June 13, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Cuban Stars June 6. - All Chicago is wild over the coming of the Cuban Stars June 6. This is the team that for years has played the American Giants a bang-up game. These boys have a number of friends here and it is hard to tell at times who has the greatest number of supporters, the Giants or the Cubans. Enghusiasm runs high whenever they play. The players and lineup will appear in next week's issue of this column. Box seats can now be secured for the coming series. Order now. - Visitors See the Giants. - Visitors coming to Chicago during the summer should make it their duty, those who love America's greatest sport, to see the American Giants baseball team. It is the greatest baseball club in the world. The daily papers claim that Mr. Foster has the most finished ball players now before the public. While the Chicagoans can boast of their White Sox and Cubs, we can boast of our American giants, who have won twenty-five straight games, with several men batting in the 300 class."
Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.'s Are Beaten in Speedy Contest - Colored Champions Put Up Great Battle, But Cubans Finish on Long End of 4-3 Score - Sensational Fielding. - The A.B.C.'s were defeated by the Cuban Stars Sunday at Northwestern Park, 4 to 3, in the fastest game that has been played at the local park this season. The fielding of both teams was sensational throughout the contest. DeMoss, Clark, Chacon, Rios and Pedroso featured in the field. The Cubans touched Dismukes rather lively, while Pereda held the local champs safe, except in the sixth when Charleston knocked a home run with two on bases.
June 14, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.'s Defeat the Cuban Team, 5 to 4 - Local Colored Champions Even Up With Islanders - Dicta Johnson Fans Eight Batsmen - Game Goes Six Innings. - The Cuban Stars were defeated in a six-inning game Monday at Northwestern Park by the A.B.C.'s 5 to 4. Both teams played fast games in the field. Dicta Johnson fanned eight of the Cubans in the six innings."
June 15, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"Cubans Beaten Again. - Tom Johnson, on Mound for A.B.C.'s Keeps Hits Scattered and Wins 7 to 2. - Tom Johnson's pitching was too much for the Cuban Stars Tuesday at Northwestern Park, the A.B.C.'s winning 7 to 2, making it two out of three. Although the Islanders outbatted the local champs, Johnson kept his hits scattered, holding them to one hit an inning after the first."
June 16, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.'s Win Out in Fast Contest, 2 to 1. - Dismukes Outpitches Junco in Hot Battle. - The Cuban Stars and the A.B.C.s played another fast game Wednesday at Northwestern Park, the local boys winning 3 to 1. Both Junco and Dismukes hurled great ball, the latter having a shade the better of the argument. The Islanders' tally was the result of a home run by Jiminez."
June 23, 1915
West Baden, IN
"Cubans Defeat Sprudels. - West Baden, Indiana, June 23. - The Sprudels got back from a road trip today and lost to the Cuban Stars."
June 25, 1915
Lafayette, IN
"Cubans Beat A.B.C.'s. - Lafayette, Indiana, June 25. - In a fast and exciting game the Cuban All-Stars today, at League Park, defeated the A.B.C. team of Indianapolis, 3 to 2. Both teams fielded fast, but pitcher Junco of the All-Stars excelled in the pinches.
Indianapolis, IN
"Cubans Held to One Hit and Are Beaten - Dicta Johnson Has the Better of a Pitching Duel with Pareda and The A.B.C.'s Win by Score of 2 to 1. - Dicta Johnson Has the Better of a Pitching Duel with Pareda and The A.B.C.'s Win by Score of 2 to 1. - The A.B.C.'s defeated the Cuban Stars, 2 to 1, Friday, at Northwestern Park. Bowser's champions jumped on Paredo for eleven hits, it being the first time the local team has been able to defeat the crack hurler. The pitching of Dicta Johnson featured. He allowed the Islanders but one hit. In each of seven of the nine innings, but three players faced him."
