1920 Dallas Black Giants
Stories are placed in order of the date they appeared.
April 11, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Negro League Starts. - The Texas Negro Baseball League recently organized with A.S. Wells, of Dallas, president and J.I. Dotson, Fort Worth, secretary, will open the season Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at Panther Park with a setto between Fort Worth and the Dallas Black Giants. Hiram Mo Gar, owner of the Fort Worth team has spared no expense in getting together the best aggregation of ball players he could gather. The Negro League, composed of eight teams, will use the park during the absence of the white teams from the respective cities."
Dallas, TX
"On last Sunday at Fort Worth, marked the opening of the season with the wind blowing at a high rate. The Dallas Black Giants went down in defeat, playing the most ragged game ever seen in a first class park. The Black Giants were outclassed at every angle and were absolutely helpless at the hands of their over the river masters. Many rooters and fans made the pilgrimage to the Packing-townville to see what they had expected - a base ball game. Much to their regret the worst exhibition the Giants ever put up was seen at the Fort Worth park last week. Manager Whitaker's team played as if they had been struck by a solar-plexis blow in the squared ring or imbibing freely from a container filled with swig; and to say the least the aggregation did not do justice to Dallas's fans reputation; which is the best baseball burg in Texas and as always has been deserved the best club in Texas. Hits and base running from the Panther-burg swatsmen went galore, while poor fielding and no hitting characterized efforts of the Giants. Haynes mounted the hill for the McGar clan and went the full route, feeding the Giants at every turn able to solve his mystic delivery, hence he pitched his boys to victory with ease. Fred Daniels, an idol of local fandom was manager, Whitaker's selection to chop up the cunning Panther who was too cute and keen to be trapped. Showing clearly his inability to check the slaught of the Panthers-ville nine he was yanked in the 3rd and sent to the bench for more seasoning. Pitcher Edwards was sent in at this point and slightly checked the ramblings of the Wiley dark Panther who only gave but six runs and as many hits which was some improvement over the former Giant. The ragety exhibition put up by the giants showed that the visitors were not in harmony and the baloon were cut a loose early and at the command of the pilot of the Giant squad, they went soaring. With Kirby, Long and Haywood started at first with the block and tackle used in the first two, making themselves the goats of the travelers, with Dave Johnson bringing up a dismal play at short. Harris was plucked from the line-up and sent to the bench. Joe Jones, a local sand lotter, took his place sending Collins to left. In the declining end of this game the Fort Worth boys hit pitcher Edwards at will. Big Santop made his debut with a two bagger to right field, making an antelope of Bob Sloan. Chaney carried one within six inches, clearing left field fence for three bags, followed by Bailey, who carried one to the Star and was thrown out at the plate. Johnson Hill and Rector, each caught one on the nose for extra bases which took what life the Giants had in them and they never rallied no more. Fort Worth and Dallas will open the pennant race at Dallas next Saturday and Sunday - Notes of the Game. Pitcher Rector and Spearmon will open the game for Fort Worth, Sunday. - More than four coach loads followed their club to Fort Worth last Sunday. Watch Fort Worth, come over. - Cat Fish, Uncle Poker, Pick, Pretty Henry, Jim Shands, Pryor, Elihu and Dick Whitaker were seen in the park last Sunday. - It is regretted by the many fans and friends of Lee Jones to learn that he is not with the Black Giants. It was he who drafted and made the Fort Worth club for 1920. - Poor advertising knocked the owners out of more than five hundred dollars in last Sunday's game. Wake up your publicity man and swell your receipts. - Jno. Hamilton, last season's Giant's shortstop will report to Fort Worth as soon as school is out. - The Black Giant special headed by boss Whitaker carried four full coaches of fans and rooters to Fort Worth, last Sunday. Many others went via auto. - The Texas Colored League opens today with San Antonio at Beaumont; Wichita Falls at Waco; Fort Worth at Dallas and tomorrow Austin at Houston. - Owing to shortage in labor it was impossible to publish the Texas Colored League Schedule which was to appear in last week's issue. - The following is the line-up which you will see in action for 1920, with Fort Worth; Will Jones, Waddell Jones, Leroy Capes, Cornelius Rector; Jesse E. Ming; Ben Lee, Jesse Campbell, Jno Belfray, Willie Haynes, Johnson Hill, Bob Bailey, Charles Spearmon, Alvin Hudson, Chaney White."
