June 25, 1909
Indianapolis, IN
"Sprudels Win Game. - West Baden, Indiana. - The Nashville, Tennessee Standard Giants fell easy victims to the West Baden Sprudels Tuesday, the score being 11 to 2. Batteries - Sprudels, Lyons and Pierce; Standard Giants, Monon and O'Neil."
June 27, 1909
Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.s Win Two Games from Standard Giants - Tennessee Tossers Hit a Losing Streak at Louisville, West Baden, Indiana, and Indianapolis. - The A.B.C.s won two games from the Standard Giants of Nashville, Tennessee, Thursday and Friday. The first game resulted in a score of 9 to 4. Tiller and Higbee pitched for the locals and Church for the visitors. The second game ended with a score of 14 to 7. Talbott pitched for the A.B.C.s and Moorman and O'Neal for the Tennesseans. As the score shows, the home boys doubled the total marks on their opponents. Davis made a home run with two men on bases in the eighth. Herron and Coleman also made the circuit. Higbee stretched a two-bagger into a three-base hit, and then walked in home while Watkins, the Giants' catcher, stood waiting for him - having fun with the visitors."
July 4, 1909
Indianapolis, IN
"Swap Games. - Memphis, Tennessee. - The local team played a Fourth of July two-game series with Nashville winning one by a score of 3 to 2 in eleven innings and losing the second by a score of 7 to 5."