June 18, 1916
New York, NY
"The Long Branch Cubans Take the Measure of Lincoln Stars in an Exciting Sunday Baseball Contest. - By Jack Trotter - Special to the Freeman. - New York City. - Special. - After having been kept indoors for the past two weeks through the inclemency of the weather, New Yorkers at the first sign of a rift of sunshine and a dry seat upon which to sit turned out in masses last Sunday, thronging the parks of both baseball teams, the Lincoln Stars and the Lincoln Giants, to crowded capacities. Captain Pettus' Lincoln Stars, fresh from a few days' trip upstate, where they gathered together an armful of victories, clashed on their home grounds with the sensational Long Branch Cubans, dropping after two exciting contests both ends of the double-header. The Cubans took the first game by the score of 11 to 5 and the last by 7 to 3."
July 16, 1916
New York, NY
"Long Branch Cubans Take the Lincoln Stars into Camp in an Exciting Doubleheader. - Even with the wonderful hitting of Charleston and Miller, the Lincoln Stars failed to garner enough stick work from its other members to carry them over the line of a double defeat at the hands of the Long Branch Cuban Giants in last Sunday's games. The first game was won by the visitors by the score of 9 to 6. The second game went twelve innings before the Cubans pushed a man around to home plate scoring a winning run."
Manhattan, NY
"The Long Branch Cubans and the Lincoln Stars played a great twelve inning contest at Lenox Oval on Sunday afternoon. The Lincolns had a great chance to win in the twelve innings. Afterward, Pettus, Santop and Miller hit safely, Munoz struck out Langford, Thompson and Sykes. The series between the Lincoln Stars and the Long Branch Cubans now stands nine to eight in favor of the Lincoln Stars."
July 19, 1916
Manhattan, NY
"Lincoln Stars Defeat Long Branch Cubans. - Lincoln Stars Defeat Long Branch Cubans. - New York, July 19. - The Lincoln Stars, the Colored champions of the world, had no trouble in defeating the Long Branch Cubans here today by a score of six to one. This gives the Lincolns a two game lead in the series for the independent championship of the East. The Lincolns will start on a tour of the middle West on Thursday."
July 29?, 1916
Manhattan, NY
"At Lenox Oval - The Long Branch Cubans scored a double victory at Lenox Oval yesterday defeating the Cuban Reds in the first game, 6 to 0, and trouncing the Bronx Athletics in the second game, 12 to 0. The victors hit the ball hard in both contests. The Long Branch Cubans will play McLean's All Stars a double header next Sunday."