June 26, 1915
Kokomo, IN
"Cubans Lead, 2 to 1, When Game is Called in Sixth. - Kokomo, Indiana, June 26. - A cloud burs of no mean proportions this afternoon broke up the game between the Indianapolis A.B.C.'s and the Cuban All-Stars at the end of the sixth inning, when the score stood 2 to 1 in favor of the A.B.C.'s. When the cloudburst occurred, the A.B.C.'s were at bat with two out and Charleston on first."
Indianapolis, IN
"Cubans Held to One Hit and Are Beaten - Dicta Johnson Has the Better of a Pitching Duel with Pareda and The A.B.C.'s Win by Score of 2 to 1. - Dicta Johnson Has the Better of a Pitching Duel with Pareda and The A.B.C.'s Win by Score of 2 to 1. - The A.B.C.'s defeated the Cuban Stars, 2 to 1, Friday, at Northwestern Park. Bowser's champions jumped on Paredo for eleven hits, it being the first time the local team has been able to defeat the crack hurler. The pitching of Dicta Johnson featured. He allowed the Islanders but one hit. In each of seven of the nine innings, but three players faced him."
June 27, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"The A.B.C. Score Book. - In addition to the return of the Cuban Stars at Northwestern Park Sunday, June 27, Robert H. Johnson, publisher of the A.B.C. score book will give a pair of Walk-a-Flight shoes to the person holding the lucky numbered scorebook, each book being numbered. Look for your number in red ink in your score book. There are also two other prizes given on Sunday's game. Five passes will be given on each week day game for the next following game."
Indianapolis, IN
"Cuban Stars Defeat the A.B.C.s in Flashy Game - Islanders Wind Up on Long End of 9-to-6 Score. - Before a record crowd at Northwestern Park Sunday the Cuban Stars defeated the A.B.C.'s in a slugfest, 9 to 6. Both clubs hit the ball hard, each using two pitchers. Parpetti was the star with the stick, two triples and a home run being his share. The fielding of both teams was sensational, Chacon, Clark, Allen and Charleston doing great work. Charleston made two remarkable running one-hand catches."
June 28, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"Cubans Again Hit Out Victory Over the A.B.C.s - Islanders Make 13 Hits Go for 22 Bases and Win, 9 to 3 - Losers Ahead on Series. - The Cuban Stars had on their batting clothes again Monday at Northwestern Park, defeating the A.B.C.'s, 9 to 3. Thirteen hits were good for twenty-two. Villa, Rodriguez and Chacon starred with the willow."
June 29, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.s Again Fall in Clash With the Cubans - Local Champs Drive One Pitcher Out, But Are Beaten by Islanders - Score 6 to 3. - The Cubans defeated the A.B.C.'s, 6 to 3, Tuesday at Northwestern Park, evening up the series, both clubs having won five games. The local champs forced Torrienti to retire in the fourth, scoring three runs. Junco held Bowser's club safe the remainder of the game, only sixteen batters facing him in five innings. Steel Arm Taylor's Louisville White Sox play at the local Park July 4, 5, 6 and 7."
June 30, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"Cubans Win Again. - Islanders Bat Out Six Runs in Fifth Inning - Thereby Hangs the Tale. - The A.B.C.s were defeated by the Cuban Stars again Wednesday at Northwestern Park, 11 to 8. The Islanders took kindly to T. Johnson's delivery in the fifth inning, batting out six runs. The feature of the game was the batting of Jiminez. DeMoss's and Clark's fielding also featured."
July 1, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"A.B.C.'s and Cubans to Play Benefit Game July 1. - Thomas Bowser, owner of the A.B.C.s, Indianapolis crack colored team, has arranged with the Cuban Stars for a benefit game to be played at Northwestern Park Thursday, July 1. The entire receipts will be turned over to the Charity Hospital fund. The hospital is located at North Missouri and West Fifteenth Streets."