April 24, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Dallas Black Giants - Base Ball Tickets - On sale at the following places: Whitaker's Cafe, Little Gem Drug Store, Dixson Cafe, Richerson Cafe and Green Parrot. Grand Stand, 75c; Reserved Seats, 30c; Box Seats, 35c."
March 6, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Sunny Weather Idolized by Dreaming Fans. - Big Problems Confronting Owners Practically Solved, New "Mac" Machine to be a Terror. - Warm weather of the past few weeks was an exact copy of spring in all of its glory. Old February was out there full of pep making fly chasers and infielders feel frisky as mid-summer kittens, the weather was really ideal and a limbering up and getting the kinks out process would have been much in evidence. Old sol between drinks gradually turned on the heat making shooting them across easy sailing. This warm sunshine hovered over the haunts of a sleeping fandom who was nested securely in his winter shell undisturbed by the wrath of icy winter and only to be aroused from the sweet land of slumber by the glaring rays of sunshine after which word was sent down the line: 'the gang's all here boys, where do we go from here?' Take me out to the ball game, Take me out to the Park. Buy me some peaunuts and crackerjacks. I don't care if I never come back. Here, hold on, wake up there! Are you sick, oh, no man I was dreaming say what time is it?' Time you was cutting out that noise, that's what. This is an interpretation of fan's nightly dreams. Practically all of the owners comprising the Texas Colored League have closed contracts for parks, Ft. Worth it is intimated has not considered negotiations. The park proposition has always been an (illegible) among Colored magnates for they are subjected to another man's orders. All Texas fans welcome, the re-entry of the Hiram McGar clan and figured by its entry into the loop means a year of knocking down and making the fur fly. 'Mac' is a full fledge base ball man and knows the game from a to z and with a club organized the McGar way means a drawing card when ever and where ever they play. Byrd Long, the veteran utility man is now located in Dallas and expects to become a fixture in somebody's infield this year. Long is a reliable hitter and is away the fleetiest on the paths. He plays any position on the infield with much precision. Pulliam, former catcher of Beaumont Black Oilers, a strapping youngster with a whip like rifle ball will don, a giants uniform and will be assigned to the catching department. Beaumont, Houston, San Antonio and Waco, have not been heard from. Local players are giving the salary limit much concern each one interested appear to be uniformed and seems to be some what disturbed over the matter."
March 27, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Mr. Enos Whitaker, owner of the Black Giants, is preparing to give his patrons the fastest club that ever represented Dallas."
Eddie Douglass, first sacker of the Brooklyn Royals, who went up from the Black Giants writes his ex-manager that he would like to again be in "Old London."
"Reuben Jones, a fast town lotter will cavort around the hot corner for the Black Giants."
"The Big New Yorker Dave Johnson was over last Wednesday conferring with Manager Whitaker and Captain Sloan of the Black Giants."
