baerer, 2nd base; Chase, 1st base; Cook or Harris, catcher; Milam, Avery or Croffke, pitcher."
Louisville, KY
"Suppose you heard about the Louisville Cubs defeating the Giants?"
Louisville, KY
"Louisville Giants to Play for Charity. - Louisville, Kentucky. - The Louisville Giants, which is the most popular baseball club in the city, might give a benefit to the Red Cross Sanitarium, a charitable institution for the training of young colored girls for nurses. This team has the support of the colored people because it is a Negro team, owned and controlled by members of the race. They handle their own tickets, money, and make dates, and a white man has nothing to do with it. They have for the past several years made baseball what it is in the city of Louisville. They deserve the support of the colored people esepecially. We believe that if the Giants would give the net proceeds to such an institution it would go up 100 per cent, in the estimation of those who do not attend ball games regularly or not at all."
Louisville, KY
"Double-Header at Giants' Park. - Louisville, Kentucky, Special. - A double header was played Sunday at the Giants' park. Twenty-eighth street and Broadway. The first game was between the Hermes and the Knights of Pythias. The Hermes won by a score of 6 to 5. The second game was between the Louisville Giants and the Hermes. The Hermes started to batting in the first inning like real players and succeeded in making three scores. The Giants made one and this was duplicated in the second inning. In the third inning the Giants found the weakness of the Hermes pitches and made four scores, while Pugh knocked the ball over the fence. The Hermes, by timely hitting, brought in three scores in the fourth inning, but were unable to score thereafter. In the eighth inning the Giants began fast and snappy ball playing, and four more scores were added to their number. An excellent double play was made by Williams, Jones and Brown, of the Giants. Naughton, of the Hermes, made a long running catch in center field, and Turner, Defoster and John Hermes did some star playing. Hale, of the Giants, pitched a good game, striking out seven men."