July 3, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Base Ball Notes. - Remember, the game begins at 3:30 o'clock. Order you ticket now. - Gatewood struck out eight men on Sunday. He is doing some fine twirling these pretty cool days. - Barber got three hits off Criss last Sunday. Barber is one of the best stick men on the team. - Duncan, left fielder, who has been ill, will be in the game during the series for the American Giants. - Miss Martha Bailey, of Flint, Michigan, and Mrs. Gertrude Allen, of Washington, D.C., occupiec boxes last Sunday at the Giants' Park. - Allison is the name of the new catcher for the American Giants. He is from Nashville, Tennessee, and is a number one ball player. - Mrs. Celia Lambert, of Springfield, Illinois, a successful business young woman of that city, sat in box 24 and enjoyed the Giants' victory. - Col. Franklin A. Denison and Lieutenant William Adams, of the Eighth Regiment, were interesting spectators in a box at the game last Sunday. - One of the fans counted as a regular at the park is Mr. George Holt. He never misses a game and says the Giants always look good to him. - Mrs. Susie Brown, Miss Hazel Winburn and Mrs. Fannie Roberts, of Kokomo, Indiana, sat in a box on last Sunday to see the Giants down the Roselands. - Uncle Rube has pitched several games this season and has not lost a game. He says he is good for a good many more seasons. As a manager, the critics rank him as the best in the country. - If you want to see a bevy of good looking women, just go to the park during these series and on Sunday and holidays. The best dressed women of the city attend these games and they sure look good. - There are quite a number of Cubans in this city. They have formed a club and will be on hand next week to cheer their boys on to victory. They are firmly of the belief that Rube won't have a ghost of the show during the series. - Molina, with his big panama hat, will be on the job Sunday. Some of the Chicago girls claim he is one of the handsomest men that visit this city. He is one affable and courteous gentleman and the girls seem to like those characteristics. - The crowds will be so large Sunday that automobile men have decided to run their cars from 25th and State streets to the park for twenty five cents. This is a quick and safe way to get to the park as well as to enjoy a delightful drive for a few moments. Webb has three cars running every Sunday."
Chicago, IL
"Cubans Beat Giants, 6 to 1. - The Cubans made their ... appearance in Chicago Sunday.. and defeated the Americans in the opening game of the series at American Gaints park, 6 to 1. Junco, the Cubans pitcher, held the Giants to three hits, two of which came in the seventh inning, and scored their only run. The Cubans scored one run in the ... inning without the aid of... Wickware's wildness turning the tide, They sewed up the game in the seventh, when Junco opened the inning with a single, which was followed by ... Jiminez and Torrienti and a double by Villa. This fusillade scored four runs."
July 4, 1915
Chicago, IL
"The Cuban Stars Win Three Straights From the American Giants. - Chicago, Illinois, July 7. - Never before in the history of this city were there as many colored people to see a game of baseball as there were on July 4 when the American Giants played their second game in the series between the Giants and the Cuban Stars. Early in the day the clouds hovered the city of Chicago, but the weather man said fair but cool. But at the time the game was called not a cloud was in sight and the weather man predicted truthfully an ideal day. It was just cool enough to draw a ripple of perspiration in the sun. Long before noon the fans began to arrive at the park. They came in taxis, jitney buses, automobiles, carriages and street cars and many walked, the number being 1,000, the biggest ever to attend this park. The crowd stretched around by the score board, it was the Cubans' day. The first score was 4 to 1. It was their second win having won on Suday, July 3. It was an airtight game throughout. Mr. Foster was in the box. he played a splendid game but it was a few costly errors that cost him the game. He not only pitched a great game but was the only man to score on ... On balls, he stole to second, J... the ball, Rube went to third. ..bled and Rube went galloping home. In the fourth inning, the Cubans scored on errors of 'Peggy,' Barber and Anderson. It was in the eighth inning the Cubans did their dirty work. ... in the grand stand a Cuban ... with his Cuban flag. He was cheering his boys to victory. Rube .. a man, then a hit batsman... the last one being a double by .. that was misjudged by J... the Cubans three runs, Cubans were there by the thousands and they roared and roared so loud that they could be heard at the City Hall. Rube Foster struck out four men and ... struck out four. The Giants had only four hits while the Cubans .. Wickware and Gatewood were ... as pinch men in the ninth ... doing."
