June 7, 1909
San Antonio, TX
"Bronchos Make Eagles Fly. - Rob Nest of Big Birds of the Air for Two Eggs Decoration Day. - Special to the Freeman. - San Antonio, Texas. - Two lusty falls were taken out of the New Orleans Black Eagles Monday week in the double-header at the ball park. The Black Bronchos did the trick, and the scores were 5 to 0 and 9 to 1. Utterly unable to get any kind of action against the locals, the Pelican crowd was outclassed all the way. Their pitchers were slaughtered, and they were unable to get at either Cyclone Joe or Spider Moonie in the two battles. Cyclone was the big breeze on the strip in the first game. He allowed one little skinny hit and fanned fourteen batters. For several innings it looked like a real tight ball game, with the locals in the lead, 1 to 0, but in the eighth they fell on Joseph for four runs off five hits and an error. The Black Bronchos played an errorless contest. Moonie was discovered in the second game at intervals, but his support saved him any trouble that might have developed, while that given the two slabmen for the other team was very shaky. Bright spots for the New Orleans team were three fast double plays, two of which came at the proper moment in the first contest. A large crowd saw the games."
June 12, 1909
San Antonio, TX
"Coming North to Play. - Texans are Preparing a Schedule for East and North. - San Antonio, Texas. - Owner Charles Bellinger of the Black Bronchos, is planning a trip through the East and North, and with Marshall, Texas; Shreveport, Louisiana; Memphis, Tennessee; and Birmingham, Alabama. He will be glad to hear from the Louisville Cubs or Giants, West Badens, Plutos, A.B.C.s, and any other fast teams. Address 611 Austin Street, San Antonio, Texas."