Thursday, January 30, 2025 Last Update: 6::40 AM ET
Indianapolis, IN
"Sol White Popular Player. - Only Professional Negro Baseball Player a College Graduate. - Sol White, the dean of negro baseball managers, is as happy as the days are long. The Old Master's happiness is due to the fact that he has a strong team in the Quaker Giants and, above all, the team has secured a lease on the Camden League Park as its home grounds. Although there have been made several underhanded attempts to stop Captain White in his efforts to secure a good team and to book dates, yet he has succeeded in overcoming the opposition and now has not only a good team but many dates. Under the management of White the Quaker Giants as recognized will made a strong bid for the championship of the season. Recently the team has been playing against some of the strongest negro teams and has been winning right along, and there has been a notable improvement in the work of the men. A party of well-to-do men of this city, has guaranteed the club all of the financial backing that is necessary, and under the management of White, who organized and made champions of the Philadelphia Giants the Quaker Giants are expected to give a good account of themselves. Captain White enjoys the reputation of being the only professional negro player who is a college graduate, having been educated at Wilberforce University, which is the oldest institution in America for the education of negroes. Among the men who constitute the Quaker Giants' force are Brown, left field; Hill, second base; Barber, third base; Carter, right field; Grant, shortstop; Shorts, catcher; Johnson, center field or pitcher; Hayman, pitcher; Govens, substitute; Jones, pitcher; and Swicket, pitcher. Among the members of the team are some of the fastest base runners among negro players, while the batting average of most of the men will compare most favorably with that of any other team. - Philadelphia Ledger."