July 5, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Cubans Win Third Straight. - The Cuban Stars won their third game against the American Giants on Tuesday of this week. One of the largest weekday crowds of the season was present at the game. Whitworth was in the box for the Giants and costly errors lost the game."
Chicago, IL
"Cubans 4, American Giants 1."
July 8, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Gatewood Stops Sequence of Cuban Victories, 7-0. - Big Bill Gatewood pitched the American Giants to their first victory over the Cubans Thursday, July 8, when the home team at Schorling's Park went a 7 to 0 contest. Only three hits were chalked against Gatewood, while Junco was hit eight times. Two costly errors and a lot of loose fielding gave the Giants over half of their tallies unearned. The next game will be staged tomorrow."
July 11, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Cubans Here For One Week. - The Cuban Stars will be here Sunday, July 4, and remain until July 11. The team with Mr. Molina, their manager, will arrive in the city today for a week's battle royal. This is the team that gives the fans a run for their money. More people go to see this team than any other semi-pro team that comes to Chicago. They have been in the East ever since the first of the season, playing all the leading teams in that section. They have sent word that they are coming to wear out the Giants, as they have the best team since they have been coming to the States. That the team is expected to draw large crowds is evidenced by the extra precaution that has been taken by Mr. Schorling. He has ordered extra chairs. It is expected that 10,000 people will witness the game on Sunday and that many more on Monday, which is a holiday. Those wishing seats had better order them today. To be ready for the Giants, Mr. Foster has had his team at the park every day practicing. These series will be a battle royal for supremacy. For real, fast, scientific ball playing, don't faill to see these series."
Chicago, IL
"The Cuban Stars Take Series From American Giants. - Gatewood is the Only One to Stop the Islanders - Play One Game to a Draw - 8,000 People saw Game Last Sunday - American Giants Play Indianapolis Sunday - The Lincoln Giants Will Be Here July 31 - White Sox to Return - Interesting Notes on Baseball from the Windy City. - (By Cary B. Lewis.) - Chicago, Illinois, July 14. - There was another record breaking crowd at the double header Sunday at the American Giants Park. It was the fifth game in the series of the Giants vs The Cuban Stars. The Cubans won the first game and tied in the sixth inning and the two teams played great ball up to the tenth inning when the game was called by Umpire Goekle on account of darkness. Wickware was on the slab in the first game and a sudden attack of slabs drove him from the mound and Gatewood went in. He was not there long before Whitworth held them down when the score reached 10 to 4. The best game was the last one when Rube went to the mound. The Giants lost the game on errors at short and home plate, two positions badly in need of good men. Foster did some fine work, displaying brilliant baseball knowledge. Torrienti was sent to the bench for kicking to Umpire Goekle. The spunky Cuban donned his street clothes and came to the bench again. He was admonished to leave but not until an officer of the law invited him to the grandstand. During the intermission Mr. Schorling did not issue any passes to go outside. There was no such thing as going across the street to get any 'tea.' this had been cut out entirely this year, so govern yourselves accordingly. The crowds this season have been exceedingly large, but there has been entirely too much noise on part of some of the fans, not in the bleachers but in the grandstand. Mr. Foster should instruct the officers to see that these loud mouth bolsterous people should deport themselves as sane people. There can be as much quiet here as there is at the big league if the managers would only require it."
July 12, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Cuban Rally Beats Gaints. - Five hits in a row, with two errors, enabled the Cubans to sew up their last game with the American Giants at Schorling's Park, Monday, July 12, giving them the series, five out of six games. The final count was 6 to 0. Big Bill Gatewood was chosen to hurl for the Giants, but he was warmly received, twelve hits being made off Sunday's defeat, where he was knocked off the hill, by holding the home team to four scattered hits."