April 10, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Base Ball - By J.A. Austin - Play and Players, News Gathered Here and There and Diamond Dust. - Signed contracts of nearly all clubs have been returned to the various managers of clubs, the names of which will appear in a subsequent issue of this paper. The contracts are now in the office of the president. The league has adopted the policy of securing school boys to perform the duties of official scoremen. The work heretofore has been done by men. From the point of efficiency the work of the men in certain sections were satisfactory but for the high cost of living their services are not desired this year. The Dallas Express representative desires to state that if the new scheme proves of value to the League he will rejoice at the wisdom manifested by the brain of organization. The Dallas Black Giants will go on a barn storming trip to Fort Worth tomorrow to play the Black Panthers in the first of a season game. The Fort Worth contingent is composed of the following celebrities of the diamond. Leroy Capes, Cornelius Rector, ex-Giant J.E. Ming, Ben Lee, Jesse Campbell, John Belfrey, Willie Haynes, Clyde Britton, Johnson Hill, ex-Giant Charlie Spearmon, ex-Giant Chaney White, ex-Giant Oliver Hudson, Bob Bailey, ex-Giant and Lowry Jones, ex-Giant. Dallas Black Giants to line-up as follows: John (Black Son) Richardson, Vantine Harris, Bob Sloan, Dave Johnson, Byrd Long, Edwards, Reuben Jones, Ernest Record, Charlie Elder, H. Hamilton. Lewis Lofton, better known as Santop, a former Texas Leaguer and ex-Royal Giant was in Dallas, Monday. Mr. Lofton began his professional career with McGar's Wonders in 1909 and two years hence found him in Foster company, his first big league engagement was with the Lincoln Giants and from there to New York Royal Giants, a club he remained with until the termination of his 1919 contract. This year Santop will be a member of the famous Hilldale Club of Philadelphia. Lowery Jones of Austin, an ex-giant was in Dallas this week shaking hands with friends. Mr. Jones will play this year with McGar's Wonders at Fort Worth. Mr. Jones' friends wish him well in Fort Worth. Mr. S.C. Perkins, joint owner with J.C. Macklin of San Antonio franchise was in the city last week to confer with President Wells on matters pertaining to the league. The Black Giants will start the ball a going tomorrow at Fort Worth. Quite a large number of fans have expressed themselves as going over and root for the Giants. Base ball fans and players, visit Joe Asheley's shining parlor 1603-1-2 Jackson Street. Manager Whitaker and Captain Sloan express themselves as being well pleased with their 1920 Black Giants. Next Saturday will mark the opening of the Texas Colored League. Austin will open at Houston, Sunday the 18th; San Antonio will open at Beaumont Saturday the 17th; Wichita Falls at Waco and Fort Worth at Dallas, Saturday the 17th. Mr. John Black Son Richardson made a trip to Fort Worth last Sunday to give the once over of that Pantherville squad. Santop, first string catcher of the Hilldales of Philadelphia was in the city last Monday on a business mission. Elsewhere you will find in this issue the Texas Colored League official schedule, which will appear in four consecutive issues. The Dallad Black Giants and McGar Wonders of Fort Worth will open the season in Dallas with a big street parade at 12:15 sharp, lead by a squad of mounted police. The procession will form on Elm and Good Streets at the above stated hour and move West on Elm to Lamar, south on Lamar to Main, East on Main to Preston, South on Preston to Jackson, where it will disband. Game called promptly at 3:30 each day."
April 11, 1920
Dallas, TX
"On last Sunday at Fort Worth, marked the opening of the season with the wind blowing at a high rate. The Dallas Black Giants went down in defeat, playing the most ragged game ever seen in a first class park. The Black Giants were outclassed at every angle and were absolutely helpless at the hands of their over the river masters. Many rooters and fans made the pilgrimage to the Packing-townville to see what they had expected - a base ball game. Much to their regret the worst exhibition the Giants ever put up was seen at the Fort Worth park last week. Manager Whitaker's team played as if they had been struck by a solar-plexis blow in the squared ring or imbibing freely from a container filled with swig; and to say the least the aggregation did not do justice to Dallas's fans reputation; which is the best baseball burg in Texas and as always has been deserved the best club in Texas. Hits and base running from the Panther-burg swatsmen went galore, while poor fielding and no hitting characterized efforts of the Giants. Haynes mounted the hill for the McGar clan and went the full