Sunday, June 1, 2014 Last Update: 11:09 AM ET
Los Angeles, CA
"Those Lincoln Giants - More excitement for the mob. Plenty of it. Gobs and reams of it. The Lincoln Giants are coming. And who are the Lincoln Giants? All right, we'll tell you. Is there a veteran ball fan in town who does not recall with glee and joy the invasions of the Leland Giants and the American Giants some years back, when Bill Palmer had Athletic park in its heyday? Member Chappie Johnson, Joe Green and Monroe, that funny pair, Lloyd, the slugger, Pete Hill, the colored Cobb; that remarkable outfield of Duncan, Hill and Jesse Barber; Bruce Petway, the long, lean catcher with the arm of a rifle; Cyclone Joe Williams, whose speed exceeded that of Walter Johnson; Wickware, Gatewood, Pat Dougherty, the left-sided shooter, Spitballer Johnson, Pierce, the demon first sacker; Hutchinson, the shortstopping wonder, and last, but not least, old Rube Foster, his hands a mass of sparkles and billing himself as the Black Matthewson? Darktown's heroes of the diamond. That's them. Well, it's the same sort of a combination that's winding its way Westward via Santa Fe and is due in Los Angeles this afternoon. The Chicago Licoln Giants, they call themselves. Their lineup has not been supplied, but as they mopped up the rest of the Eastern colored talent last season it is to be presumed they are some babies and it would not be surprising to see several familiar colored faces grouped in the cluster of coal which will shortly be unloaded at the stadium for Tom Downey to worry about. For don't you think these colored babies can't play ball. The statements has been made time and time again, and by no less authorities than John McGraw, Kid Gleason, Clark Griffith and other gentlemen who should know, that were not the negro ball player barred from organized ball no less than 10 members of the Chicago Lincoln Giants would be playing big league ball. We can have the opportunity to judge for ourselves soon. When black and white clash even the stars come out in the daytime to have a look."
"Lincoln Giants, Colored Champs, May Play Sunday - Whether the Chicago Lincoln Giants or the Dyas ball club will play at the stadium next Sunday afternoon will be determined this afternoon in Los Angeles, when representatives of the three clubs will confer. The Chicago Lincoln Giants, colored baseball champions of the world, are due in Los Angeles this afternoon from Chicago. They are coming to the Pacific Coast for the Winter and have wired the San Diego club for the first date available. Manager Downey immediately attempted to book them for the coming Sunday and the result of his mission will be known this afternoon. The Lincoln Giants cleaned up the East during the past baseball season and their victories in Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, New York and Cuba placed them at the top fo the colored clubs of the country. Several members of the club have played in San Diego with the Chicago Leland Giants or Rube Foster's Chicago American Giants, both of which Wintered here several seasons back. In event Downey is unable to call off the contest with the Dyas club, which had been previously scheduled, the Lincoln Giants will make their first appearance here Christmas week. They are booked here for a two or three-game series on dates in the holiday week. Bill Goodman has strengthened his Dyas outfit in even they are to come down Sunday and promises to take the San Diego club into tow and even the series, which now stands two victories for San Diego and one for Dyas. Dyas will come with three pitchers, Pertica, Piercy and Cowan, the latter a rookie with the Boston Braves, who is said to be possessed with untold speed and hooks. A new practice diamond has been acquired by the Shipbuilders. A ball lot was finished near the shipyards Monday and Downey's athletes perform there thrice weekly by way of keeping in shape. It is Dawson't turn to pitch Sunday and regardless of whether the Lincoln Giants or the Dyas men are played. 'Joe' is scheduled to hurle the apple, leaving Ken Penner in reserve."