July 18, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Cubans 6, Chicago Giants 0."
July 20, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Cubans Defeat Chicago Giants. - Errors of Dixon Gibes Inlanders Most of Their Runs. - (By Cary B. Lewis.) - Chicago, Illinois, July 20. - The Chicago Giants came on the scene for the first time this season at Schorling's Park last Sunday and received a shutout from the Cuban Stars by a score of 6 to 0. Inability to hit the curves of Pedroso was the cause of the defeat of the home team. Dixon allowed the Cubans only five hits, one of them being a scratch. In the sixth inning with two out Jackson's wild heave let in two tallies, while Dixon's drop of a thrown ball, cost three more counts."
July 24, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"It's amusing to see the Cubans go up in the air, then they get to scraping in the air, then they get to scrapping a fly in center field. When he came to bat Ums called a strike, he fumed and what he said in Cuban we were not close enough to hear. At any rate it was enough for Geokle to send him to the bench."
July 25, 1915
Indianapolis, IN
"Cubans to Play Giants Sunday. - The Cubans are to play the American Giants on Sunday. This will be the second series of games between these two teams. Rube now has confidence that he can beat the Islanders and a battle royal is expected. - All last week there were White Sox, Cub, and Federal players at the games of the Cuban Giants. The Cubans are great drawing cards. They play from the beginning to the finish. - Even though they are not on their beat, there are enough policemen who visit the American Giants park to keep decent order among the loud mouth fans who are so annoying to spectators. - Rube put up a great stall on Sunday sparring for time - darkness was near and in the next inning the game was called. We all take our hats off to Mr. Foster for he has all parts of 'em."
Chicago, IL
"American Giants and Cuban Stars in Second Series. - Cuban Stars Take First Game and American Giants Second - Third Game a Tie - Teams to Play the Remainder of the Week - Ladies Attend Game in Large Numbers. - By Cary B. Lewis. - Chicago, Illinois, July 28. - Rube Foster has imported a new pitcher, Tom Johnson, and he is some pitcher, and he has a new catcher, Jones. Both are young and full of ginger and know the game. They were entered in the first game of the series of the Cuban Stars on last Sunday and there was an overflow crowd to see the game. Foster had the game sewed up to the seventh inning, the score being 1 to 0. In the eighth, a squeeze play with men on bases with a bum chuck by Rube allowed both of the Cubans to score. It was a pitcher's battle, Junco doing some fine work at the mound. McNair, who is doing some good work with the stick, made a two-bagger. It was an interesting game but the home fans were disappointed with the score of 3 to 1 in favor of the Islanders."
July 26, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Monday's Game. - Monday was ladies' day, a fine crowd was present to see Foster crush the Cuban Stars in their second game of the series. Gatewood was in the box and the tall, handsome chap was in fine form. His stunning looking wife sat in the box and her encouragement made the southpaw bring home the bacon at a tune of 10 to 2. The Cubans fielded poorer than at any time they have been seen in this city. Paredo became sore because the umpire called a ball fair that came across third base and afterwards threw two straight balls over the grand stand. Malina came to the diamond and sent him to the dressing room and Pedroso finished the game."
July 27, 1915
Chicago, IL
"Tuesday's Game a Tie. - The Cubans and American Giants played a tie game on Tuesday and the game was called on account of darkness. The same teams play all the week."
July 31, 1915
Kokomo, IN
"Homer Beats A.B.C.s. - Kokomo, Indiana, July 31. - In a fast exhibition game here this afternoon, the Cuban All-Stars defeated the Indianapolis A.B.C.s, 2 to 1. Jeffries, twirling for the Indianapolis aggregation, was slightly off color and fanned one of the Cubans, while Guco struck out three. The chattering Islanders did not bring across any scores until the fifth, when Dorendo put one far over the right field fence and brought in Chacon."