route, feeding the Giants at every turn able to solve his mystic delivery, hence he pitched his boys to victory with ease. Fred Daniels, an idol of local fandom was manager, Whitaker's selection to chop up the cunning Panther who was too cute and keen to be trapped. Showing clearly his inability to check the slaught of the Panthers-ville nine he was yanked in the 3rd and sent to the bench for more seasoning. Pitcher Edwards was sent in at this point and slightly checked the ramblings of the Wiley dark Panther who only gave but six runs and as many hits which was some improvement over the former Giant. The ragety exhibition put up by the giants showed that the visitors were not in harmony and the baloon were cut a loose early and at the command of the pilot of the Giant squad, they went soaring. With Kirby, Long and Haywood started at first with the block and tackle used in the first two, making themselves the goats of the travelers, with Dave Johnson bringing up a dismal play at short. Harris was plucked from the line-up and sent to the bench. Joe Jones, a local sand lotter, took his place sending Collins to left. In the declining end of this game the Fort Worth boys hit pitcher Edwards at will. Big Santop made his debut with a two bagger to right field, making an antelope of Bob Sloan. Chaney carried one within six inches, clearing left field fence for three bags, followed by Bailey, who carried one to the Star and was thrown out at the plate. Johnson Hill and Rector, each caught one on the nose for extra bases which took what life the Giants had in them and they never rallied no more. Fort Worth and Dallas will open the pennant race at Dallas next Saturday and Sunday - Notes of the Game. Pitcher Rector and Spearmon will open the game for Fort Worth, Sunday. - More than four coach loads followed their club to Fort Worth last Sunday. Watch Fort Worth, come over. - Cat Fish, Uncle Poker, Pick, Pretty Henry, Jim Shands, Pryor, Elihu and Dick Whitaker were seen in the park last Sunday. - It is regretted by the many fans and friends of Lee Jones to learn that he is not with the Black Giants. It was he who drafted and made the Fort Worth club for 1920. - Poor advertising knocked the owners out of more than five hundred dollars in last Sunday's game. Wake up your publicity man and swell your receipts. - Jno. Hamilton, last season's Giant's shortstop will report to Fort Worth as soon as school is out. - The Black Giant special headed by boss Whitaker carried four full coaches of fans and rooters to Fort Worth, last Sunday. Many others went via auto. - The Texas Colored League opens today with San Antonio at Beaumont; Wichita Falls at Waco; Fort Worth at Dallas and tomorrow Austin at Houston. - Owing to shortage in labor it was impossible to publish the Texas Colored League Schedule which was to appear in last week's issue. - The following is the line-up which you will see in action for 1920, with Fort Worth; Will Jones, Waddell Jones, Leroy Capes, Cornelius Rector; Jesse E. Ming; Ben Lee, Jesse Campbell, Jno Belfray, Willie Haynes, Johnson Hill, Bob Bailey, Charles Spearmon, Alvin Hudson, Chaney White. - With Dallas, Jno. Richard, Dave Johnson, Willie Collins, Charles Elder, Robert Sloan, Reuben Jones, Vastine Harris, Fred Daniels, Ernest Edwards, Willie Blunt."
April 17, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Fort Worth."
April 18, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Fort Worth."
April 19, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Fort Worth."
May 1, 1920
Wichita Falls, TX?
"Dallas vs Wichita Falls."
May 2, 1920
Wichita Falls, TX?
"Dallas vs Wichita Falls."
May 3, 1920
Wichita Falls, TX?
"Dallas vs Wichita Falls."
May 9, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs San Antonio."
May 10, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs San Antonio."
May 16, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Base Ball - Black Oilers Come for Two Games - Dallas bugs will be given their first chance of the season to give the Black Oilers that firey bunch from the city on neches the once over. In the coming of the Black Oilers, fans will also see in action one of the strongest Negro clubs south of the Mason and Dixon line. The club has a team of seasoned stars that can be accounted on anywhere and at any time. The home team is anxious to spring a surpise on the bus, in the two games with Beaumont, Sunday and Monday, May 16 and 17 by giving the bugs a spank brand new club. Manager Whitaker and his manager are combing the Woods for material with which to build a fighting machine worthy of recognition. Collins has been released and several other on the club will get the pink slip in time. If the scouts that are now scouring the brushes succeed in landing some good material, Giant stock will again soar in Dallas."
