June 12, 1909
San Antonio, TX
"St. Louis Giants Playing Winning Ball. - Manager Charles A. Mills Writes to the Freeman - Would Meet Louisville Cubs in Near Future. - The St. Louis Giants have a strong team this year, and have been on a winning streak. A stock company of sixteen members owns and controls the club. The grounds are located at Number 6100 North Broadway. Manager Charles A. Mills writes as follows: Sporting Editor of The Freeman: Dear Sir - Reading in your paper weekly of the advancement of baseball among the colored people in the East and South, and the grand showing made by our race in Dayton, Ohio, and I believe every Negro ball fan and business man looks upon the Marco Park at Dayton with pride, here is hoping M.C. Moore and his associates success. Keep up the good work, Mr. Moore, and may others follow in your tracks. We only hope to do the same down here in St. Louis. The outlooks is very bright. No doubt about our drawing the crowds, as we demonstrate every Sunday that we can outdraw the Trolley League (white) two to one - mighty strong to say, but a careful study has proven this. Our home grounds are within two blocks of one said parks. The St. Louis Giants have met and defeated the strong Funsten Brothers, now a member of the Missouri-Illinois Trolley League (white); not only that, but have defeated the crack team from Jefferson Barracks, the pick of the post. Sorry to say we have met only two colored clubs, the Dyers and Missouris, and had no trouble in defeating them. We are constantly in demand by the strongest white clubs in and around St. Louis, and we are booked up until August. We play on our home grounds every Saturday and Sunday. Our club is booked with the Kansas City, Kansas Giants in Kansas during the session of the Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias in August. Reading so much of our friend Lancaster's Cubs, I only regret that we cannot get a chance at them; mighty nifty bunch he must have. All first-class clubs can get booking at our park. We certainly want to get at our esteemed friend Lancaster, and will journey to Louisville to do so, if necessary. The St. Louis Giants are owned and controlled by a stock company of young business men. It is our ambition to follow in the footsteps of Mr. Moore and associates. Charles A. Mills, Manager of St. Louis Giants, Care of Cass Avenue Bank. The lineup of the St. Louis Baseball Club: Brickey, pitcher; English, center field; Windom, shortstop; Jones, left field; Williams, 2nd base; Shaw, pitcher; McMurray, 3rd base; Blair, 3rd base; Evans, 1st base; Wilkins, pitcher; Bell, catcher; Knight, catcher; Hall, right field; Dr. Ranson is the physician of the team. This picture of the St. Louis Giants Park, showing 3,700 people attending the game between the Soldier Boys and Giants. The latter won the game by a score of 6 to 0."
June 12, 1909
San Antonio, TX
"Coming North to Play. - Texans are Preparing a Schedule for East and North. - San Antonio, Texas. - Owner Charles Bellinger of the Black Bronchos, is planning a trip through the East and North, and with Marshall, Texas; Shreveport, Louisiana; Memphis, Tennessee; and Birmingham, Alabama. He will be glad to hear from the Louisville Cubs or Giants, West Badens, Plutos, A.B.C.s, and any other fast teams. Address 611 Austin Street, San Antonio, Texas."