1909 Illinois Giants

A Calendar, Including Newspaper Clippings, of the 1909 Illinois Giants

1909 Illinois Giants

Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.

July 31, 1909

Indianapolis, IN
"The Illinois Giants have a strong team this year and belong to the Inter-City League. Johnson, formerly of the A.B.C.s, has made a fine record for himself. He has won all games pitched by him, eight in number, and has the unique record of holding the strong Cuban Stars to three hits, which is less than any other pitcher who has yet faced them. He has pitched two games against them, winning both and held the Auburn Parks to three hits and the DeKalbs to two hits. His average for strikeouts has been eight. The lineup of the Illinois Giants have an all-college semi-professional team, which they claim is the only one before the public today. The lineup is as follows: Pollard, Dartmouth University; Parker and Johnson, Illinois University; Harris and Sublette, Fisk University; Gordon and Gilperson, University of Pennsylvania; Newton, Hampton, Virginia; Jenkins, Hyde Park High School; Lyons, South Division High School; Matthews, University of Wisconsin; Wyatt, Indiana State University; and Smith, graduate of Hyde Park High School."