May 17, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Beaumont at Dallas"
May 22, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Black Giants and Panthers to Make Swing Around Loop - Will Invade Battle Grounds of Southern Warriors - The Dallas Black Giants left Saturday for Austin where they go for two games with Austin Senators on this trip they will invade the haunts of San Antonio, Beaumont and Houston, alternately and thus return to the home lot on or about June 15. The Giants machine has been thoroughly overhauled with the acquisition of several seasonable players and upon their return opinions of fans will be greatly changed as to their conduct on foreighn fields. Watch for them."
Dallas, TX
"Giants Conquered by Black Senators on First Sap Around the Loop. Puts Up Stiff Fight. But is Overpowered by Superior Pitching. - Austin, Texas, May 27. - In a fierce and exciting ten inning game the fast going Black Senators defeated the Dallas Black Giants here Saturday afternoon. The game was replete with fancy fielding and brilliant pitching. The Giants put up an excellent brand of baseball, but luck went against themand the home team won by a score of 3 to 2. Tank for the home club, outpitched Long, for the visitors in Sunday's game by holding the wicked stickmen of the Giants' crew while his teammates batted in enough runs to cinch a victory and thus the old game was again laid on ice for the home bugs by a count of 6 to 1. Batteries for Dallas in Sunday's game: Long and Richardson for Austin, Tank and Williams."
May 23, 1920
Austin, TX?
"Austin vs Dallas."
May 24, 1920
Austin, TX?
"Austin vs Dallas."
May 25, 1920
Austin, TX?
"Austin vs Dallas."
May 29, 1920
Houston, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
May 30, 1920
Houston, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
May 31, 1920
Houston, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
August 1, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
August 7, 1920
San Antonio, TX?
"Dallas vs San Antonio."
August 8, 1920
San Antonio, TX?
"Dallas vs San Antonio."
August 9, 1920
San Antonio, TX?
"Dallas vs San Antonio."
August 14, 1920
Houston, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
August 15, 1920
Houston, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
August 15, 1920
Houston, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
August 29, 1920
Fort Worth, TX
"Black Marines Split With Black Panthers - The Fort Worth Black Panthers and the Dallas Black Giants split a double-bill at Panther Park Sunday, the locals taking a first by a 5 to 0 count, but dropping the last by a score of 1 to 0. Harris held the Dallas outfit to two hits in the opener, while the locals were pounding Long almost at will. Both Richardson and Haynes pitched good ball in teh last game, but errors finally cost the Panthers the game. The same clubs play at Panther Park again this afternoon."
September 4, 1920
Wichita Falls, TX?
"Dallas vs Wichita Falls."
September 5, 1920
Wichita Falls, TX?
"Dallas vs Wichita Falls."
September 6, 1920
Wichita Falls, TX?
"Dallas vs Wichita Falls."
September 12, 1920
Fort Worth, TX
"Giants to Battle Chesty Panthers; Two Game Sunday - After a very successful invasion in Southern Texas, the Dallas Black Giants returned to local health to prepare for a three game series with McGar's Black Panthers, Saturday and Sunday, September 12 and 13, with a double header Sunday. In their clash recently over at Pantherville resulted as follows first game went 5 to 0 in favor of the Panthers, second contest was a 1 to 0 affair with the Giants on the big end of the count and the third battle favored the Panthers by a score of 1 to 0. These clubs are evenly matched and both are running true to form and when they meet on the field of battle there is going to be an old time rough and tumble battle jammed full of fight and scrap. Proxy Dave Johnson the local skipper has his ponies keyed to a high pitch and has given orders to treat 'em rough. The local team has a new twirler that will be seen in action and his name is Sox. It is said that Sox can pitch. The big boy heaves from the right side and can mix 'em well. Shanks Williams, Persons, Hamilton constitute a strong infield, Sloan, Harris, and Jones in the outer garden. Daniels, Long and Sox make up a trio of box men and Richardson doing the bulk of the catching. The team is working like clock work and demands respect from the other boys. Sunday promises two real hot battles as the Panthers are a well balanced outfit and they too are going great."
September 14?, 1920
Fort Worth, TX
"Black Panthers Also are Pennant Winners - The Fort Worth Black Panthers closed the season in the Negro Texas League Monday, defeating the Dallas Black Giants in the final game, 2 to 1, and winning the flag by a single game. Steel Arm Johnnie Harris took the mound for the locals and held the Black Giants well in hand throughout the struggle. The past season has been the most successful ever known in the Black circuit, and officials of the clubs are expecting next year to be even brighter, according to Hiram McGar, owner of the Black Panthers."
June 5, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas and Wichita on June 5"
June 6, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
June 7, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
June 12, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Beaumont at Dallas."
Austin, TX?
"Austin vs Dallas."
June 13, 1920
Austin, TX?
"Austin vs Dallas."
Dallas, TX
"Base ball - By J. Alba Austin - Beaumont Oilers will mix in a three game series with the Giants Sunday and Monday, June 13 and 14, at Gardner Park with a double header Monday. In the coming of the Oilers fans may expect to see a real ball game, as the Oilers are a tough bunch and the Giants' Machine is fastly rounding into a formidable outfit and in the contest some classy stuff will be dished out to local bugs. Ruben Jones has his eyes on the ball. Hamilton, the local popular short fielder is expecting some clever stunts with the stick. Jerry Williams the Giants star second sacker, is smashing the bean at a teriffic clip. Vash Harris is rounded into a high-class fly chaser. His work in left garden Sunday was somewhat spectacular. His sensational running catch Sunday saved the Giants from a much earlier defeat. Daniel's work in the box Sunday was a clever bit of hurling. He has the kick in that right soup bone. Mr. Cohen, proprietor of Cohen's Millinery and Ready-to-wear is an enthusiastic follower of base ball. He has put up a prize for the first batter who hits the fence clearly on either side with a batted ball, will be rewarded by him a $5.00 bill. Mr. Cohen made similar offers to Colored teams last year. The Giants are 40 per cent stronger now than at any time during the organization of the machine."
June 14, 1920
Dallas, TX
"Beaumont at Dallas."
June 19, 1920
Fort Worth, TX?
"Austin vs Fort Worth."
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Waco."
June 20, 1920
McKinney, TX
"Houston and Dallas Play at McKinney, June 20."
June 26, 1920
Beaumont, TX?
"Dallas vs Beaumont."
June 27, 1920
Beaumont, TX?
"Dallas vs Beaumont."
June 28, 1920
Beaumont, TX?
"Dallas vs Beaumont."
July 4, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Wichita Falls vs Dallas."
July 11, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Fort Worth."
July 12, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Fort Worth."
July 25, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Waco."
July 26, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Dallas vs Waco."
July 29, 1920
Fort Worth, TX
"Black Panthers Lose With Four Cripples - Although four regulars, Williams, Johnson, Harris and Hudson were out of the lineup because of sickness, the crippled Black Panthers made a game effort to hold the Dallas Black Marines, Thursday, but lost. Score 10 to 5. The Black Panthers are still leading the Texas Negro League with a percentage of 750. The same teams play Friday and Saturday at 4:20 p.m."
July 30, 1920
Fort Worth, TX
"Black Panthers Win; to Meet Oilers Next - The Black Panthers had a tighter hold on first place in the Texas Negro League, Saturday, by reason of their victory Friday over the Dallas Black Marines. Score 7 to 1. The same teams play again Saturday at 4:30 p.m. The Beaumont Black Oilers come here to open a series Sunday and will play two games Sunday afternoon, the first game starting at 3 o'clock. Steel Arm Johnny Harris was in fine form Friday afternoon and let the Marines down with four scattered hits."
July 31, 1920
Dallas, TX?
"Houston vs Dallas"
Fort Worth, TX
"Black Panthers and Bears in Double Bill - The Black Panthers, playing at Panther Park in the absence of the prospective champions of the Texas League, were also winners Saturday. They defeated the Black Marines of Dallas, 3 to 2, and thereby obtained a stranglehold on first place in the Texas Negro League. The Black Bears of San Antonio, who have always given the Black Panthers a hard fight, will open a series here this afternoon. A double header will be played, the first game starting at 3 o'clock."